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soloflyer Tuesday, March 22, 2011 01:29 PM

[QUOTE=aliraza171;280366]i complain with due respect to all active members that none of them have commented on my outline.i again request to all members to comment on my outline.[/QUOTE]

i attempted the same essay. but don't you think that you should have first defined disaster management? how it works. these are the two points that you missed but still if you have mentioned the solution to the problems effectively..i think overall your outline is good

pureapak Tuesday, March 22, 2011 02:02 PM

[QUOTE=Farrah Zafar;271510][B][SIZE="4"]Truth is a rare commodity despite the freedom enjoyed by the print and electronic media[/SIZE][/B]:(..

Please koi mujhe Yaqeen dilaye k meray pass honay k chances hain becz I wrote only 7 pages:(


[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][/FONT][B]Mightiest of the mighty means,
On which the arm of progress leans,
man's noblest mission to advance,
His woes assuage,his heal enhance,
His rights enforce,his wrongs redress,
Mightiest of the mighty is press.
(Sir John Bowring)[/B]

-Power of media
-struggle to achieve freedom
-relationship between freedom of speech and truth
-Keats's line

[B]"Beauty is truth,truth beauty,that is all ye know on earth and all ye need to know"[/B]

[B][SIZE="4"]Print Media
[/SIZE][/B]-pre partition news papers' hadn't freedom but truth
-Example of Zamindar newspaper
-Now a days biased columns
-Half truth itself is a lie

[B][SIZE="4"]Electronic Media[/SIZE][/B]

-Convey news without confirming
-produce thrill and sensation
-an influencing power but misuses
-Quote by Conrad

[B]"Power corrupts man and absolute power corrupts absolutely"[/B]

[B][SIZE="4"]Reasons behind untruthfulness [/SIZE][/B]

-Political pressure
-materialism(no noble cause)
[B]"materialism is the death of spirituality"[/B]
-Islam is not followed whose main emphasis is upon truth


-teaching of Islam through instituition of Family
-Holy Prophet sticked to truth in spite of sufferings
-Socrates Example

aakhir mein Ghalib ka shair ager ap logon ko aitraz na ho tou...bcz I wrote it in the end:pp

[B]Saadiq hun apnay qaul pe Ghalib khuda gawah,
kehta hun sach k jhoot ki aadat nahi mujhe..![/B]

[B](I'm sticked to my saying,God is witness,I speak truth as I'm not used to tell a lie)

charm of your outline lies in Superb quotes.
ur outline is impressive indeed, you would get thru it.(Enshallah) my cordial wishes are along you.
Best of luck.

pureapak Tuesday, March 22, 2011 02:05 PM

Have a look at this outline plz
[B]Truth is a rare commodity despite the freedom by print and electronic media[/B]

The people have right to know what their administration is doing for them and what activities occur all around in their state. Realization of this right led to the freedom of media. Media was freed from official regulations on this doctrine but despite the maximum freedom granted, media falls short of discharging on its fundamental purpose of presenting the truthful news , reports and stories.
1. Race for commercial ends and not for national service.
a. Mushrooming of Pvt. Newspapers and T.v news channels has set into motion a commercial competition among them
b. Exaggerated reporting on the unnecessary issues for the extravagant publicity.
c. Reporters at local as well as national level sale their loyalities to the corrupt officials and guilty people for not revealing the truth of their crimes or for exaggerating their duty performance to state.
d. Discredit the innocent and the honest public servants if they refuse offering such reporters their illegal dues.
2. Partial attitude.
a. Only focus on the excessive criticism of the government and falsifying the truth of its successful services to the people.
b. Presenting the ministers and even the head of state in forms of cartoons and telecasting comic shows in order to insinuate them.
c. Govt is discouraged by this partial and irresponsible attitude of media and its performance is thus influenced. (in order to avoid such criticism govt restructures its otherwise viable policies)
3. Vague attempts for gaining popularity regardless of their serious spillover.
a. Organizing wrestling table talks among state politicians exacerbating already pervasive fraction among political parties.
b. National issues worthy of intensive attention are sidelined while spectacular political tussles gain prime notice of media
c. Irrelevant political unrest emerges that obstructs state in delivery for national development and progress.
4. free hand coverage of certain incidents and state policies helps anti state actors in formulating effective designs.
>Due to unbridled media coverage of even trivial issues Enemy gets an idea of interior weak points and attempts exploiting them for rather big crisis at national level.

