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Old Friday, November 16, 2012
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sehrish jamal is on a distinguished road
Default Terrorism In Pakistan(Seniors please check my essay)

Terrorism in Pakistan
1. Introduction
2. Definition of terrorism
3. What is terrorism?
4. Islams response to terrorism
5. Causes of terrorism:
1-Socio economic causes
I. Injustice
2. Illiteracy
3. Overpopulation
4. Unemployment
5. No rule of law
6. Poverty
7. Inflation
8. Corruption
9. Dissatisfaction
10. Food insecurity
11. Inequality
12. Mismanagement
13. Lack of accountability
14. Favoritism
2. Political Causes
1. Political instability
2. Democratic failures
3. Clash between executive and judiciary
4. Absence of law and order
5. Influx of refugees
6 . Weaponisation
7. Drug trafficking
8. Mass massacre
9. Political gains
10. Feudalism
Religious causes:
1. Religious intolerance
2. Secterianism
3. Role of religious madressahs.
4. Religious elites indulgence in corruption
5. Misunderstanding of religion
6. Futile desire of heaven
7. Portray negative image
8. Material gains
9. Selfish motives
External causes
1. Afghanistan War 1979
2. Iranian Revolution
3. War on Terrorism9/11
4. External influence
5. International conspiracies
6. Role played by India
Factors Instigating Terrorism
1. Anti –terrorism campaign
2. Drone strikes
3. Negligence of Government
4. Persecution of innocent Muslims
.Kashmir issue
.Palestine issue
5. Impacts of terrorism
1. Insecurity
2. Political Instability
3. Infrastructure damage
4. Economic turmoil
5. Civilians loss
6. Diminishing Tourism
7. Declining FDI

6. Steps Recommended By Government:
Ban on Terror Boosting Organizations
Operation Rah-e-Nijat
Operation Rah-e-Rast
7. Triangular Relationship to Curb Terrorism:

8. Efforts to Vacate By 2014:
9. Critical Analysis
10. Conclusion

God has created this beautiful world with immense love and kindness. With Enormous affection Allah Almighty has given birth to his lovable creatures. He has given multiple colors to this world. He has formed Rivers, Oceans, Mountains, Stars and several other creations for the pleasure of mankind. He has given millions of shades to this mortal world. All are made for the gratification of human beings. Unfortunately, Human beings did not understand the motives of the creation of this world. Destruction and turmoil have become the fashion of the day. Terrorism is the gravest foam of destruction and disaster. It damages the internal as well as external infrastructure of every country. Insecurity and mental pressure have created a sense of self deprivation among masses.
At present, Pakistan has been facing the gigantic problem of terrorism. It has become the fashion of the day. It is regarded as headache for federation and a nightmare for public. It has colossal roots which spread inside the internal as well as external boundaries of Pakistan. Although it is global issue yet Pakistan has to bear the brunt of it. Pakistan’s involvement in war against terrorism has further fuel the fire. We are facing war like situation in Pakistan .This daunting situation is caused due to several factors. These factors included the followings which are summarized as below: Political instability, social injustice, inequality, self deprivation, religious intolerance, external hands and international conspiracies.
The term terrorism has been used millions of times around the whole globe. It is pertinent to know about the meaning of this soul trembling word. Terrorism is a use of force to create harassment. It is also used to create an environment of fear and violence. Basically there is no Specific definition of the term terrorism. International law has no definition to define or elaborate this term. Use of Authority for personal gains is also indicating towards terrorism.
A handful of people who have their vicious interests to fulfill have not only taken the lives of millions of innocent lives but also defamed the pious image of Islam. Terrorist’s acts like suicide bombings have become norm of the day. On account of these attacks Pakistan is suffering from huge loss ranging from civilian to economics. People have become numerical figure blowing up in every minute.
Terrorists have not left any place vacant. They spread around the whole country. Markets, shrines, mosques, hotels, gardens and educational institutes all are now under the thumb of just one click of terrorists. They blasted everything. They are responsible for the innocent lives of people. They hold special place in hell.
Islam is the pious religion around the whole orb. Purity of Islam reflects from the teachings of Holy Prophet PbUH.It always gives the message of peace , prosperity , kindness, justice, equality and love. Islam forbids all kinds of corrupt activities. Massacre of innocent lives are highly reprehensible in Islam. Committing cruel activities are forbidden in pious religion Islam. Islam openly negated terrorism.
Religion of Islam Advocates freedom, peace, mutual disagreement and admonishes aggression.
Now let’s have a cursory look on the following verses of holy Quran which indicates the fact.
“Do not aggress; God dislikes the aggressors”.
On another place holy Quran clearly says, “You shall resort to pardon, advocate tolerance and disregard the ignorant”.
In Islam an immense emphasizes has been laid upon love and sympathy towards all creatures. God has directed to be polite in speaking. Thus Islam is the perfect religion of the world; it condemned all stances of terrorism. How can a terrorist wish for heaven? They are directly assigning their place in hell.
Now let’s have a cursory look on the causes of terrorism. Terrorism is a crime. It is now become a hard nut to crack for the triangular countries (Pakistan, Afghanistan, and USA).The causes of terrorism is divided into spheres; internal causes and external causes. Internal causes further divided into socio -economic causes, political causes and religious causes. External causes include Soviet incursion of Afghanistan 1979, Iranian revolution, War on terrorism 9/11 and international conspiracies.

