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tropican Sunday, February 05, 2006 01:05 PM

[QUOTE=sikijav]Keep Jinnah apart his role was different he was a founder who leaded the idea of seprate homeland there were lots of other people involved in it.

Talk about the leaders after him... I think everyone did some thing good the nation... But I think the real leader was Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto he knew what Pakistan needed that time, though his dmestic policy was quite not well, his nationalisation plan was a disaster for Pakistan, on the other hand his foreign policy was marvalous, and his that acute sense caused him death.[/QUOTE]

Regading Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's foreign policy, it was he who discovered a long lasting ally in China. Governemnts before him went on even to be defiant towards China in some failed attempts to appease India.
Bhutto also remains the only leader to have played USSR and US against eachother for Pakistani national interest.
Release of 90,000 Pakistani jawans from Indian jails without almost giving away anything at Simla is also credited to Bhutto.
He is hated in the West as architect of the 1973 Oil Embargo despite not being a leader of oil exporting country.
The Bhutto-Faisal-Gaddafi trio was notorious in the West. Bhutto and Faisal were subsequently erased and Gaddafi neatly rounded.

07:06 PM (GMT +5)

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