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imbindas Wednesday, May 25, 2011 12:03 PM

The Bait-ul Maal (Public Treasury) and Revenue Administration
[SIZE="2"]A Public Treasury (Bait-ul-Maal) was for the first time established by the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam) in the form of a common fund for the benefit of the general public. During the time of Hadrat Abu Bakr (Raziallah Anho), a house was purchased for the purpose but there were no savings beside one Dirham when he passed away. During the caliphate of Hadrat Umar (Raziallah Anho) the Bait-ul Mal was immensely enlarged.

He reorganised the entire system on a very sound and just basis. The officer in charge of the Public Treasury (Bait-ul Mal) was known as "Sahib-i-Bait-ul-Ma1". There were Treasury officers in each province. Guards were also appointed for the Bait-ul Mal. In Medina there was the central Treasury and regular accounts were kept.

Following were the main sources of revenue

(i) Jizya (Indemnity or Defence Tax);
(ii) Zakat(Poor Tax);
(iii) Khiraj(Land Tax);
(iv) 'Ushr (Special land Tax);
(v) Booty(Income from the conquered places)
(vi) Tax on non-Muslim merchants or traders (because they did pay Zakat).

The tax on non-Muslim traders was introduced by Hadrat’ Umar (Raziallah Anho) for the first time. The reason was obvious they did not pay Zakat while Muslim merchants had to pay Zakat. Ushr, the special land tax equal to one tenth of the produce was taken from large holdings.

The Zakat fund was kept in special account books and was spent in accordance with the Islamic laws as given in the Holy Qur'an. From the rest of the fund, expenditure on general administration and warfare was met. The surplus was distributed among Muslims which was determined by three main principles - the relationship and the closeness with the Holy Prophet; priority of conversion to Islam and sacrifices for its cause; and military service to Islam. For example, the "Badriyin" (the participants of Badr battle) received 5000 Dirhams each, those who participated in the battle of Uhud or participated in the "Treaty of Hudaibiya" received 4000 each. The Muslims who accepted Islam before the conquest of Makkah but after the "Treaty of Hudaibiya" received 3000 each. Those who fought in Syria or lraq received 2000 each and those who took part in the battles after this received 1000 each. An ordinary soldier who fought during the time of Hadrat 'U mar (Raziallah Anho) received 500 to 600 dirhams. The stipend was given to every Muslim whether male or female, young or old. Even new-born babies also received stipends. Sir William Muir in his book "Caliphate" comments on it

"A people dividing amongst them the whole revenues, spoil and conquests of the state, on the basis of an equal brotherhood is a spectacle probably without parallel in the world."

Hadrat Umar (Raziallah Anho) was very cautious in spending the Public Fund. There are a number of instances which could be presented here

Once his daughter, Umm-ul Mu'minin Lady Hafsa (the chaste widow of the Holy Prophet Sal Allaho Alehe Wassallam) came to him and demanded some share in the booty, that came from a battlefield, saying: "Give me some because your relatives have certain rights over you". He replied, "Of course my relatives have certain rights in my personal property but not in the property of Muslims".

Once Hadrat Umar fell sick and ;the physician advised him to take honey. There was plenty of honey in the Bait-uI Mal. He went to the Prophet's Masjid and called general "Shura'. When people assembled he said, "I need some honey, I would be thankful if you allow me to take some honey from the Bait-ul-Mal."

Once he saw a fat camel being sold in the market. He enquired about it and found out that the camel belonged to a man who allowed it to graze in the public pasture. Hadrat Umar (Raziallah Anho) told the man, "You are entitled to get as much as the camel would have fetched before it grazed in the official pasture. The balance must go to the Bait-ul-Mal."

He took personal care of the Baitul-Mal properties. Once a camel belonging to the Bait ul-Mal ran away. He himself went in search of it. In the meantime a chief of a clan came to meet him. Hadrat Umar said to him, "Please help me in my work. I am searching a camel of the Bait-ul-Mal."

