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oriental Saturday, October 24, 2009 07:05 PM

I am quoting you:

Greet you in Islamic Way: Asalam-o-Alikum

@ Dr.MKShazad, Brother always use "Asalam" means " Peace Upon you" and "Salam" Means " Death upon you".

Salam means "Peace". It's like saying 'Hi!' - It is the most shortened version of the Islamic greeting (Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh) and originates from the hebrew greeting 'Shalom.!!!

I nowhere found the meaning "death" except Dr.Zakir's self explanatory connotation which I presume equivocal.

We shouldn't magnifysuch parochial interpretations. :)

bunko Saturday, October 24, 2009 07:25 PM

Dear Oriental,

I Greet you in Islamic Way: Asalam-o-Alikum

Salam doesnt mean Peace, Slam means Peace.

Salam o Alikum, word is used by the kufaar to tease the muslims because it means " Death upon you ". As we pakistani people are always use to of short cuts. We always wanted to be rich in overnight, only offer faraz etc. So this instinct of our also removes alphabate "A" and made it pronounce like " SALAM WALIKUM" Which is wrong.

In Pakistan, Salam is more Urdu word than arabic, so majority of people dont differentiate between two. And you is one of them. ;)

Dear brother, I want you to consult any Imam or Qazi anyone, who you think have enough knowledge to deliver you the truth.


oriental Saturday, October 24, 2009 10:02 PM

[QUOTE=bunko;148960]Dear Oriental,

I Greet you in Islamic Way: Asalam-o-Alikum

Salam doesnt mean Peace, Slam means Peace.

Salam o Alikum, word is used by the kufaar to tease the muslims because it means " Death upon you ". As we pakistani people are always use to of short cuts. We always wanted to be rich in overnight, only offer faraz etc. So this instinct of our also removes alphabate "A" and made it pronounce like " SALAM WALIKUM" Which is wrong.

In Pakistan, Salam is more Urdu word than arabic, so majority of people dont differentiate between two. And you is one of them. ;)

Dear brother, I want you to consult any Imam or Qazi anyone, who you think have enough knowledge to deliver you the truth.



I appreciate your answer :clap and I hope I can offer you a satisfactory note of simplification :

The word 'Salam' is an Arabic word originated from the Hebrew word 'Shalom 'refers to peace,itself derived from a Proto-Semitic šalām.

The word salam is used in a variety of expressions and contexts in Arabic and Islamic speech and writing. [B]Al-Salam[/B] is one of the 99 names of God in the Quran, and also a male given name in conjunction with abd. Abd Al-Salam translates to Slave of Al-Salaam i.e. Slave of Allah the All-Peaceable.

The word Islam derives from the Arabic triconsonantal root sīn-lām-mīm (SLM).Many different words are created from this root word by inserting different vowels between the three root consonants.Among these many words one is SALAM meaning Well-being or Peace.

Hence,the word Salalm is not an Urdu(as asserted by you) word nor it means 'Death'.

I think there is need to go to Qazi or Imam now ;)

Best Regards

bunko Sunday, October 25, 2009 12:05 AM

Dear Oriental,

I Again Greet you in Islamic Way: Asalam-o-Alikum

First of All, I really appreciate your reply, very well quoted. Hats Off ! :clap
I already knew about everything you mentioned in your Post, You are absolutely correct according to Wikipedia (Source:[url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S-L-M[/url]) Perfectly you copied the text, and post, I appreciate your effort.

Dear, Salam also means Sale. You are right SLM is the root word where other words comes from. but it doesn't mean ever word derive from it becomes positive or peaceful. Arabic is so widen that even its becomes hot water for Arabic people to understand it, Thats why Conditions of Mujatahid requires command over Arabic language.

Definitely brother, I want to Quote hadees Here;

Holy Prophet (PBUH) [COLOR="SeaGreen"]"If bewildering difficulties and problems may appear, you should go to the experts of Hadith to solve them"[/COLOR]

And Wikipedia and Other Sources are not our Expert or Qazi
I think we should find one to open this pandora box for you ;)


oriental Sunday, October 25, 2009 06:25 PM

Hi brother :)

I didn’t intent to prove myself right. Though, I could quote and cite many further sources. But my purpose was to show you the other side of the picture .

Dear; we should not make fuss of such petty things. Although 1400 years have passed yet we are unclear whether Islam means peace or Salam implies amity or death. And we are still wasting our energy proving each other wrong.

I never pay heed to such petty issues but I really feel upset when I see people brawling over such non- issues. To me it is all equal to say Namastay, Hello, Hi or Salam .My intention in uttering these words is amity not death or destruction to others.

And also, I don’t consider any one as Kafir .To me every religion is true in its aspects. I believe in these words of God as stated in Surah Al-Maidah (2:62 and 5:69),: ‘Verily, those who believe, and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.’

Today these non-believers or non-Muslims are more industrial and triumphant than Muslims, because they opened their minds and hearts, they followed the path of love and peace, and God as per His promise, rewarded them irrespective of their faith and creed.

So open you heart, my dear brother, and remove these glasses because that show you only one color. :)

Peace on U

bunko Sunday, October 25, 2009 09:52 PM

Dear Oriental,

It is really nice reply. may be you are right, that we should not discuss such petty things. But the way you are thinking, Is absolutely the way i used to think. Anyways Lets put a full stop over it because you don't consider anyone kafir, so it is a waste of time to discuss farther anything. It was good to discuss with you.

InshAllah, God will show you the right path one day.
JazakAllah Khair,


Correct Translation of the verse you mentioned is:

Surah-Al-Maida (5:69) Indeed, those who have believed [B][in Prophet Muْammad][/B] and those [before Him] who were Jews or Sabeans or Christians - those [among them] who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteousness - no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve.

arshad khan Friday, October 30, 2009 11:22 PM

@ bunko
assallam allikom,
brother you hav mentioned that pakistan is the hube of
terrorist, and one can easily find out terrorist in QUETTA. and etc.
i swear by God that just come to QUETTA and find out a single
terrorist overhere , u will be awarded million rupees.. you are living
far away from quetta and might hav not ever seen quetta in your life and
by just watching BBC & CNN ,, u took it as trth and fact....that
Mullah UMAR is in quetta, and it is the breeding ground of talibans.
its very strange brother that what you hear
you believe it, without going at the bottom of the fact. Quetta is
not as you watch and listen in media,, here the situation is 180degree changed

Abdullah Nayyar Saturday, October 31, 2009 07:42 AM

[QUOTE=aliz_khanz;147679]Pakistan is fighting two wars with its own foolish people from FATA AND BALOCHISTAN [/QUOTE]

I think it is a very petulant remark to start with.

If you read the letter that Gen. Kiyani sent to tribal people (written in Pashto), it calls these people 'an army without salary'. So what does that make them?
They are men who were guarding our borders for decades without being rewarded even with the rights that rest of us in settled areas possess. There is a much bigger picture to this whole scenario. I think demarcating a line between good and evil is not so simple when we find our establishment's involvement in it.
Sitting in our fancy bedrooms in far off places, we have little right to comment on the integrity of the people who are bearing the brunt just because of the interest of the larger international players in their area.

08:10 PM (GMT +5)

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