Now let’s have a watch on internal causes of terrorism. First of all, socio economic challenges this aggravated the already deteriorating conditions. It includes injustice, inequality, poverty, unemployment, Inflation, food insecurity, threat, dissatisfaction, illiteracy, over abundant population and massive corruption. It is very important to know these causes.
Injustice has been spreading since Independence. After the emergence of Pakistan, as a sovereign nation in the world map, it has encircled with several issues related to injustice. Lower class people are always suffering. No proper system of justice is present. Questions remain unanswered. Millions of people came from Indo Pakistan Subcontinent to fulfill their shattered dreams but all hopes were shattered by feudal class. This mighty class deprived people to obtain their due share. This class joined hand together with chief officers and usurped the rights of uneducated innocent people, who even did not know the hard realities of life.
Second issue which Pakistan has been facing as a threat is massive unemployment. The ratio of unemployment is increasing day by day. It created a big gap between developed nation and developing nation. Employment is now become the need of an hour. Without money you cannot survive in this materialistic world. Terrorism spreads like a giant because of unemployment; innocent people are trapped by terrorists. They give all amenities and facilities in shape of monetary foam. They pay heavy amount to them and in returns fulfill their selfish motives. They ruined the young generation. Proper channel of employment should be introduced. This disease should be removed. It is biggest challenge which is the root of all evils.
Third cause of terrorism is illiteracy, which should be removed instantly. In Pakistan illiterate person can easily be cheated by sharp minded terrorist. They only want to gain their motives. They can easily ruined the life’s of people .they have no feelings for others. They are burning in the own flame of revenge. They can destroy the lives of people. Illiteracy rate should only be decreased by promoting the importance of education. Campaign should be introduced. Government should introduce new ways to spread education in downtrodden areas. Illiteracy is more in Baluchistan, KP, and Fata and in the rural areas of Sindh and Punjab. This evil is eating the roots of Pakistan.
Fourth problem of Pakistan is poverty. Poverty is a term which has been derived from the Latin word pauper means poor. Poverty refers to a condition having less or fewer resources than others. According to various institutional reports I t has been identified that poverty is the main reason of terrorism. According to undp, 65.5 percent population of Pakistan has been earning their livelihood on 2$per day.
Another report of Spdc has revealed clearly the poverty status of Pakistan, 65.5percent in Baluchistan, 58.5 percent in NWFP, 28percent in Punjab, 21 percent in sindh.
According to World Bank report Poverty is spreading as a giant’s deficiently suffered because of World economic recession.EU countries pushed millions of people in debt trap. Poverty should be controlled with efficacious measures. Government should launch new and effective opportunities to curb the menace of poverty.
Mismanagement of resources is one of the major challenges which Pakistan has been facing. God has provided bundles of natural resources. These natural resources are now on the verge of destruction. Terrorism is devastating the natural beauty and this natural beauty is a channel of obtaining food. Government should pay high attention to this side. These natural blessings of God Should are managed properly.
Lack of accountability is another factor of terrorism. Accountability is very necessary. Without it no one can perform his duties in an organized and proper manner. Absence of accountability is a vacuum. It paves the way for terrorist to fulfill their selfish motives. They are playing their role without any constraints.
Corruption is a threat to sovereignty. It is an alarm for national integration. This term has been defined as; it is a use of force for obtaining personal gains. Since independence Pakistan has been culprit of corruption. This disease is eating the roots of Pakistan. It is spreading like a cancer. Mighty hands are indulged in the promotion of corruption. No sector is saving from this giant. The main reason of corruption is low level of salaries, Unemployment, poverty, illiteracy and overpopulation. These all are promoting people to indulge in corrupt activities. Corruption has the following kinds: bribe, nepotism, favoritism, political patronage, bidding process and so on.
Dissatisfaction is also increasing to large extent. It is creating a sense of insecurity. Terrorists in order to gain their selfish aims spread the wind of turmoil and threat. Dissatisfaction has been increased in every sphere of life.
Food insecurity is also enhancing to great extent. Because of terrorism, Government spends more budgets on the defense of the country. The prices of commodities are increasing. It becomes very difficult for an ordinary lower class people to bear the expenses. Apart from this, Agriculture is the main blood of our country. It also faces adverse impact. Our economy is totally revolves around agriculture sector. Industries are wholly dependable on agriculture sector. Everything is interconnected. Agriculture provides a strong base to our industries. Industries are a major source of revenue generation. Food insecurity is largely dependable on agriculture sector. Government should invest heavy amounts of funds to this sector.
Political causes is also creating vacuum. It also paved the way for terrorist to establish their foot. Political causes included the followings; political instability, corruption within politics, no proper set up, military intervention, Clash between institution, lack of consensus, selfish motives of politicians, feudal dispensation and lack of accountability.
Since independence Pakistan has been facing difficulties in the establishment of political set. Basically, there is no political set up in Pakistan. Everyone is pulling the leg of one another for the sake of self motives. In the initial years of Pakistan, Muslim league faced failure due to feudal class intervention. After passing some year’s constitutional crises erupted. Pakistan took long seven years to formulate first constitution. Corruption prevailed to large extent. Military intervention to curb the spread of corruption became the fashion of Pakistan. Constant four military interventions destroyed the image of Pakistan. Clash between judiciary and executive class have also come to forefront on several occasions. These all political turmoil paves the way for terrorists.
Religious causes also give sound ground to terrorists. Now a day, religious intolerance is spreading around the country. People are misunderstanding the religion (Islam).The concepts, ideas and values which are presented by Almighty Allah in Holy Quran are totally different from what people understand. This is termed as misconception. Misinterpretation of religion has become a norm of the day. Extremist considered themselves as the followers of Islam but unfortunately they do not comprehend the message of Allah Almighty. The message of Almighty Allah is peace, love, sympathy, kindness and honesty. Terrorists’ are not following the message of Allah. They are doing Jihad for themselves. Jihad means fight for the cause of Allah. Fight in the way of Allah. Religious intolerance should only be controlled by learning and understanding Quran. Quran is the complete Guideline for the whole world. It is a sacred book which was revealed on Holy Prophet PBUH. Holy Prophet PBUH is the biggest example of love, sympathy and tolerance. Why we don’t follow the path of Allah?
Religious Madressahs is a hub of terrorists. They are taught and guided in the madressahs.after the soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, these madressahs were establish to prepare mujahedeen. The overall funding of mujahedeen were under the supervision of USA.they had been prepared to evacuate Afghanistan from the Soviet Invasion. Soviet forces faced defeat from mujahideen.After the failure of soviet forces a vacuum generated in war ridden country. Civil war erupted and continued for six years. This gave birth to drug trafficking, addiction, Weaponisation and other criminal activities. It further aggravated the circumstances. Pakistan had to bear the brunt of it.Weaponization culture entered inside the roots of Pakistan. Thus began a new journey of disaster and turmoil known as Kalashnikovs Culture. Pakistan always supported USA in the hour of grief’s always left Pakistan in the hour of pains. After fulfillment of motives, this marriage of convergence ended between USA and Pakistan.
Iranian Revolution also created a sense of conflicts inside the boundaries of Pakistan. Sectarianism conflicts erupted. Shia and Sunni rivalry began which further deteriorated the condition. This also laid the strong foothold of extremist inside the boundaries of Pakistan.
War on terrorism9/11 began, when three hijacked planes collided with the World TRADE CENTE NEW YORK and Pentagon building. This was the cowardly attack which occurred on 9/11.killed several innocent lives of people. People were buried under the roof of largest building. This clearly showed the weakness of USA intelligence agency. President Bush invited the whole international community to participate in so called war on terrorism. Pakistan became the top non NATO ally of Pakistan. Pakistan moves heaven and earth to curb the power of Taliban. After the long year of partnership, between USA and Pakistan, USA has decided to evacuate Afghanistan before 2014.This war on terrorism has claimed millions of innocent lives. Millions of USA military officers were lost their lives. It created havoc around the whole globe.USA will assigned this responsibility to afghan forces.
External influence is also instigating the terrorism. It is viewed on several occasions that India is indulged in creating conspiracies. It created misunderstanding between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Now let’s have a cursory look on the factors which are instigating terrorism. These factors included the following; negligence of government, drone strikes, anti terrorism campaigns, injustice, persecution of innocent Muslims of Palestine and Kashmir.