5. Leakage of sensitive state affairs and spots throwing states in new diplomatic wars while creating trust deficit among them.
a. Wikileaks , Not fully true cables.
b. Refusal of accused people to wikileaks.
c. Widening of misgivings among the countries in the wake of these leaks.
6. poor reporting of the one channel disclosed by the other
 contemporary tussle between GEO TV and CABLE OPERATORS.


Media retains an extremely vibrant potential to influence the state affairs. Its responsible execution may bring to the state an era of good governance, justice, transparency and thus over all prosperity. At the same time its irresponsible work projects the state in complications there by impeding its ways to successful functioning.

pureapak Tuesday, March 22, 2011 02:12 PM

@ Waseem gurmani and other qualified mates
Kindly comment on this outline. tnx

What are the hurdles in our way to becoming a truly independent state


Independence in its true sense becomes the basis of development in all the essential spheres of life.
Developed countries are truly independent states.
Take an Example of existing world powers.
-Pakistan is comparatively less developed because its true independence is hijacked by the following factors
1. Incompetent Economy
- loans and foreign aids at heavy costs. (U.S,U.N) Global war on terror.
- Rivalry with India and extravagant defense expenses render economy inadequate.
- Inflation
- Unemployment
- Poverty
- Imbalanced social classification based on financial influence, feudalism, land lordship.
- Improper utilization of natural resources and men power. Deficient technology, unskilled technicians
- Faulty infrastructure (Reckless Roadways and public spots), slow tourist and trade activities.
2.Weak Institutes
-Government institutes fail to deliver on their respective duty charters. Declined Progress graph of PIA,FIA,NAB,AUDIT,WAPDA,SSGCL,CIVIL SERVICES(Police),EDUCATION and the like various other small institutes.
-confronts between Executive and judicial classes.
-Widely pervasive corruption engulfing nearly all the state departments.
-Trend of bribery regardless of fair play, conventional favoritism, nepotism and appointment of unqualified staff on this criteria.
- About half of the population is illiterate
- Copy culture
- Awarding fake degrees.
- Unqualified faculty at educational institutes.
- Shortage of Schools and Colleges and inoperative ones used by Local influentials in rural areas.
- Insufficient facilities and modern equipments in govt. educational centers.
- Corrupt administration in charge of viable functioning of educational institutions (From EDO To Head MASTER) All the officials are involved in exploiting government fund utilities for the development of education sector in the country.
-Most of the female portion of the society is deprived of education due to unawareness and conservative ideas.
4. Dysfunctional Political Structure
-Political Parties are founded on dynastic principles. A Few selected individuals are privileged to govern.
- politics for the sake of individual benefit not for that of state at large. Corrupt politicians and nro.
culture of “LOTA –IIFAFA” money factor in the interchange of parties by politicians>deaf ear to their national responsibilities.
- Fake degree holder parliamentarians and ministers.
- Trammeling Martial laws in the past.
5. Foreign interference in national policymaking and injured sovereignty of the state.
- Widely held belief of American dominance on national policy making>trust deficit between population and government.
- lose control over international boundaries>influx of refugees and foreign agents continues.
- unauthorized aerial attacks by us drone technology killing dozens of Pakistanis on regular basis.
-credulous subscription to diplomatic campaigns of foreign countries GWOT,SEATO.
-Alliance with America coasted far heavier than it would have in case of Russia during cold War Era.
6. Terrorism
-faulty foreign policy, political injustice, illiteracy and religious extremism collectively hand in hand produced the menace of terrorism that swept across Pakistan more than any other stake holder.
Handing over air bases to American forces in course of post 9/11 episodes enraged Pakistani public to a huge extent.
-Massacres committed by military operations in the tribal areas were initiated by US sponsorship and is continuously exacting heavy life tolls in these areas. This sets base for launching suicide bombers in order to avenge the blood of their dear ones.
-Diplomatic conspiracies>unrest in Baluchistan is allegedly a master piece of us-india intrigue.
- Blockade of foreign investment due to terrorism
-Political Assassinations.

