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Taimoor Gondal Tuesday, January 15, 2013 04:35 PM

[QUOTE=emraankhattak;542428]in my perception the decision is right but, not at the right time as beloved country is facing long marches for electoral reforms and governor raj in Baluchistan.it will derail the democratic processas the country is set to head towards general elections in couple of months.it will also distort the soft image of our dear homeland, seems that supreme court has taken this decision in a hasty way.definitely our already fragile economy will further suffer and the prognosis are seeming gloomy.
over to u guys[/QUOTE]

right decision at anytime is right. And how could it derail democratic process?
Decision against corruption will strengthen the democratic process.
And distorting the image of country... How could it distort the image of country.
A corrupt head of goverment and a corrupt head of state distorts the soft image of a country more than arresting these persons. And if we can not make decisions against corrupt just to save the soft image of country then we deserve these corrupt leaders.
And what about fragile economy?
Our economy has already been ruined by the corruption of these persons. Loadshedding repell our economy to deteriorating condition.
I feel this is a great decision by supreme court.

Zaheer Qadri Tuesday, January 15, 2013 04:41 PM

[QUOTE=Taimoor Gondal;542440]right decision at anytime is right. And how could it derail democratic process?
Decision against corruption will strengthen the democratic process.
And distorting the image of country... How could it distort the image of country.
A corrupt head of goverment and a corrupt head of state distorts the soft image of a country more than arresting these persons. And if we can not make decisions against corrupt just to save the soft image of country then we deserve these corrupt leaders.
And what about fragile economy?
Our economy has already been ruined by the corruption of these persons. Loadshedding repell our economy to deteriorating condition.
I feel this is a great decision by supreme court.[/QUOTE]

Exactly ,
I want other BIG crocodiles also to be arrested... who have broken corruption records of all the past governments in the country.
appreciable decision by supreme court..

Bilal Hassan Tuesday, January 15, 2013 04:56 PM

[B][COLOR="Blue"]Well the decision by Apex court is right and i think it will give more strength to the blooming democratic culture in this country, if higher authorities are convicted for the crimes the have committed, common people will have faith in the Judiciary. The audacity that SC has shown since the restoration of CJ is really laudable. It is the harbinger to all other politicians who can think about any embezzlement of public funds.

BUT the timing is even more crucial for this decision, Dr Qadiri is in the vicinity of the Supreme court and if PM is sacked then the boorish mob (I think) can do anything, things can go awry.

Repercussions are already felt as KSE 100 Index has decreased by 465 points. The transition must be smooth as Pakistan is not at least being ruled by an usurper, this is publicly elected government, no matter it successfully delivered or not, people reserve the right to change them in coming election.

Let this democratic culture prevail.

Used tools are good as i know they are good. the unused ones i have not used, these might be the best, but i don't know these are really best or in disguise are the worst. (Plato on Statesman)
We cannot afford any intervention of [I]third force[/I]

There are news that Chairman NAB Fasih Bukhari has also resigned, things are getting enigmatic. let us see what has time to unfold for us.

sikander marri Tuesday, January 15, 2013 05:12 PM

i just wanted to say, Good decision by SC but bad timing..

emraankhattak Tuesday, January 15, 2013 05:13 PM

respected members, we are with an eyeball to eyeball contact on LoC with India, the confidence building measures were in progress.but now don't you think respected members, that their frenzy and prejudiced media will not launch a propaganda against Pakistan and its fragile political situation? domestically, facing long marches,governor raj in Baluchistan and heading towards election in just couple of months, i did not oppose the decision, rather i would say that it could be taken earlier when the accused was made PM or they should wait for two months either for general elections. i know that our hawkish media's anchorpersons and our people want change but they celebrated this change after the nawaz sharif government and later my country bore the burden and we are suffering uptil now.

Saleeqa Batool Tuesday, January 15, 2013 05:18 PM

During 5 years in power , PPP Govt has established new records of mismanagement and incompetence. So People's reaction over arrest of sitting PM is understandable.

There is no denial to the fact that law must take its course in indiscriminate manner so whosoever is found guilty , must be brought to books irrespective of one's status or designation.

Yet the order of PM,s arrest can not be seen entirely in above perspective. I am not a lawyer , so cant say anything regarding the legal aspect of the case.However ,if seen in the light of certain established legal principles, the apex court has overstepped its legal authority.

First according to a well established and unqualified legal principle, every one is innocent untill proved otherwise. So the case is at investigation stage.The offence is bailable. In such circumstances, when Supreme Court has ordered arrest, will any Accountibility Court Judge( A District and Session Judge by Designation) will dare to accept bail of the accused who also to happen to be the Prime Minister of the Country?

Another legal maxim provide that no accused , even that of genocide, must not be denied due procedures. In my opinion,under normal course the investigating agency , which in this case is NAB. The accused has been appearing befor NAB. If there was incrimintaing evidence against him, he should have been informed accordingly so that he could apply pre arrest bail.This is what happened with Ali Mosa Gilani and Makhdom Shahb-ud-Din.So at this stage , it would have been better if the court had let the normal legal procedure take its course.

If the challan of the case had been submitted in the trail court, the court itself would had advised the accused to appear before it by applying interim bail first.There are many examples where police during investgation declare the accused innocent and place their name in column 2 of the challan but letter on such accused are convicted by the court.

An other intersting aspect of this case is that few weeks before, the Supereme Court has shown its mistrust(on th erequest of Arslan) over the NAB, in Arslan Iftakhar Case. The case was handed over to one man commission that too was laterly desolved. Will PM Ashraf be given this priviledge to show his mistrust on NAB and get his case investigated by some one else?

courageneverdies Tuesday, January 15, 2013 05:37 PM

A right decision by the Supreme Court to convey to all that no one is above the law. It matters not how many Premiers are sent home as long as the judgements are unbiased and the people involved guilty. Like already said, this decision would strengthen the democracy as well as the belief of the people of this country in the constitution and law.

Further, if only elections are the way to bring change in the country, than why did the government impose Governor's rule in Baluchistan? Sometimes the elected governments force people to take things in hands, this happens when injustice exceeds the limit. In Pakistan, unfortunately, this is the case. The demonstrators at the D-Chowk are just an indication of how much angry the nation is. Even I am, and many here as well. Tomorrow PTI might also announce to join the Long March or announce a separate Tsunami march, as they have given their 7 points to government, above all the demand that the President should resign.

This is just the beginning, things will surely get out of hands. God keep the country safe. Cry 'God for change, justice and Pakistan'.


J Hussain Tuesday, January 15, 2013 06:35 PM

The decision is a slap on the face of the most corrupt political party in Pakistan. I completely endorse SC's verdict. Some institution has to rise to remove these desperate ills from the system.

Smiling Moon Tuesday, January 15, 2013 06:40 PM

[B]All I would say is a very good decision by SC but wat about other corrupt leaders?? ..and who'll be the next PM ??[/B]

Daisy Tuesday, January 15, 2013 07:38 PM

A very good and daring decision by the Supreme Court. It also gives us kind of satisfactory feeling that atleast some honest power is still there in the country over which we can trust blindly. A beacon of light in the age of massive corruption! Keep it Up SC!

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