Terrorism puts adverse impact on the life of individuals. It is not only put bad impact on individual’s life but also entire society is encircled. Flames and flames are encircling the whole Pakistan. Every city is now under the influence of terrorism. It affects the mental health of people. People fear around the whole country. Is this Pakistan? We were fighting and demanding for. Our beloved father of nation who struggled to built this country so called Quaid e azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Quaideazam condemned bloodshed on every occasion. Unfortunately now at every place in Pakistan Rivers of blood are flowing. Dead bodies are floating in this river, and all are happening because of terrorism. Terrorism spreads havoc .It claimed millions of lives. Don’t know how many others will be victimized in upcoming days. It puts bad impact on social life. Now Pakistani society has become the hub of terrorism. Bomb blast has become the norm of the day. Every street comes under the target of just one thumb click. Students are avoiding going to schools. Absences of teachers are reached at its zenith. Overall infrastructure of FATA, KP, and Baluchistan are damaged because of massive terrorist attacks. Girl’s schools are also targeting. The basic motives of terrorists to damage the educational institutes. They do not give preference to women education. They want to treat women as chattels. They openly negated the concept of women empowerment. The recent attack on 14 year old blameless girl named Malala Yusuf zai was regarded as cowardly act of terrorists. What they want? They actually want illiterate Pakistan. They wanted to spread the condition of Pre Islamic Arab. Pre Islamic Arabs were engaged in nasty circle of vices. They were the rulers of darkness. They were unaware people. After the arrival of light in the shape of Prophet Pbuh the overall world has been transformed. No one knows the hidden motives of extremist except bloodshed. Education is regarded as the blood of a country. Nation cannot grow like a tree in the absence of education. Education provides knowledge. It gives respectful position in social cycle. Absence of knowledge is as similar as absence of humanity in men. God has given full permission to avail knowledge. It is the right of every individual to attain knowledge. Without knowledge, a man is like an animal.
Political turmoil is evident in Pakistan. This gives an opportunity to extremist .This turmoil is further instigating by rebels. Pakistani Government should maintain healthy relationship whether inside or outside the political spheres. It will be beneficial for the whole nation. The recent clash of institution further fuelled the fire. Pakistan should play efficacious role in countering terrorism. Sound policies are required.
Since independence, Pakistan has been facing several downfalls. These downfalls created a gap inside and outside the infrastructure of Pakistan. Terrorism is the disease. It weakened the foundation of Pakistan. From its inception it faced millions of difficulties. Early problems of pakistanwhich included war with india,rehabilitation of millions of people,mismanagement,lack of resources, Water crises, massive corruption, lack of accountability, unjust demarcation of state and mass massacre all were damaging the existence of newly born state. After overcoming from these crises, Pakistan was encircled with several others crises. These crises were democratic setup, constitutional crises, feudalism, military intervention and institutional clashes. After ending these germs, international influence were shacking the weak foundation of Pakistan. Hence it is clear that Pakistan is hanging in the balance.
Economic turmoil is another impact of terrorism. Terrorism put worse impacts on economy of Pakistan. The economy of Pakistan is based on the agriculture sector.agricultre is the blood of Pakistan. It is source of revenue generation. Apart from revenue generation it is the source of food. Agriculture sector provides base to industrial sector. In the absence of agriculture sector, industrial sectors have no existence. Both are interconnected. So in this regard economy of Pakistan is adversely affected.
Lives of people are very much valuable. Almighty Allah has created his creature with love and kindness. Millions of civilians have losted their precious life. God condemned scene of carnage.
Pakistan earns a lot of revenue from tourism. Tourism is regarded as the source of revenue generation. Beauty of Pakistan is very famous around the whole world. This beauty has been damaged by destructions. Tourism in Pakistan now diminishes to great extent. This is another worse impact of terrorism.
Foreign direct investment also declined. This is another disastrous impact of terrorism. We are going back day by day. Efficacious policies are required to cut the throat of terrorism. Now multinational companies are not investing in Pakistan. It reduced our economic graph. The picture of Pakistan in the modernized world is soul trembling. Most of the people are going and settling abroad. Industries are closed. Economic condition reached at zilch. This is Pakistan which is facing the curse of terrorism. Taliban is the slogan of carnage. They are not human beings. They are dragons. They are creating havoc around the whole globe. Name of Pakistan is iniquitous around the whole world.
Now let’s have a cursory look on the steps recommended by Pakistani Government to curb the power of terrorism. Pakistan has taken several stances to reduce the intensity of extremism. The efforts of Pakistan military are commendable. Thousands of military officers’ losted their precious and valuable life .Lots of anti terrorism campaigns have been launched. Several bans on terrorist organizations have been enforced. Numerous operations had done to eliminate terrorists such as Operation Rah-e-Rast and Operation Rah-e- Nija, operation Rah-e –haq and operation rah-e-rast swat. Operation Rah-e-Haq was the first battle of swat between Pakistan and the Taliban. It was carried on 2007 in swat. Operation Rah e rast was operated on 30june2009.Operation Rah-e-nijat began on June 19 2009.the place of operation was South Waziristan in FATA.All these operations were carried on to curb the power of Taliban.
Now let’s have a glance on the triangular relationship among Pakistan USA and Afghanistan. Pakistan joined hand with USA to curb the power of Taliban. The relationship between USA and Pakistan is well known as the marriage of convergence. Pakistan is the non NATO ally of USa.Pakistan supported USA in every walk of this journey. Since 9/11, Pakistan and USA have been working to curb the power of terrorism. Because of USA strict policies this war creating a sense of turmoil around the whole globe.Dronestrikes are creating tension. Growing civilians’ causalities are becoming a threat for USA.
Now let’s have a cursory look on Afghanistan, USA Wrong policies and our options. America is going to face the worst ever defeat of its history. The crusade that USA launched after 9/11 against Taliban, the much desired victory has not fallen in to his lap in accordance with its plan. The Taliban are proved to be a hard nut to crack for USA.Instead USA realized the ground realities and make strategies for negotiations, it is committing blunders after blunders. The rulers in Pakistan and the national security institutions must keep eye on the situation of various steps taken by USA in Afghanistan. America is committing blunders by holding backdoor negotiations with traliban.they cannot work without Pakistan. It is the bitter reality.
Why does USA Leave Afghanistan? The answer of this question has so many reasons. First, USA and NATO occupation created civilian casualties.
Second, military occupation has hampered humanitarian aid and reconstruction efforts.
Third, Afghan women continue to face violence and oppression under occupation.
Fourth, NATO allies and military leaders are now questioning the occupation.
Fifth, USA troop’s casualties in Afghanistan are on height.
Sixth, Afghans are now calling for a negotiated end to the war.
Seventh, the occupation contributes to violence.
Now let’s have a cursory look on the recommendations for USA to change his policy towards Afghanistan.
Setting permanent timetable for withdrawal. It would be better.USA should immediately cease air strikes because it is the main reason of civilian casualties. It further damaged the image of USA.It should also support negotiated process. Compensate afghan families affected by war.
Thus, Pakistan puts several efforts to curb the danger of terrorism. Terrorism should only be controlled with mutual efforts. It is not a war of one country but it is a war of whole world. Overall international community should come forward to eliminate this gigantic threat. Negotiations are now only the safe solution to curb this menace. We don’t want more casualties whether in Pakistan, Afghanistan or USA.Whole nation should come forward to defeat this threat. We should join hands together and safe this globe from violence. Proper and effective measures should be laid down by government. Pakistan is considered as a land of purity. Purity can only be remained if we understand the motto of extremists. Let’s pray Almighty Allah to shower his blessings on Pakistan. Save this pious land from the selfish aims of terrorists.
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Old Friday, November 16, 2012
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Dear madam, try to write a concise and short essay. To check such a lengthy piece of work would be a herculean task for the forum members on account of shortage of time.
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Old Friday, November 16, 2012
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sehrish salman is on a distinguished road
Thumbs up too good

very informative helpfull and interesting keep up the good work and hard efforts....!!!
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Old Friday, November 16, 2012
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Husnain Shahid is on a distinguished road
Default good work needs imporvement

I am not a senior member but essay writing is my field just want to say your work is good but problem here is that in my point of view you just try to make it lengthy in the beginning its good but in middle it looks like our text books where they tried to fill pages with headings so make it concise
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Old Friday, November 16, 2012
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haven't gone through detail but only outline . You should make your point understandable to checker he don't no nothing you have to make things easy for him . use adjectives with nouns and make a complete sense of your point "poverty" "inflation" what you want him to explain for that he had to read whole essay make him understand everything here in outline stay blessed
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Old Saturday, November 17, 2012
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A good effort, but you need lot of work and practice to improve essay writting. It will be appropriate if you keep practicing and showing your essays to somebody for checking/correcting. I think you utilized lot of time to type this out, it will be advisible that instead of typing essay over here, write essays and get it corrected by some good teacher! Also try to read articles in various newspapers/megazines..