Such examples are unparalleled in the history of whole civilisation and they show extreme vigilance by Hadrat Umar (Raziallah Anho) of Public Funds.
At this place I would like to mention two more things in connection with the Revenue Administration of Hadrat Umar: (a) Survey of lands in 'Iraq; (b) Indemnity Tax.[/SIZE]

imbindas Wednesday, May 25, 2011 12:03 PM

Construction of Masjids and establishment of Schools by Umar(RA)
He founded a number of schools. Masjids were used for giving religious instructions. A number of Masjids were built by Hadrat Umar (Raziallah Anho). He asked the governors of various provinces, specially of Syria to build at least one Masjid in each city or town. In Kufa a separate Masjid was built for every clan. According to some historians he built four thousand Masjids.

The Haram (Masjid-ul-Haram) in Makkah was too small for the increasing Muslim population. He extended it and built a wall around it in order to separate it from the township. He covered the Ka'bah with very costly Egyptian cloth instead of ordinary cloth.

The Masjid of the Holy Prophet was also extended. He bought all the houses and properties surrounding the Masjid besides the houses of the chaste widows of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam), and extended the Masjid. A big platform was constructed in the yard of the Masjid to impart Islamic knowledge.[/SIZE]

imbindas Wednesday, May 25, 2011 12:04 PM

Special care of Agriculture by Umar(RA)the great
Agronomy was the main source of income during those days. Hadrat Umar (Raziallah Anho) took special care of the welfare of agriculture and the farmers. As stated before he dug a number of canals for irrigation. A number of gardens were planted on his order. He made a law under which no Muslim could acquire land from the natives of the soil in the conquered territories. However land could be purchased. He supported both Muslim and non-Muslim farmers.

Besides the construction of canals a number of barrages, and big pools were constructed for supply of water in various parts of the State. Hadrat Umar also issued an ordinance under which uncultivated lands could be acquired by the permission of the government. Such lands were treated as the estates of those persons who cultivated them within three years of acquiring them, otherwise land would vest in the government. Large areas of land were thus cultivated because of this ordinance.

imbindas Wednesday, May 25, 2011 12:05 PM

Umar's (Raziallah Anho) Period was the GOLDEN AGE of ISLAMIC History
Hadrat Umar’s period was the Golden Age of the Islamic history when Islam was practised in its true form. Hadrat Umar (Raziallah Anho) Initiated 41 good practices during his period, which were based upon the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam). These are known as "Awliat-i-Umar (the Initiations Of Umar). The details can be seen in the books of Islamic History like Tabari, Ibn-i-Athir, and Tarikh-i-Khulafa etc. Most of these initiations have been mentioned in the preceding pages in brief. Actually Hadrat Umar (Raziallah Anho) was the founder of ISLAMIC DEMOCRACY based upon the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wassallam). The words of the Holy Prophet are very true




imbindas Wednesday, May 25, 2011 12:06 PM

Survey of Lands in Iraq by Umar(RA)the great
[SIZE="2"]Before Islam there was no administration in Arabia. Hadrat Umar (Raziallah Anho) introduced a full administrative system based upon Islam. When Iraq was conquered he did not allow the conquered land to be distributed as estate among the warriors. He granted it to the people as State property. There were many objections raised by some of the Companions. After consultation with the "Shura", Hadrat Umar’s plan was formulated. Then he ordered survey of the conquered land in 'Iraq. Land tax has assessed according to the income of the farmers. No tax was levied on lands which were trusts for places of worship or which were owned by orphans. Forests were considered as State property. Big estates, owned individually by people were not taken away from them.

In other places like Syria and Egypt more or less the same system remained enforced as was before Islam as far as the ownership of estates was concerned. However he took those estates which were owned by Imperial Officers of Roman Empire and distributed them among the farmers. No Muslim was allowed to take over any piece of land. However purchase of lands was allowed.