Pakistan is in the face of these fatal challenges which are indeed killing the traits of its true independence and taming them requires a good deal of serious commitment. Her efforts to reach the status of truly independent state are on slow pace which do not guarantee immediate results.
A community with a definite territory can not claim to be an independent community unless it displays its independence in true sense. Pakistan thus needs to put her on straight line by combating the certain hurdles on her way to becoming a truly independent state.

nazlili21 Thursday, March 31, 2011 10:52 AM

[QUOTE=Ammad19;271639]has anybody attempted essay on women? it was more or less about the status of women in Pakistan. i wrote about 2.5 pages outline with headings and sub-headings n all and an essay of about 30 pages. I included many quotations, references to Ayahs and Hadiths and also some poetry of shelley and other reknowned poets, all were directly related to the status of women as a whole, in Islam and in Pakistani society. ...
well last time i didnt make an outline and included no quotations/Ayahs /poetry and scored 32 marks in essay...this time i am satisfied with the length and the quality of my essay but still want u guys to pray for me.

Good luck with the rest of the exams =)[/QUOTE]

i attemptd the same topic i also used quotations, references, and ayahs and hadith but one of the blunder i hav commited was that i did nt gv outlines:cry.Is there any chance to pass the essay paper without giving outlines?

muhammad imran sethi Thursday, March 31, 2011 12:09 PM

u have picked all the relevant points related to contemporary media and reasons behind untruthtfulness.I also attemted same Main points were Contemporary media is a crises driven media whose cash turnover is dependent upon crises turnover (arundhati roy). lack of contextualization;failure to keep balance in its three roles of education,information and entertainment,entertainment part has become predominant with information being woven into it with great dexterity,Big lie theory,ideological inclinations of talk show hosts(eg faked wikeleaks related to alleged indian role in balochistan),corporate control of media(egradia scandal in india),presenting politics as a theatre(eg news report about revoking of executive fiat restoring the judges in september) .These are some of reasons which i remember i mentioned

SADIA SHAFIQ Saturday, April 02, 2011 08:23 AM

[FONT=Arial Black][U][B]2. Without good communication skills, life becomes impossible in the modern world.

A. (a) definition[/B][/U][B]

(b)why impossible


B.Prophets and ALLAH communication
(b)child innate capacity of communication.
(c)communication relation with life.
(d)past communication skills vs modern.
(d)modern world and new communication skills..as
public relations ,advertising,painting,creativity......

(C).communication skills in relations.

foreign relations..
domestic relations and skills..
leader communication skills and mass contact

(D)communication skills in market
.marketing skills
economy U turn as RMB packages of china.
and other
(E)Religion and skills
umbrella institution and its spheres..
free mason society
OIC and other organization..
ayatollah Khomeini leadership communication skillls and revolution..

(E)societal communication.
family communication and deficit hazards.
media inversion in life..

(G)..need appeal and moulding nation skills according to new styled skills.
future prospect..


muhammad imran sethi Saturday, April 02, 2011 11:52 AM

pl comment
Main points were Contemporary media is a crises driven media whose cash turnover is dependent upon crises turnover (arundhati roy). lack of contextualization;failure to keep balance in its three roles of education,information and entertainment,entertainment part has become predominant with information being woven into it with great dexterity,Big lie theory,ideological inclinations of talk show hosts(eg faked wikeleaks related to alleged indian role in balochistan),corporate control of media(eg radia scandal in india),presenting politics as a theatre(eg false news report about revoking of executive fiat restoring the judges in september) .These are some of reasons which i remember i mentioned.finally quis custodiet ipsos custodies(who will guard the guardians) raised

FarazAli Friday, April 08, 2011 11:26 AM

Dear seniors,
you are humbly requested to check and give marks to my essay.

[B][CENTER]In this country reason does not apply to anything.[/CENTER][/B]



Present scenario

i.Lack of accountability
ii.Lack of education
iii.Weak judiciary
v.American intervention


i.Promotion of accountability
ii.Promotion of education
iii.Streghthening judiciary
iv.Eliminating feudalism
v.Getting rid of the u.s intervention.


In our country, numerous incidents have taken place from time to time but reasons of the majority of these incidents have not become known. People suffered at the hands of politicians and foreigners but they did not come to know why they underwent such sufferings.Nobody even dared to ask the resons. Eventually anybody asked the reasons, his voice was suppressed.There are many causes for this plight in pakistan but most important of them are lack of accountablity, lack of education,weak judiciary, feudalism and american intervention.Such situation has inflicted innumerable miseries upon people of pakistan. However, one need not be hopeless.There are ways out of such helpless situation. We can get rid of the unpalatable scenario by promoting accounability and education,streghtheneng judiciary, eliminating feudalism and by avoiding American intervention.