An advice, if a question comes in paper on said topic, try to avoid it as far as possible, because this is a typical topic and many candidates use to attempt it so unless you are not going to put quality in it, you are not going to get good marks.

Too lengthy and haphazard outline.

Originally Posted by sehrish jamal View Post
Terrorism in Pakistan
1. Introduction
2. Definition of terrorism
3. What is terrorism?
4. Islams response to terrorism
Introduction, definition of terrorism and what is terrorism are somewhat same things. What is need of point 4 in this topic? Why islamic response to terrorism is required to be put in introduction of terrorism in Pakistan?

Originally Posted by sehrish jamal View Post
5. Causes of terrorism:
1-Socio economic causes
I. Injustice
2. Illiteracy
3. Overpopulation
4. Unemployment
5. No rule of law
6. Poverty
7. Inflation
8. Corruption
9. Dissatisfaction
10. Food insecurity
11. Inequality
12. Mismanagement
13. Lack of accountability
14. Favoritism
2. Political Causes
1. Political instability
2. Democratic failures
3. Clash between executive and judiciary
4. Absence of law and order
5. Influx of refugees
6 . Weaponisation
7. Drug trafficking
8. Mass massacre
9. Political gains
10. Feudalism
Religious causes:
1. Religious intolerance
2. Secterianism
3. Role of religious madressahs.
4. Religious elites indulgence in corruption
5. Misunderstanding of religion
6. Futile desire of heaven
7. Portray negative image
8. Material gains
9. Selfish motives
External causes
1. Afghanistan War 1979
2. Iranian Revolution
3. War on Terrorism9/11
4. External influence
5. International conspiracies
6. Role played by India
Is there any need to put all these causes? Mention points, which are major causes of terrorism! External causes and external influences are the same things perhaps..... Further many things are being repeated like in religious causes Religious intolerance and Secterianism; Religious elites indulgence in corruption, Material gains and Selfish motives; Misunderstanding of religion, Futile desire of heaven and Portray negative image are somewhat same things...

Originally Posted by sehrish jamal View Post
Factors Instigating Terrorism
1. Anti –terrorism campaign
2. Drone strikes
3. Negligence of Government
4. Persecution of innocent Muslims
.Kashmir issue
.Palestine issue
Factors instigating terrorism and causes of terrorism are moreorless same thing, thn what is the need to have other point in outline? anti terrorism campaign and drone attacks are efforts to curb the terrorism or the reason instigating terrorism? mean if these things are stopped, terrorism will be stopped? And how persecution of innocent Muslims at Kashmir and Palestine are instigating terrorism in Pakistan?

Originally Posted by sehrish jamal View Post
5. Impacts of terrorism
1. Insecurity
2. Political Instability
3. Infrastructure damage
4. Economic turmoil
5. Civilians loss
6. Diminishing Tourism
7. Declining FDI
How terrorism is causing political instability in Pakistan??? You have mentioned civilian loss as impact of terrorism, is there no military loss? or loss of soldiers is not impact of terrorism?

Originally Posted by sehrish jamal View Post
6. Steps Recommended By Government:
Ban on Terror Boosting Organizations
Operation Rah-e-Nijat
Operation Rah-e-Rast
Steps recommended by Government or steps initiated /governmental efforts to curb terrorism? Recommendation is something else and implementation is something else. A committee/person /forum may make recommendations for implementation of something, but if those recommendations are implemented, thn they are no more recommendations. You can say that on recommendations of a Standing Committee, government /army launched an operation at South Waziristan....

What is meant by Ban on Terror Boosting Organizations? A boosting organization may be an organization which acts as a catalyst to speed up that thing, but if some organization is not catalyst rather it is in fact the actor for some specific thing, thn it may not be called boosting organization instead it will be appropriate if it is termed as terrorist or militant organization.

Originally Posted by sehrish jamal View Post
7. Triangular Relationship to Curb Terrorism:
Are these countries having coordinated efforts to curb terrorism in Pakistan? Perhaps the answer will be in negation! No doubt, Afghanistan is a cause of terrorism in Pakistan but neither she nor USA is having any collective agenda to sit at table with Pakistan to curb this thing from Pakistan.

Originally Posted by sehrish jamal View Post
8. Efforts to Vacate By 2014:
Efforts to vacate what? The topic is terrorism in Pakistan, not terrorism in Afghanistan. What efforts are being made by Pakistan for this vacation? You can put this point in critical analysis but not as a seperate bullet!

Originally Posted by sehrish jamal View Post
God has created this beautiful world with immense love and kindness. With Enormous affection Allah Almighty has given birth to his lovable creatures. He has given multiple colors to this world. He has formed Rivers, Oceans, Mountains, Stars and several other creations for the pleasure of mankind. He has given millions of shades to this mortal world. All are made for the gratification of human beings. Unfortunately, Human beings did not understand the motives of the creation of this world. Destruction and turmoil have become the fashion of the day. Terrorism is the gravest foam of destruction and disaster. It damages the internal as well as external infrastructure of every country. Insecurity and mental pressure have created a sense of self deprivation among masses. At present, Pakistan has been facing the gigantic problem of terrorism. It has become the fashion of the day. It is regarded as headache for federation and a nightmare for public. It has colossal roots which spread inside the internal as well as external boundaries of Pakistan. Although it is global issue yet Pakistan has to bear the brunt of it. Pakistan’s involvement in war against terrorism has further fuel the fire. We are facing war like situation in Pakistan .This daunting situation is caused due to several factors. These factors included the followings which are summarized as below: Political instability, social injustice, inequality, self deprivation, religious intolerance, external hands and international conspiracies.
What is this? Are you writing a current affairs essay or a literary essay? Lot of repitation and verbosity!