He constructed a number of canals for irrigation purposes. In Egypt alone one hundred twenty thousand labourers worked to construct various canals from the river Nile. All these labourers were paid by the State.[/SIZE]

imbindas Wednesday, May 25, 2011 12:07 PM

Police Department & institution of prisons by Umar(RA)the great
To keep order inside the State, a police force was necessary. Hadrat Umar (Raziallah Anho) was the first Muslim Head of State who established the Police Department. The Police force at that time was known as "Ahdath" and the police officer as the "Sahibul Ahdath". Hadrat Abu Hurairah(Raziallah Anho) was appointed as the "Sahibul Ahdath" for Bahrain. When he was going to take charge of his duty, Hadrat Umar (Raziallah Anho) gave him the following instructions

"Keep peace in the area. Let not the people contravene law. They should not measure or weigh incorrectly. Nobody should build any house on roads so as to hinder the passage. No one should overload an animal. Nobody is allowed to sell or buy liquor".

There was no jail in Arabia before Hadrat Umar (Raziallah Anho). He bought five houses in Makkah and used them as prisons. He also set up jails in some districts of various provinces. The punishment of exile was for the first time introduced by Hadrat Umar (Raziallah Anho) He exiled Abu Mihjan Thaqafi to an island as punishment for drinking liquor.[/SIZE]

imbindas Wednesday, May 25, 2011 12:08 PM

The Khalifah was the religious head of the State
[SIZE="2"]Not only the Khalifah the Governors were also great scholars of Islam. They were all administrative officers, theologians, jurists and pious.

The Khalifah himself was the overall religious head of the State. He used to lead five times compulsory Salats and Jumu'a Salat in the Holy Prophet's Masjid at Medina, and also the ‘ld Salats at the "Musalla for ‘ld"('ldgah) in Medina. At the time of Hajj he was the leader of the Hajj and in his absence a person was appointed by him as his deputy. In religious matters he used to give his verdict based upon the "Shari'ah" (Divine Law). In case of a question of law he usually consulted a special committee for that purpose working under a department known as "Shu'ba-i-Ifta" (The department of Jurists) or sometimes he sent the matter directly to the committee. Hadrat 'Ali, 'Uthman, Mu'adh bin Jabal, Abdur Rahman bin 'Auf, Ubayy bin Ka'b, Zaid bin Thabit, Abu Hurairah and Abu Darda (Rid. A.) were the main "Muftis" (Jurists) at Medina. The Khalifah did not hesitate to enquire about a Hadith which he did not know. At the same time he did not allow others to narrate Ahadith (sayings of the Holy Prophet), not known to him without a witness.

Besides performing the duty of administration each governor was also the religious head of the province. He had to lead five Salats in the nearest Masjid, the Jumu'a Salat in the Masjid al-Jami': (the main Masjid of the Capital), and also the ‘ld Salats on "'Id Musallas".[/SIZE]

imbindas Wednesday, May 25, 2011 12:08 PM

Umar the pioneer of the Islamic democracy
[SIZE="2"]Hadrat Umar (Raziallah Anho) was the pioneer of modern civilisation to form a state based upon the Islamic democratic system, the system which was incorporated in the West as late as 19th and 20th centuries. He was the greatest democratic administrator whose example is unparalleled not only in the history of Islam but also in the history of modern civilisation. A vast part of the Middle East, Persian Empire and Byzantium, was conquered during the ten years of his "Khilafat" (Caliphate) which he consolidated into a state governed by Islam i.e. laws. "As an administrator", says Prof. K. Ali, a Muslim writer, "he remained a model for all great Muslim rulers during the whole Islamic history". Another famous historian, Amir Ali says, "During the thirty years that the Republic lasted, the policy derived its character chiefly from Umar both during his life-time and after his death."

The constitution of Islamic caliphate during the time of Hadrat Umar (Raziallah Anho) was based entirely on the Islamic democratic system. All matters were decided after consultation with the "Shura"(The Council of Advisors) the details of which would be given in the following pages. He remarked, "It is essential for a "Khalifah" to consult his "Shura". Once he said, "I do not desire that you may follow anything that arises from my caprice". Hadrat Umar had clearly stated on various occasions that he should be obeyed as long as he was obeying Allah and the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wassallam).

