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Old Thursday, August 04, 2005
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Default Political Science papers,2004





NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including question No. 8 which is COMPULSORY. Select at least TWO QUESTIONS from each of the SECTIONS ‘A’ AND ‘B’. All questions carry EQUAL marks.


1-Examine the main similarities and differences in the Political Ideas of Plato and Aristotle.
(a) Examine the nature of the contract expounded by Locke revolving in the establishment of the Civil Society. (10)
(b) How Montesquieu classify government? Which form he considers to be the best?

2-Give reasons for your answer. (10)
"The Imamate is established to replace prophecy in the defence of faith and the administration of the world". Elaborate this statement of Al-Mawardi with reference to his Theory of Jmarnate.

3-Write short notes on the following:-
(a) Political Philosophy of Karl Marx
(c) AI-FarabPs Concept of State


5-How General Will of a Societyii formulated? Discuss in the light of Rousseau's interpretation, on the conclusions, characteristics and criticism of the Theory of Genera! Will.

6-What are the agencies available for formation and expression of public opinion. Also discuss the methods of influencing pi hiic opinion.

7. (a) What are the powers and functions of an executive as a second great organ of the Government. (10)
(b) Discuss the principles of "Fascism" highlighting its historical background. (10)


8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book, Do not reproduce the question.

(1) According to Aristotle the end of State is:-
(a) Logical
(b) * Legal
(c) Ethical
(d) None of these

(2) Al-Farabi by birth was:-
(a) Afghani
(b) Irani
(c) Turk
(d) None of these

(3) Al-Mawardi was a jurist who followed the fiqah of:
(a) Imam Malik
(b) Imam Shafi
(c) Imam Abu Hanifa
(d) None of these

(4) Jean Jacques Rousseau was born at:
(a) London
(b) Paris
(c) Geneva
(d) None of these

(5) According to John Locke, the best form of Government is:
(a) Monarchy -
(b) Aristocracy
(c) Democracy
(d) None of these

(6) The term, "anarchism" has been derived from and word 'anarchia' which is basically a:
(a) Greek word
(b) Latin word
(c) French word
(d) None of these

(7) Anarchism is the extrerhe left wing of Socialism. It was first expounded as political doctrine by:
(a) William Godwin
(b) Prince Kropotkin
(c) Proudhon
(d) None of these

(8) "Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (1789)" Was written by:
(a) Jeremy Bentham
(b) J.S. Mill
(c) John Locke
(d) None of these

(9) "Iqtisad-Fil-Itiqad" was written by:
(a) Al-Mawardi
(b) AI-Farabi
(c) AI-Ghazali
(d) None of these

(10) "SiyaSat Namahr" was written by:
(a) Nizam-ul-Mulk
(b) AI-Ghazali
(c) Ibn-Khaldun (
d) None of these

(11) "Ilmul-Iqtisad" was written by:
(a) AI-Ghazali
(b) AI-Mawardi
(c) Allama Iqbal
(d) None of these

(12) "Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam" was written by:
(a) Rosenthal
(b) Mawardi
(c) Ibn-Khuldun
(d) None of these

(13) A Discourse on the origin of Inequality and Social Contract was presented by:
(a) Hobbes
(b) Locke
(c) Rousseau
(d) None of these

(14) According to Allama Iqbal in which form of Government heads are counted:
(a) Oligarchy
(b) Democracy
(c) Polity
(d) None of these

(15) The turning point in the life of Plato came in the years 399 BC, when he was of:
(a) 28 years
(b) 20 years
(c) 24 years
(d) None of these

(16) The Great Political Scientist/Philosopher Aristocles died in the year:
(a) 347 BC
(b) 322 BC
(c) 304 BC
(d) None of these

(17) Plato went to Syracuse to teach philosophy to the tyrant Kind Dionysus but returned disappointed and opened his Academy. He wrote treatises in the form of dialogue upto the number of:
(a) 32
(b) 36
(c) 38
(d) None of these

(18) ' The Great but ungrateful pupil of his Master who was born in 384 BC was:
(a) Socrates
(b) Aristocles
(c) Aristotle
(d) None of these

(19) The Fascism of Plato got birth in 4th Century BC, whereas the modern Fascism is the Product of early:
(a) 18th Century
(b) 19th Century
(c) 20th Century
(d) None of these

(20) "An Essay Concerning Human understanding" was published in 1690, is.the most important work of:
(a) JSMill ,
(b) Bentham
(c) Thomas Hobbes
(d) None of these

Last edited by Last Island; Thursday, July 12, 2007 at 09:51 AM.
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Old Thursday, August 04, 2005
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NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including question No. 8 which is COMPULSORY. Select at least TWO QUESTIONS from each of the SECTIONS ‘A’ AND ‘B’. All questions carry EQUAL marks.


1. Comparatively discuss the La\v-making process in the Parliament of Britain and Congress of United States.

2. Write down the election of the American President.

3. The French politics is not as liberal as the Frenchmen claim. Discuss it in the light of the working of the French Political System.