Originally Posted by sehrish jamal View Post
The term terrorism has been used millions of times around the whole globe. It is pertinent to know about the meaning of this soul trembling word. Terrorism is a use of force to create harassment. It is also used to create an environment of fear and violence. Basically there is no Specific definition of the term terrorism. International law has no definition to define or elaborate this term. Use of Authority for personal gains is also indicating towards terrorism.
A handful of people who have their vicious interests to fulfill have not only taken the lives of millions of innocent lives but also defamed the pious image of Islam. Terrorist’s acts like suicide bombings have become norm of the day. On account of these attacks Pakistan is suffering from huge loss ranging from civilian to economics. People have become numerical figure blowing up in every minute.
Terrorists have not left any place vacant. They spread around the whole country. Markets, shrines, mosques, hotels, gardens and educational institutes all are now under the thumb of just one click of terrorists. They blasted everything. They are responsible for the innocent lives of people. They hold special place in hell.
What is this? where is definition of terrorism? At start you are giving an impression that there are various definitions of terrorism around the globe and thn you are giving reference that international law does not have any defintion? Thn you are giving other dimensions to this word terrorism mentioning personal gains, suicide bombings, thn comes Islam and Pakistan! Haphazard words and sentences. There is no cohesion or continuity in it.

Originally Posted by sehrish jamal View Post
Islam is the pious religion around the whole orb. Purity of Islam reflects from the teachings of Holy Prophet PbUH.It always gives the message of peace , prosperity , kindness, justice, equality and love. Islam forbids all kinds of corrupt activities. Massacre of innocent lives are highly reprehensible in Islam. Committing cruel activities are forbidden in pious religion Islam. Islam openly negated terrorism.
Religion of Islam Advocates freedom, peace, mutual disagreement and admonishes aggression.
Now let’s have a cursory look on the following verses of holy Quran which indicates the fact.
“Do not aggress; God dislikes the aggressors”.
On another place holy Quran clearly says, “You shall resort to pardon, advocate tolerance and disregard the ignorant”.
In Islam an immense emphasizes has been laid upon love and sympathy towards all creatures. God has directed to be polite in speaking. Thus Islam is the perfect religion of the world; it condemned all stances of terrorism. How can a terrorist wish for heaven? They are directly assigning their place in hell
By reading the essay specifically this part, it seems that this is answer of some question in Islamic Studies paper! Dont

Originally Posted by sehrish jamal View Post
Now let’s have a cursory look on the causes of terrorism. Terrorism is a crime. It is now become a hard nut to crack for the triangular countries (Pakistan, Afghanistan, and USA).The causes of terrorism is divided into spheres; internal causes and external causes. Internal causes further divided into socio -economic causes, political causes and religious causes. External causes include Soviet incursion of Afghanistan 1979, Iranian revolution, War on terrorism 9/11 and international conspiracies.
Who has divided it into spheres? If you are giving your opinion about it, thn you can simple say, that it can be divided instead of it is divided.

Originally Posted by sehrish jamal View Post
Now let’s have a watch on internal causes of terrorism. First of all, socio economic challenges this aggravated the already deteriorating conditions. It includes injustice, inequality, poverty, unemployment, Inflation, food insecurity, threat, dissatisfaction, illiteracy, over abundant population and massive corruption. It is very important to know these causes.
Injustice has been spreading since Independence. After the emergence of Pakistan, as a sovereign nation in the world map, it has encircled with several issues related to injustice. Lower class people are always suffering. No proper system of justice is present. Questions remain unanswered. Millions of people came from Indo Pakistan Subcontinent to fulfill their shattered dreams but all hopes were shattered by feudal class. This mighty class deprived people to obtain their due share. This class joined hand together with chief officers and usurped the rights of uneducated innocent people, who even did not know the hard realities of life.
Second issue which Pakistan has been facing as a threat is massive unemployment. The ratio of unemployment is increasing day by day. It created a big gap between developed nation and developing nation. Employment is now become the need of an hour. Without money you cannot survive in this materialistic world. Terrorism spreads like a giant because of unemployment; innocent people are trapped by terrorists. They give all amenities and facilities in shape of monetary foam. They pay heavy amount to them and in returns fulfill their selfish motives. They ruined the young generation. Proper channel of employment should be introduced. This disease should be removed. It is biggest challenge which is the root of all evils.
Third cause of terrorism is illiteracy, which should be removed instantly. In Pakistan illiterate person can easily be cheated by sharp minded terrorist. They only want to gain their motives. They can easily ruined the life’s of people .they have no feelings for others. They are burning in the own flame of revenge. They can destroy the lives of people. Illiteracy rate should only be decreased by promoting the importance of education. Campaign should be introduced. Government should introduce new ways to spread education in downtrodden areas. Illiteracy is more in Baluchistan, KP, and Fata and in the rural areas of Sindh and Punjab. This evil is eating the roots of Pakistan.
Fourth problem of Pakistan is poverty. Poverty is a term which has been derived from the Latin word pauper means poor. Poverty refers to a condition having less or fewer resources than others. According to various institutional reports I t has been identified that poverty is the main reason of terrorism. According to undp, 65.5 percent population of Pakistan has been earning their livelihood on 2$per day.
Another report of Spdc has revealed clearly the poverty status of Pakistan, 65.5percent in Baluchistan, 58.5 percent in NWFP, 28percent in Punjab, 21 percent in sindh.
According to World Bank report Poverty is spreading as a giant’s deficiently suffered because of World economic recession.EU countries pushed millions of people in debt trap. Poverty should be controlled with efficacious measures. Government should launch new and effective opportunities to curb the menace of poverty.
Mismanagement of resources is one of the major challenges which Pakistan has been facing. God has provided bundles of natural resources. These natural resources are now on the verge of destruction. Terrorism is devastating the natural beauty and this natural beauty is a channel of obtaining food. Government should pay high attention to this side. These natural blessings of God Should are managed properly.
Lack of accountability is another factor of terrorism. Accountability is very necessary. Without it no one can perform his duties in an organized and proper manner. Absence of accountability is a vacuum. It paves the way for terrorist to fulfill their selfish motives. They are playing their role without any constraints.
Corruption is a threat to sovereignty. It is an alarm for national integration. This term has been defined as; it is a use of force for obtaining personal gains. Since independence Pakistan has been culprit of corruption. This disease is eating the roots of Pakistan. It is spreading like a cancer. Mighty hands are indulged in the promotion of corruption. No sector is saving from this giant. The main reason of corruption is low level of salaries, Unemployment, poverty, illiteracy and overpopulation. These all are promoting people to indulge in corrupt activities. Corruption has the following kinds: bribe, nepotism, favoritism, political patronage, bidding process and so on.
Dissatisfaction is also increasing to large extent. It is creating a sense of insecurity. Terrorists in order to gain their selfish aims spread the wind of turmoil and threat. Dissatisfaction has been increased in every sphere of life.
Food insecurity is also enhancing to great extent. Because of terrorism, Government spends more budgets on the defense of the country. The prices of commodities are increasing. It becomes very difficult for an ordinary lower class people to bear the expenses. Apart from this, Agriculture is the main blood of our country. It also faces adverse impact. Our economy is totally revolves around agriculture sector. Industries are wholly dependable on agriculture sector. Everything is interconnected. Agriculture provides a strong base to our industries. Industries are a major source of revenue generation. Food insecurity is largely dependable on agriculture sector. Government should invest heavy amounts of funds to this sector.
Political causes is also creating vacuum. It also paved the way for terrorist to establish their foot. Political causes included the followings; political instability, corruption within politics, no proper set up, military intervention, Clash between institution, lack of consensus, selfish motives of politicians, feudal dispensation and lack of accountability.
Since independence Pakistan has been facing difficulties in the establishment of political set. Basically, there is no political set up in Pakistan. Everyone is pulling the leg of one another for the sake of self motives. In the initial years of Pakistan, Muslim league faced failure due to feudal class intervention. After passing some year’s constitutional crises erupted. Pakistan took long seven years to formulate first constitution. Corruption prevailed to large extent. Military intervention to curb the spread of corruption became the fashion of Pakistan. Constant four military interventions destroyed the image of Pakistan. Clash between judiciary and executive class have also come to forefront on several occasions. These all political turmoil paves the way for terrorists.
Religious causes also give sound ground to terrorists. Now a day, religious intolerance is spreading around the country. People are misunderstanding the religion (Islam).The concepts, ideas and values which are presented by Almighty Allah in Holy Quran are totally different from what people understand. This is termed as misconception. Misinterpretation of religion has become a norm of the day. Extremist considered themselves as the followers of Islam but unfortunately they do not comprehend the message of Allah Almighty. The message of Almighty Allah is peace, love, sympathy, kindness and honesty. Terrorists’ are not following the message of Allah. They are doing Jihad for themselves. Jihad means fight for the cause of Allah. Fight in the way of Allah. Religious intolerance should only be controlled by learning and understanding Quran. Quran is the complete Guideline for the whole world. It is a sacred book which was revealed on Holy Prophet PBUH. Holy Prophet PBUH is the biggest example of love, sympathy and tolerance. Why we don’t follow the path of Allah?
Religious Madressahs is a hub of terrorists. They are taught and guided in the madressahs.after the soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, these madressahs were establish to prepare mujahedeen. The overall funding of mujahedeen were under the supervision of USA.they had been prepared to evacuate Afghanistan from the Soviet Invasion. Soviet forces faced defeat from mujahideen.After the failure of soviet forces a vacuum generated in war ridden country. Civil war erupted and continued for six years. This gave birth to drug trafficking, addiction, Weaponisation and other criminal activities. It further aggravated the circumstances. Pakistan had to bear the brunt of it.Weaponization culture entered inside the roots of Pakistan. Thus began a new journey of disaster and turmoil known as Kalashnikovs Culture. Pakistan always supported USA in the hour of grief’s always left Pakistan in the hour of pains. After fulfillment of motives, this marriage of convergence ended between USA and Pakistan.
Iranian Revolution also created a sense of conflicts inside the boundaries of Pakistan. Sectarianism conflicts erupted. Shia and Sunni rivalry began which further deteriorated the condition. This also laid the strong foothold of extremist inside the boundaries of Pakistan.
War on terrorism9/11 began, when three hijacked planes collided with the World TRADE CENTE NEW YORK and Pentagon building. This was the cowardly attack which occurred on 9/11.killed several innocent lives of people. People were buried under the roof of largest building. This clearly showed the weakness of USA intelligence agency. President Bush invited the whole international community to participate in so called war on terrorism. Pakistan became the top non NATO ally of Pakistan. Pakistan moves heaven and earth to curb the power of Taliban. After the long year of partnership, between USA and Pakistan, USA has decided to evacuate Afghanistan before 2014.This war on terrorism has claimed millions of innocent lives. Millions of USA military officers were lost their lives. It created havoc around the whole globe.USA will assigned this responsibility to afghan forces.
External influence is also instigating the terrorism. It is viewed on several occasions that India is indulged in creating conspiracies. It created misunderstanding between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Now let’s have a cursory look on the factors which are instigating terrorism. These factors included the following; negligence of government, drone strikes, anti terrorism campaigns, injustice, persecution of innocent Muslims of Palestine and Kashmir.