Muslims and non-Muslims were treated alike. Although the Arab peninsula was declared to be purely an Islamic State, his attitude towards the non-Muslims was very tolerant. He allowed the Jews and the Christians, living in the Peninsula, to stay there if they so wished and nobody would interfere in their religious affairs. To those who desired to migrate he ensured safe journey up to the borders. Hadrat Umar (Raziallah Anho) also gave compensation for their properties and other facilities.[/SIZE]

imbindas Wednesday, May 25, 2011 12:10 PM

Piety of Umar(RA)the Great
[SIZE="2"]His dress, meals and general behaviour were similar to those of the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wassallam). There were usually a number of patches on his dress. He always took very ordinary meals. Once Yazid bin Abi Sufyan invited him to a feast and when special dishes were brought before him, he stopped eating and said, "I swear Allah, in Whose hand is the life of Umar, if you would not follow the ways of the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wassallam), Allah would cause you to be away from the "Siratul-Mustaqim"(the Straight Path)". He did not leave his characteristic simplicity even though he was ruling over a vast empire from Iran to Tripoli. He used to sit on a mat made of grass leaves.

Hadrat Umar feared Allah and was wholly devoted to Him. It was his usual practice to cry and weep during Salat. Sometimes he passed whole of the night performing Salat and crying before Allah; and because of tears his beard used to get wet. It was his usual practice to weep during the Fajr Salat. On hearing or reading the verses of the Holy Qur'an containing description of the Day of Judgement and the Hell he used to weep so much so that his whole beard would get wet. Once he was leading Fajr Salat when he recited a verse from Surah Yusuf: "I expose my distress and anguish only to Allah"(ll : 16), he started to weep and his voice was heard in the back row of the congregation. Because of excessive weeping due to fear of Allah, his eyes were swollen.

He was fearful of the account to be taken on the Day of Judgement. Once he took hold of a straw and said, "I wish I was a straw (to be saved from the account on the Day of Judgement)."

Hadrat Umar (Raziallah Anho) sacrificed almost all of his wealth for the sake of Allah and for His Holy Prophet (Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam). Once he said, "I love the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wassallam) more than anything besides my life". Hearing this the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wassallam) remarked, "Nobody is (a true) Muslim unless he loves me more than everything of the world including his own life". On this Hadrat Umar (Raziallah Anho)said, "Now I love you, 0 Prophet of Allah, more than my life."

His belief in the Unity of God was unshakable. Once he went to Hajj during his "Khilafat” and while kissing the Black Stone (an act included in the rites of Hajj) he remarked, "I know that you are a stone. Neither can you harm anybody nor can do good to anybody. If I had not seen the Prophet of Allah kiss you I would have never kissed ". He was a strict follower of the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wassallam).[/SIZE]

imbindas Wednesday, May 25, 2011 12:11 PM

Character of Umar(RA)the great
[SIZE="2"]He was a very pious Muslim. His success lay in two things-fear of Allah and his love for the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wassallam). He never used even oil from the Bait-ul-Mal (Public Treasury) to burn a lamp at night for his personal needs. Whenever he finished the official work he put off the lamp. He used to patrol in the city at night to find out the needs and requirements, and conditions of the people. He did not hesitate to take his wife to work as a midwife for a poor woman. The salary he got from the Bait-ul-Mal was so low that it was hardly enough for him and his family's needs. When some of the eminent Muslims requested him to increase the amount he, said, "The Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wassallam) has left a standard by his personal example. I must follow him".

Hadrat Umar was the most just ruler in the Islamic History. All the citizens, including the Caliph himself, were equal before law. Once he appeared before a court at Medina to clarify his position against a complaint. The Qadi (Judge) wanted to stand in his honour, but he did not allow him to do so, so that there would be no distinction between him and an ordinary person before Law. He was really the founder of modern democratic system.

In short he was the best example of an ideal character, and was the greatest "Khalifah" of Islam after Abu Bakr (Raziallah Anho). He selflessly devoted his whole energy for the cause of Islam. Muslims will always be indebted to him for his great achievements. As a matter of fact a separate book is required to describe his character and his services to Islam.[/SIZE]

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