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ADIL KHESHGI Friday, December 27, 2013 10:24 PM

[QUOTE=Irtika;430143]We should not forget that both Turkey and France are secular states. And this is not the case with Pakistan even though Jinnah wanted a secular state. We cant apply just desired things of good nation in our country. If we really want to see Pakistan like turkey then we have to apply its every policy. If not then we should not talk about it. If we really want see our country like turkey, we have to first make it secular state because in turkey even having 90% Muslim population it is secular.
Right direction is very important whether it's about evolution or revolution. It's agreed that we have to change even this change is slight because the same way we are not going to achieve anything good. We have to slowly change every aspect of our country. And this slow change should be in positive way.

Why we just mention drone attacks?? why we dont talk much about Taliban's attacks which directly kill Muslim girls, brothers in mosque and innocent child and their parents??? In drone attacks at least these talibans also targeted. If we had the same technology we would have been killing these taliban's and with taliban we would also be killing civilian. The same we saw in liyari operation. why we are a nation with double standard.[/QUOTE]

Respected Member! Going by the thesis you've made in your post, you need two revolutions first you need to get rid of the ideology of Islam which is the base of your nation and the state you're living in, on the pattern of Protestant reovolution led by Martin Luther King Sr. in Germany. Which is not going to happen because Islamic system is not suffering from those defects which were attached with christianity at that moment of European history. Every sane mind can easily infer where the fault lies, which obviously lies with the fake muslims. Secondly, you need a revolution on the pattern of French Revolution 1789 to put the state machinery and its ideology on modern footings. You,certainly, didn't get through the aftermath of the French Revolution. Though they introduced some revolutionary reforms through their 1793 constitution after they overthrown the king, but they were not up to the task and monarchy again entered from the backdoor. That's a revolution demanded by all the people which is a certain impossibility in Pakistan because of the innumerable vertical and horizontal differences among the masses. Revolution would result in an Arab Spring like situation where the rebels are now standing pointing guns at each others, they're confused and can't just control the situation (There's no doubt about this Spring to a project of Western vested interests).Next, you've represented Jinnah as a secular leader which nobody can say because of the fact that we don't have any document which can substantiate this view, originating from Jinnah. We've his speeches for analysis but by going through all his speeches, one can't pass a sweeping statement of declaring him as a secular or theocratic leader. Once he said: "Muslims would cease to be Muslims and Hindus would ceas to be Hindu, not in the religious sense but in political sense as citizens of the state". If one take this statement at its face value, one would conclude that he's a secular leader but this conclusion would be wrong owing to another saying of the father of the nation: "There are people who want to create the mischief and make the propaganda that we'll scrap Shariah laws, Islamic principles has no parallel". So what Jinnah was? Was he confused about Pakistan? No. Instead he's a progressive muslim leader and wanted a progressive Islamic state of Pakistan which is obvious from his this saying: "I don't know what the ultimate shape of this constitution is going to be but I'm sure that would be of a democratic type embodying the essentials principles of Islam". Moreover, I must say that revolution can't solve the problems of our counrty and would bring more problems than we're facing today, evolution is the only way forward for a durable and stable change. Remember! The philosophy of Karl Marx was instrumental in bringing the Communist revolution but he'd to sacrifice his children for want of medicine while he's composing his philosophy, who's ready for this sort of sacrifice?? A society where corruption has made its way to the minds of people and everyone is thinking for individual gains at the expense of collective interests, where society has become a lot of ego-centeric people nothing would be changed by the revolution but revolution would wreak a great havoc upon the poor. Regards!

Zeeshan Rajput Saturday, December 28, 2013 07:28 PM

[QUOTE=talalz3;424066]Pakistan is on the brink of destruction these days. The only threat of its existence is not any foreign influence, but the country's own political elite who have looted and plundered the wealth of the people to fill their own pockets. The other day I was hearing my mom talking about how people were escaping the country when given a chance. "There is nothing left in Pakistan", people say. I have always defended my country and still do but I realize that these people are not to be blamed. They are powerless to defend themselves. This situation often puts me in wonder. How can this country escape the present crisis?
I sit for long hours wondering about it. I came to the conclusion that Pakistan needs better leaders. But the democratic setup of Pakistan has rendered this option uneffective. Would the masses succeed in bringing change through the power of the ballot? In other words Evolution. Kind of like what happened in Turkey. A single political party slowly established itself and finally after many years won a majority. Now Turkey is a model for the Islamic world. This is a fine example of Evolution. Can this model be followed by Pakistan? Maybe it can. But chances are, it can't. This is because in Pakistan, feudalism still exists. The feudal lords are still in power and would destroy anything that they see as a threat to their power. The poor peasants have little freedom in choosing their leaders. They are victims of oppression. This problem is so deep rooted that to accept change within 2 decades would be pushing one's luck too far.
Does this mean we have no option but to sit and die one day just to hope that our next generations will be free? Cannot we see Pakistan standing high among other countries in our lifetime? Maybe we can. But there is only one way out of it. Revolution. Which Pakistan is not completely prepared for. Lets take a look at France, about two centuries ago before the great French Revolution. France was also the victim of Aristocracy and Feudalism. The ruling elite did not bother about the lives of the common masses. The middle class was too busy to bother. But then, a spark changed the country as we know it. The poor peasants united and stood up against the ruling elite. There was a nation wide protest. The Elites were beheaded. The Rebels were determined to change the country. This was the French Revolution, a landmark in the country's history that changed the world as we know it. France is now a major power in the world. A country where people are aware of their rights and are ready to stand up to defend these rights.

Now the question is, what is the way out. Evolution or Revolution? Certainly our people are prepared for neither. But change is slowly coming. I can feel it. But what is the way out for the people? Please share your views. I hope you guys like my little piece of writing.[/QUOTE]
The only way to bring change in country is Sharia ,Quaid said that Islam is the complete code of life, so democratic system either of Pakistan or any other country can not change the state of any nation, we shall have to enforce [B]Islam in full [/B]in the country and have to promote Islam because any person in the absence of any govt official or law enforcing agent can do the evil or crime but if he or she is a good Muslim then he own will stop him self to do any wrong so act on Islam and see the results. Islam`s ruling system has remarkable characteristics and acknowledge special rights for minorities as compared to other religions or systems of the world so just sharia sharia and only sharia can bring the change.

10:27 PM (GMT +5)

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