Terrorism puts adverse impact on the life of individuals. It is not only put bad impact on individual’s life but also entire society is encircled. Flames and flames are encircling the whole Pakistan. Every city is now under the influence of terrorism. It affects the mental health of people. People fear around the whole country. Is this Pakistan? We were fighting and demanding for. Our beloved father of nation who struggled to built this country so called Quaid e azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Quaideazam condemned bloodshed on every occasion. Unfortunately now at every place in Pakistan Rivers of blood are flowing. Dead bodies are floating in this river, and all are happening because of terrorism. Terrorism spreads havoc .It claimed millions of lives. Don’t know how many others will be victimized in upcoming days. It puts bad impact on social life. Now Pakistani society has become the hub of terrorism. Bomb blast has become the norm of the day. Every street comes under the target of just one thumb click. Students are avoiding going to schools. Absences of teachers are reached at its zenith. Overall infrastructure of FATA, KP, and Baluchistan are damaged because of massive terrorist attacks. Girl’s schools are also targeting. The basic motives of terrorists to damage the educational institutes. They do not give preference to women education. They want to treat women as chattels. They openly negated the concept of women empowerment. The recent attack on 14 year old blameless girl named Malala Yusuf zai was regarded as cowardly act of terrorists. What they want? They actually want illiterate Pakistan. They wanted to spread the condition of Pre Islamic Arab. Pre Islamic Arabs were engaged in nasty circle of vices. They were the rulers of darkness. They were unaware people. After the arrival of light in the shape of Prophet Pbuh the overall world has been transformed. No one knows the hidden motives of extremist except bloodshed. Education is regarded as the blood of a country. Nation cannot grow like a tree in the absence of education. Education provides knowledge. It gives respectful position in social cycle. Absence of knowledge is as similar as absence of humanity in men. God has given full permission to avail knowledge. It is the right of every individual to attain knowledge. Without knowledge, a man is like an animal.
Political turmoil is evident in Pakistan. This gives an opportunity to extremist .This turmoil is further instigating by rebels. Pakistani Government should maintain healthy relationship whether inside or outside the political spheres. It will be beneficial for the whole nation. The recent clash of institution further fuelled the fire. Pakistan should play efficacious role in countering terrorism. Sound policies are required.
Since independence, Pakistan has been facing several downfalls. These downfalls created a gap inside and outside the infrastructure of Pakistan. Terrorism is the disease. It weakened the foundation of Pakistan. From its inception it faced millions of difficulties. Early problems of pakistanwhich included war with india,rehabilitation of millions of people,mismanagement,lack of resources, Water crises, massive corruption, lack of accountability, unjust demarcation of state and mass massacre all were damaging the existence of newly born state. After overcoming from these crises, Pakistan was encircled with several others crises. These crises were democratic setup, constitutional crises, feudalism, military intervention and institutional clashes. After ending these germs, international influence were shacking the weak foundation of Pakistan. Hence it is clear that Pakistan is hanging in the balance.
Economic turmoil is another impact of terrorism. Terrorism put worse impacts on economy of Pakistan. The economy of Pakistan is based on the agriculture sector.agricultre is the blood of Pakistan. It is source of revenue generation. Apart from revenue generation it is the source of food. Agriculture sector provides base to industrial sector. In the absence of agriculture sector, industrial sectors have no existence. Both are interconnected. So in this regard economy of Pakistan is adversely affected.
Lives of people are very much valuable. Almighty Allah has created his creature with love and kindness. Millions of civilians have losted their precious life. God condemned scene of carnage.
Pakistan earns a lot of revenue from tourism. Tourism is regarded as the source of revenue generation. Beauty of Pakistan is very famous around the whole world. This beauty has been damaged by destructions. Tourism in Pakistan now diminishes to great extent. This is another worse impact of terrorism.
Foreign direct investment also declined. This is another disastrous impact of terrorism. We are going back day by day. Efficacious policies are required to cut the throat of terrorism. Now multinational companies are not investing in Pakistan. It reduced our economic graph. The picture of Pakistan in the modernized world is soul trembling. Most of the people are going and settling abroad. Industries are closed. Economic condition reached at zilch. This is Pakistan which is facing the curse of terrorism. Taliban is the slogan of carnage. They are not human beings. They are dragons. They are creating havoc around the whole globe. Name of Pakistan is iniquitous around the whole world.
Now let’s have a cursory look on the steps recommended by Pakistani Government to curb the power of terrorism. Pakistan has taken several stances to reduce the intensity of extremism. The efforts of Pakistan military are commendable. Thousands of military officers’ losted their precious and valuable life .Lots of anti terrorism campaigns have been launched. Several bans on terrorist organizations have been enforced. Numerous operations had done to eliminate terrorists such as Operation Rah-e-Rast and Operation Rah-e- Nija, operation Rah-e –haq and operation rah-e-rast swat. Operation Rah-e-Haq was the first battle of swat between Pakistan and the Taliban. It was carried on 2007 in swat. Operation Rah e rast was operated on 30june2009.Operation Rah-e-nijat began on June 19 2009.the place of operation was South Waziristan in FATA.All these operations were carried on to curb the power of Taliban.
Now let’s have a glance on the triangular relationship among Pakistan USA and Afghanistan. Pakistan joined hand with USA to curb the power of Taliban. The relationship between USA and Pakistan is well known as the marriage of convergence. Pakistan is the non NATO ally of USa.Pakistan supported USA in every walk of this journey. Since 9/11, Pakistan and USA have been working to curb the power of terrorism. Because of USA strict policies this war creating a sense of turmoil around the whole globe.Dronestrikes are creating tension. Growing civilians’ causalities are becoming a threat for USA.
Now let’s have a cursory look on Afghanistan, USA Wrong policies and our options. America is going to face the worst ever defeat of its history. The crusade that USA launched after 9/11 against Taliban, the much desired victory has not fallen in to his lap in accordance with its plan. The Taliban are proved to be a hard nut to crack for USA.Instead USA realized the ground realities and make strategies for negotiations, it is committing blunders after blunders. The rulers in Pakistan and the national security institutions must keep eye on the situation of various steps taken by USA in Afghanistan. America is committing blunders by holding backdoor negotiations with traliban.they cannot work without Pakistan. It is the bitter reality.
Why does USA Leave Afghanistan? The answer of this question has so many reasons. First, USA and NATO occupation created civilian casualties.
Second, military occupation has hampered humanitarian aid and reconstruction efforts.
Third, Afghan women continue to face violence and oppression under occupation.
Fourth, NATO allies and military leaders are now questioning the occupation.
Fifth, USA troop’s casualties in Afghanistan are on height.
Sixth, Afghans are now calling for a negotiated end to the war.
Seventh, the occupation contributes to violence.
Now let’s have a cursory look on the recommendations for USA to change his policy towards Afghanistan.
Setting permanent timetable for withdrawal. It would be better.USA should immediately cease air strikes because it is the main reason of civilian casualties. It further damaged the image of USA.It should also support negotiated process. Compensate afghan families affected by war.
Thus, Pakistan puts several efforts to curb the danger of terrorism. Terrorism should only be controlled with mutual efforts. It is not a war of one country but it is a war of whole world. Overall international community should come forward to eliminate this gigantic threat. Negotiations are now only the safe solution to curb this menace. We don’t want more casualties whether in Pakistan, Afghanistan or USA.Whole nation should come forward to defeat this threat. We should join hands together and safe this globe from violence. Proper and effective measures should be laid down by government. Pakistan is considered as a land of purity. Purity can only be remained if we understand the motto of extremists. Let’s pray Almighty Allah to shower his blessings on Pakistan. Save this pious land from the selfish aims of terrorists.
Where are you following the outline given at the start?