4. Examine the role of Islamic Consultative Assembly in shaping politics in Iran.

5. Critically .evaluate role of political parties in Turkey.

6. Write down variables by which political culture has not developed in Pakistan.

7. Coalitional government have made Indian democracy fragile and crucial. Substantiate.

8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.

(1) Who wrote the following books: (6)
(a) Pakistan. The Heart of Asia
(b) Jinnah of Pakistan
(c) Bush at War
(d) The End of India
(e) Laste Days of British Raj in India
(f) Muslim Separatism in India

(2) Write down the title of the Constitution of Pakistan. (1)

(3) How many are the articles in the un-amended Constitution of 1973:
(a) 208
(b) 320
(c) 280
(d) 289
(e) None of these

(4) How many articles were changed in the 8lh amendment:
(a) 100
(b) 89
(c) 90
(d) 70
(e) None of these

(5) Name One Judge who represented Pakistan in the Red Cliff Commission: (1)

(6) What these initials stand for: (5)
(a) DGPR
(b) IPRI
(c) IRSA
(d) Ex-Com
(e) LFO

(7) Name the President during whose tenure Americans were kept hostages in Iran: (1)
(a) Reagan '
(b) Ford
(c) Jimmy Carter
(d) Clinton
(e) None of these

(8) Downing street is known for: (1)
(a) One. of the palaces of the Queen
(b) Parliament House
(c) Residenceof the Prime Minister
(d) 'Office of the Speaker of the» House Commons.

(9) Statue of Li pert v was given to USA by: (1)
(a) Britain
(b) France
(c) Canada
(d) Italy
(e) None of these

(10) Kamal Ata Turk was the: (1)
(a) King
(b) Prime Minister
(c) President
(d) Khalifa of Turkey
(e) None of these

(11) Demarcating Constituencies for election of the members of the Congress is known as __________. (1)

Last edited by Last Island; Thursday, July 12, 2007 at 09:57 AM.
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Old Thursday, March 05, 2009
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8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book, Do not reproduce the question.

(1) According to Aristotle the end of State is:-
(a) Logical
(b) * Legal
(c) Ethical
(d) None of these

(2) Al-Farabi by birth was:-
(a) Afghani
(b) Irani
(c) Turk
(d) None of these

(3) Al-Mawardi was a jurist who followed the fiqah of:
(a) Imam Malik
(b) Imam Shafi
(c) Imam Abu Hanifa
(d) None of these

(4) Jean Jacques Rousseau was born at:
(a) London
(b) Paris
(c) Geneva
(d) None of these

(5) According to John Locke, the best form of Government is:
(a) Monarchy -
(b) Aristocracy
(c) Democracy
(d) None of these

(6) The term, "anarchism" has been derived from and word 'anarchia' which is basically a:
(a) Greek word
(b) Latin word
(c) French word
(d) None of these

(7) Anarchism is the extrerhe left wing of Socialism. It was first expounded as political doctrine by:
(a) William Godwin
(b) Prince Kropotkin
(c) Proudhon
(d) None of these

(8) "Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (1789)" Was written by:
(a) Jeremy Bentham
(b) J.S. Mill
(c) John Locke
(d) None of these

(9) "Iqtisad-Fil-Itiqad" was written by:
(a) Al-Mawardi
(b) AI-Farabi
(c) AI-Ghazali
(d) None of these

(10) "SiyaSat Namahr" was written by:
(a) Nizam-ul-Mulk
(b) AI-Ghazali
(c) Ibn-Khaldun (
d) None of these

(11) "Ilmul-Iqtisad" was written by:
(a) AI-Ghazali
(b) AI-Mawardi
(c) Allama Iqbal
(d) None of these

(12) "Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam" was written by:
(a) Rosenthal
(b) Mawardi
(c) Ibn-Khuldun
(d) None of these

(13) A Discourse on the origin of Inequality and Social Contract was presented by:
(a) Hobbes
(b) Locke
(c) Rousseau
(d) None of these

(14) According to Allama Iqbal in which form of Government heads are counted:
(a) Oligarchy
(b) Democracy
(c) Polity
(d) None of these

(15) The turning point in the life of Plato came in the years 399 BC, when he was of:
(a) 28 years
(b) 20 years
(c) 24 years
(d) None of these

(16) The Great Political Scientist/Philosopher Aristocles died in the year:
(a) 347 BC
(b) 322 BC
(c) 304 BC
(d) None of these

(17) Plato went to Syracuse to teach philosophy to the tyrant Kind Dionysus but returned disappointed and opened his Academy. He wrote treatises in the form of dialogue upto the number of:
(a) 32
(b) 36
(c) 38
(d) None of these

(18) ' The Great but ungrateful pupil of his Master who was born in 384 BC was:
(a) Socrates
(b) Aristocles
(c) Aristotle
(d) None of these

(19) The Fascism of Plato got birth in 4th Century BC, whereas the modern Fascism is the Product of early:
(a) 18th Century
(b) 19th Century
(c) 20th Century
(d) None of these

(20) "An Essay Concerning Human understanding" was published in 1690, is.the most important work of:
(a) JSMill ,
(b) Bentham
(c) Thomas Hobbes
(d) None of these
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Al-Iqtisad Fi-il-Ightiqad was written by Al-Gghazzali.
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