People of pakistan have undergone many sufferings since independence and on every occassion they could not know the reasons and causes for these sufferings. The history of pakistan is replete with such incidents.Mr.Zulifikar Ali Bhutto was hanged but till date it has not become known why he was put to death. There are two opinions regarding his death in pakistan. Some people say he was penalized because he was going against the policies of the U.S. While others claim that he was rightly penalized by the court for his crime. Regardless of which opinion is right, people of Pakistan are still unaware of the reason for his death.

Further, Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto was assassinated but reason for her death has not yet become known. Issue of her death is also controversial. Some people say she was killed by terrorists while others are of opinion that her death was planned by Musharaf. Still there is a third opinion and according to this Mohatarma's death was projected by the U.S.Thus in both above cases, reason for the happenings has not become known.

Presently, Pakistan is waging war against the terrorists and reason for this war is also not yet known. The U.S attacked Afghanistan under the garbage of war on terror. Approximately ten years have passed but the war is still continuing. The war gradually was dragged to Pakistan, being a neighbour country of Afghanistan, and its effetcs are still felt in Pakistan.Initially Pakistan disowned the war but gradually it had to own it under pressure of the U.S. Having owned it and launched operations against the terrorists, people of Pakistan have undergone uncountable sufferings at the hands of the terrorists. But people are still asking why was this war owned by Pakistan? why people were made to suffer such miseries? answers of the questions are still awaited.

There are many causes for such situation of uncertainty.There are causes and reasons of why questions of people are not answered and why reason does not apply to anything in Pakistan. First of them and the most important is lack of accountability.If there is no accountability, how a wrongdoer will be required to give reasons for his wrongdoings? In Pakistan, nobody is accountable to law and people. Every criminal does crimes without any hesitation. These criminals range from politicians to a common man. These include politicians, beauraucrat, feudalists and dictators.Our politicians have,since independence, been corrupt bur no politician has ever been held accountable. They committed every type of political crime which resulted in political instability.Their corruption and mismanagement contributed to weakeneng of the country and its people. If people are weak and uneducated, how will they ask reasons from their politicians for their wrongdoings?Thus in Pakistan reason has never applied.

Further, beauraucracy in pakistan has also been a cause of why reason does not apply to anything in pakistan.Initially after creation of pakistan, bearuacrats and officers were honest and God-fearing but after power regime of Ayub, corruption and mismangement made its way into the beauraucray.Sine then corruption and power hunger has been on rise in the beauraucracy but no corrupt beauraucrat has ever been arrested and held accountable. They too have contributed to weakening of the country and its people. The weak people are silent and never dare to ask any reason.

Moreover,feudalism has also been one of the causes of why reason does not apply in this country.They too are power hungry and as corrupt as politicians and beauraucrats.Their power hunger led them to suppress voice of poor people so that they can never rise against them.Weak and uneducated people are in favour of the feudalist and uneducated people never ask reason for wrongdoings.

Furthermore, military has also been a cause of why reason does not apply in this country.In pakistan dictatorship has been imposed very systematically from time to time.Democratic government and dictatorship are installed alterntely. In other words, both forms of government come in power one after another.It seems that army and civilians are secretly united in this misdeed.It is said that the worst form of democratic government is better than the best form of dictatorship, then why dictatorship has been imposed?whatever developments take place in a ountry in the rule of dictatorship, they are not beneficial in the long run.But in pakistan dictators have always weakened the country and its people. An example of the losses, which the dictators did to this country,is found nowhere in the history of pakistan. An example is the recent rule of musharaf who took side of the U.S in war against terror. It plunged the country into a dilemma from which it seems impossible to come out presently.However, no dictator has ever been held accountable despite punishment prescribed in the constitution. Every dictator violated the constitution but every time they escaped punishment.Thus the dictators have weakened the country and its people who then could never ask reasons for wrongdoings.

The second major cause of why reason does not apply in this country is lack of education.If people are uneducated how will they ask reasons and questions?People of pakistan have been subjects and victims of feudalists, politician,beauraucrats and dictators. They have been kept uneducated deliberately. Everyone, be he politician or beauraucrat, is power hungry and very systematiccaly keep people unaware so that they can never raise voice against them.Education policies are framed in such a way that they can never benefit the people.An example of such policies is the low budget, as a percentage of GDP,kept for education.