Where is cohesion and continuity?

Why great emphasis is being given to poverty, overpopulation, illiteracy, unemployment and other economical issues?

Where is the misinterpretation of religion and bigotry of ulema?
Secterianism also contributes to the terrorism but what about TTP and its factions?

Why rulers in Pakistan and the national security institutions keep eye on the situation of various steps taken by USA in Afghanistan? Why emphasis on USA and its withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan? Terrorism in Pakistan is not the business of USA, it is the business for Pakistan.

Why have you given 7 point reasons for USA to leave Afghanistan?

''Pakistan is considered as a land of purity. Purity can only be remained if we understand the motto of extremists.'' How can we understand their motto? where is the reply of this question?

"Let’s pray Almighty Allah to shower his blessings on Pakistan. Save this pious land from the selfish aims of terrorists."" Again link given to Islam etc, why Islam ? pious land? selfish aims of terrorists or leading politicans or leading ulemas /mullahs ?? Why examiner should pray for blessings on Pakistan after reading these haphazard lines?

Dear lady, by writting such essays, sorry to say, you cannot pass the essay paper. You are required to put in lot of hard work for writting essays or even attempting other papers..... !

*Dont mind any word if you feel it harsh, I have utilized my good time of around 2 hours to read it and make some of the points and all things have been said for your own benefits. Regards.
'Thee woh ik shakhs kay tasawar saay - abb woh ranayee khayal kahaan'
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Default Good Governance In Pakistan

