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irfan_ali Wednesday, August 20, 2008 10:35 AM

A general misconception
Psychoses is a type of mental failure, whereas, neuroses is associated with cultural deviation (a misconception): a norm may be accepted in one society but not in other. Both affect the personal and social life of humans. In psychoses humans become unconscious of their self-esteem and there objectivity is curbed. In addition, there goals are not accepted by society and even by themselves. They may become wild in their behavior or their mental functions may disorder. But there is misconception that these disorders are more dependent on cultural norms which questions about the deviance. In a nutshell, this all affect humans ability to maintain a balance in the polarities of life.

N.Oad Monday, November 29, 2010 08:10 PM

Issues with above percis
One of major rule is not to use first person pronoune.. but I see most of guys using first person.. which seems a major draw back. Just to let you know...


muhammad imran sethi Monday, November 29, 2010 08:21 PM

A delicate balance between conflicting demands at different levels of mind is what maintains sanity.This is the function of ego.When either ego stops functioning at the level of consciousness or different defence stategies fail to fill the void of ego,mental illnesses ranging from psychosis to neurosis result.Again in these disorders one mental capability dominates at expense of others.Therefore a person is unable to make balanced judgment.In the ultimate analysis mental disorders represent cessation of efforts towards realization of self.Thus seemingly abnormal overt behaviour in a particular culture may not necessarily represent a mental illness.

esha zaid Saturday, March 05, 2011 12:01 PM

influence of different languages
with the passage of time,we should finish poverty by hard working.regional language should be imposed instead of allocating modern language.the time is going on fastly.we should educate children in their ease language

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