The third cause of why reason does not apply in this country is weak judiciary.Justice is one of the most important pillars of any state or society.Judicial system is the main organ which enforces what is right and forbid what is wrong.But if this system itself is weak, who will then ask reasons for wrongdoings?In pakistan judiciary has been weak since independence. In every era its independence has not been ensured.In zia ul haq's era, the judiciary,on behest of zia ul haq, sentenced Mr.Zulifiqar Ali Bhutto to death. Then in the second era of Mr.Nawaz Sharif, offices of the supreme court was attacked by workers of PML-N. and recent example of the weak judiciary is the judiciary in the Musharaf rule. In this rule judiciary was too weak to go against the dictator. The dictator replaced the constitutional judges with the PCO judges in order to weaken the juciciary.Thus the judiciary, which is supposed to be reflection of justice and voice of people, has been weak and people have not been able to ask reasons for wrongdoings through the judiciary.

Feudalism has also prevented people from asking reasons for wrongdoing.Pakistani socity is considered a feudalist society.Except a few, majority of the districts of pakistan are covered with feudalism.There is a rule of feudalists in every corner of the country.The feudalist has deliberately and very systematically kept his subject poor so that they can never raise their voice against their lords.Education is a threat to the rule of the feudalist and the feudalist deprived his poeple of the education.Feudalists, who are also parliamentarians, get the education policies framed in such a way that can hamper education process.Thus the weakened subjects of feudalists could never ask reasons for all wrong acts.

The last cause of why reason does not apply in pakistan is American intervention in this country.America is the super power of this era and presently its world order is prevailing. There are also its innumerale interests in the South Asia. In order to promote its interests in this region, its involvement in pakistan is very important.Therefore weak pakistan and its people are in interest of the U.S because strong men will raise voice against it. As a result of these policies of the U.S, people of pakistan could not ask questions about the american intervention in this country.

Effects of weak government and institutions are many-sided. Its negatives have fallen only on common man of pakistan in the shape of terrorism,poverty etc. Helplessness ensued frustration which ultimately resulted into extremism. The extremist inflicted innumerable miseries uopn innocent people of paksistan. We witness suicide bombings in which thousands of citizens are killed. Further effects of the weak pakistan and its people are also apparent in poverty.Mismanagement and inaccurate policies of the governments of pakistan always weakened pakistan and its people.Economic, social and all other policies failed which resulted in haves and have-nots.

Notwithstanding the above negatives, there are ways out of the frustration. First of all accountability needs to be promoted. It is the foremost requirement beacause all other recommendations are, directly and indirectly, linked with the promotion of accountability.For example promotion of education is also recommended to come out of the frustration.If accountability is lacking, recommendation for promotion of education may not be implemented because implementers may not be afraid of accountability. If accountability is promoted, all peoples and officials of all the institutions of pakistan, including political parties, army, bureaucracy and feudalism, will be afraid of doing misdeeds.

Further, education should also be promoted. Educated peoples are a reflection of a strong country.If education is promoted, people will become aware and identify between right and wrong.Thus they will ask reasons for wrongdoings.

Moreover, judiciary should also be strenghthened. Judiciary represents people. Strong judiciary will reflect strong country and its people.If judiciary is weak,how will wrongdoers be brought to justice?Strong judiciary is important for implementing other requirements because it will be a plateform to hold people accountable who do not implement any recommendation.Judiciary must be independent and supplied with honest and God-fearing judges.

The poor should also be set free of trap of the feudalist.The network of the feudalism needs to be broken.In order to weaken the feudalists, three steps need to be planned and implemented. First, landholding of the feudalist should be distributed among the poor. Second, education among the poor should be promoted on war footings.Last, the feudalist should not have a say in the parliament. If these steps are implented, the feaudalist will automatically become weak.

Lastly, american intervewntion in our country need to be checked.It has done innumerable losses to the country which ultimately weakened the country and its peple.In order to get rid of the U.S intervention, pakistan should explore other options.China has repeatedly offered assistance and bail out package.Friendship with india should be promoted which has been a major reason for pakistan to incline towards the U.S.

Life is changing continously and many events take place whose reasons do not become known. Ae should forget past and focus on the future. Reasons for many events will not become known if the above recommendations, especially propmtion of accountability, are not implemented.


SADIA SHAFIQ Friday, April 08, 2011 02:53 PM

its a very sentimental essay,be objective,sort out fact,why you raising voice against pakistan ,and if u want than prove them with solid reasoning and proofs.do not pour you thoughts,say what logic stands

03:17 PM (GMT +5)

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