Good Governance in Pakistan.
1. Introduction
2. Definition of Governance
3. Governance in Pakistan.
4. Failures of Governance in Pakistan
5. Causes of failures:
1. Political commotion
2. No democratic setup
3. Military intrusion
4. Feudal indulgence
5. Massive Corruption
6. Constitutional crises
7. Institutional clashes
8. Mismanagement of resources
9. Lack of Accountability
10. Over Exploitation of funds
11. Restrictions on media
12. Ethnic conflicts
13. Secterianism
14. Extremism
6 Essentials of Good Governance
1. Public Participation
2. National Integration
3. Political stability
4. Constitutional supremacy
5. Institutional supremacy
6. Unrestricted media
7. No military intervention
8. Socio economic development
9. Independent judiciary
7. Good governance and Islam
8. Distinction between Good governance and bad Governance
9 Parameter of good governance
.Rule of law
.open administrative system
Good relationship between ruler and ruled
Definition of bad governance
.Arbitrary policies of ruler
.Irresponsible attitude
No rule of law
Unjust legal system
Closed administrative system
10.Impacts of good Governance
Individual Life
Social life
Political life
Economic life
11. Good Governance and democracy
12. Conclusion.
ESSAY: Good Governance in Pakistan
Good governance has got great importance in our state as the problems of corruption, red tapism and inefficiency crept in the internal structure of our country. Today good governance not only occupies central place in our state but also regarded as crucial element in building nation. Nation cannot flourish in the absence of good governance. It is the need of an hour. Without the presence of good governance, no country can play pivotal role in the orb. It is regarded as the soul of country. Governance is very pertinent in every sphere of life, whether it is house or office, good governance is needed to perform effectively. It provides strong foundation for the developmental process.
Governance is more than mere management. It is not only about decision making, policy formulating, priority settings but also implementation or results.
Good governance has been defined as, “Good Governance related to effective management”. It is anchored on legitimacy and creditability.
According to World Bank Report of 1989, A public service that is efficient, a judicial system that is reliable, and administration that is accountable to public”.
Similarly another report was presented by World Bank in 1992, According to this report; good governance includes public sector management, accountability, legal framework, information and transparency.
Pakistan as an independent state got recognition on 14 august 1947.Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the dynamic personality who came forward for the cause of Muslims. Muslims were deprived of their due rights. This mighty man had burnt the midnight oil and converted the dream of Allama Iqbal into reality. Praiseworthy performance of Quaid-e-azam laid the foundation of Pakistan. Unfortunately, Pakistan suffered badly in the early years of establishment. It faced millions of problems.
These issues are summarized as follows; Political disturbance, No democratic setup, military intrusion, massive corruption, feudal dispensation, institutional clashes, constitutional crises, escalating inflation, mismanagement of resources, lack of accountability, no rule of law, deteriorating law and order condition, over exploitation of funds, secreterism, ethnic conflict, extremism and international conspiracies. All these issues are the main reason of failure of Governance in Pakistan. These issues are so interconnected that it is very difficult to eliminate them. They are eating the roots of Pakistan.
Now let’s have a cursory look on the details of the above mentioned causes which are spreading like cankerous inside Pakistan.
Political commotion plays very negative role in every state. No country in this orb, can survive easily in political turmoil. Political instability is the root cause of all evils. Since Independence, Pakistan has been facing the threat of political hubbub. It created a big gap in the economic development and progress. It gives platform for several others problems. The condition of Pakistan is not commendable. It faces bundles of threats because of political instability.Governement should play effective role to curb this menace. Several miscreants are taking benefits from this self created political instability. For the survival of their own existence, politicians are trapping in the nets of trouble makers. Good governance cannot establish in the presence of political commotion. Politicians have become power greedy. Lust for power has tightly closed the curtain of brain. They cannot have the potentials to comprehend the shrewdness of trouble makers. They are habitual of perks, privileges and power.
No democratic set is present in Pakistan. It further aggravated the deteriorating condition. It has created unstable environment around the whole country. No one is satisfied and happy since independence. Absence of democratic setup gives birth to multitudes of problems. This gigantic problem is creating turmoil.
Constitutional catastrophe was the biggest problem of Pakistan. After independence Pakistan took long seven years to draft constitution. It also laid barriers in the path of governance. Constitution provides framework for policies. Decisions have been taken in order to view constitutional boundaries. No decision has been taken outside the framework of constition.Violation of constitution is considered as crime. Violator would be granted severe punishment.
Military intrusion is also considered disastrous for the democratic set up. It puts adverse impact on the decision making process. It negated the image of Pakistan. In the initial years of Pakistan establishment, corrupt politicians usurped the right of innocent people. This paved the way for military to rule the newly born state. Constant four military rules devastated the democratic set up.
Feudal dispensation in the early years of establishment created a big gap in the development process. Massive corruption had been viewed. Wealthy feudal class joined hand with politicians. They started eating the treasure of people. Corrupt bureaucrats were also engaged in cleaning the wealth of people. This is the reason of failure of governance in Pakistan.
In the presence of institutional clashes, governance cannot establish its foothold. Recent clash between executive and judiciary has created disturbance around the whole country. Negative image has portrayed around the whole orb. Good governance needs a pleasant environment to establish its foundation
Mismanagement of resources is another mighty problem for good governance.Governemnet should formulate effective measures to solve this gigantic issue.
Lack of accountability has been creating tension since independence. Improper usage of funds is increasing the rate of inflation. Pakistan is also under debt trap. It is all happening due to absence of accountability. Corruption can easily be removed with proper channel of accountability. Check and balance is very essential for the maintenance of funds. Over exploitation of resources and funds is creating havoc. It gives birth to food insecurity and dissatisfaction among the masses.
Deteriorating law and order condition of Pakistan are adding fuel to fire. It creates an environment of fear and insecurity.
Sectarianism, extremism and ethnic rivalry all are against the norms of good governance. These curses should be removed from Pakistan.
International conspiracies have become the norm of the day. Presences of Pakistan in these conspiracies have become the fashion. It also put worse impact on good governance.
Now let’s have a glance on the essentials of good governance. Good governance can easily flourish in the presence of followings; Public participation, national cohesion, national integration, constitutional supremacy, institutional supremacy, strong foundation, independent judiciary, free media ,socioeconomic development, and so on.
Presence of public participation plays very effective role in the establishment of good governance. It revolves around decision making process. Public support and cooperation possesses great importance in good governance. It paves the way for good governance.
National cohesion and integration is very necessary for the establishment of good governance. When people joined hands together no power can defeat them. So in this regard national integration is very pertinent.
Constitutional supremacy is very important in this regard. It provides framework for policy makers.
On the same lines institutional supremacy is also very much important. This clash is erupted in the absence of mutual consensus. Negotiation is a better way to curb this clash.
Socio economic development provides strong foundation to governance. It includes the followings; controlled population, massive employment opportunities, proper education system, Effective rule of law, improved law and order condition, powerful system of accountability, removal of corruption and so on.
Now let’s have look on the concept of good governance by Islam. Islam is the religion of peace and prosperity. For the sake of prosperity and peace, it gives the message of equality, justice, responsibility, proper check and balance and so on.
Now the question arises here, what is the difference between good governance and bad governance? The answer clearly reflects the distinction. Good governance totally revolves around legitimacy, responsibility, rule of law, and opens administrative system whereas bad governance indicates towards arbitrary policy making, no rule of law, irresponsibility, unjust legal system, restrained relation between ruler and ruled.
Here another question arises, what are the impacts of good governance? It puts positive impacts on individual life, social life, political life, and economic life. It spreads the environment of peace and prosperity. Individual feels secure, when all his/her basic necessities of life would be fulfilled. It removes the feeling of self deprivation and insecurity. When individuals feel secure, ultimately, whole society feels secure. Society is made up of groups and groups are formed from individuals. Groups formed nation. When nation is satisfied, it ultimately brings gratification around the whole country. All are interconnected and intertwinted.It ultimately brings satisfaction in political and economic spheres.
Now let’s have cursory look on good governance and democracy. Both democracy and good governance are interconnected. According to Abraham Lincoln; democracy is for the people by the people and through the people. Active participation of people have been required in the decision making process.
Thus, good governance is regarded as the heart of every country. It brings management .It is essential for the process of functioning. It boosts the development process. It gives foam to socio economic foundation. It creates an environment of perfection. Necessities of people are fulfilled in an organized manner.
According to Etounge Manguella, “Good Governance implies presence of rule of law, safeguard of human right, existence of honest government, accountability, transparency, predictability and openness”
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Default What's wrong with this

"Let’s pray Almighty Allah to shower his blessings on Pakistan. Save this pious land from the selfish aims of terrorists."" Again link given to Islam etc, why Islam ? pious land? selfish aims of terrorists or leading politicans or leading ulemas /mullahs ?? Why examiner should pray for blessings on Pakistan after reading these haphazard lines?
T S Awan, whats wrong with these lines. Its just a prayer for our country. And there is no link given to islam, its only a prayer to Allah.
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Old Saturday, November 09, 2013
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