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imbindas Wednesday, May 25, 2011 12:12 PM

Umar's services to Islam before his Khilafat (Caliphate)
[SIZE="2"]Hadrat Umar (Raziallah Anho) had great love for Allah and the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wassallam). He participated in almost all the big battles: Badr, Uhad, Ahzab, Khaibar, Hunain etc. In the expedition to "Tabuk" he gave half of his wealth in the path of Allah. He was next to Hadrat Abu Bakr (Raziallah Anho) to sacrifice his belongings for the cause of Allah.

The Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wassallam) also had a deep love for him. Once he remarked, "were a prophet to come after me, he would have been Umar". In another Hadith mentioned in Bukhari, Hadrat Abu Hurairah (Raziallah Anho) narrated that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam) said, "In Bani Isra'il (Israelites) there were people who were not prophets but talked to Allah. Were anyone in my Ummah (people) like those persons, he would be Umar".

The death of the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wassallam) was a great shock to him, and he could not believe it until Hadrat Abu Bakr (Raziallah Anho) reminded him of a clear verse of the Holy Qur'an on the subject. He then went to the Council Hall along with Hadrat Abu Bakr (Raziallah Anho) where the people of Medina had assembled to select the First Caliph. Hadrat Umar (Raziallah Anho) was the first person to pledge loyalty(Bai'at) at the hand of Hadrat Abu Bakr(Raziallah Anho), and then helped him throughout the duration of his rule.[/SIZE]

imbindas Wednesday, May 25, 2011 12:13 PM

Umar's acceptance of Islam
[SIZE="2"]It was the sixth year of Holy Prophet's mission when Quraish leaders called a meeting and asked a volunteer for the assassination of the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wassallam) Umar offered himself for this job and everybody in the meeting exclaimed that he was the right person for it. While he was on his way with a sword in his hand he met Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas who enquired of him about his destination. Umar told him that he was going to murder the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wassallam). After some discussion Sa'd said, "You had better take care of your own family first. Your sister and brother-in-law both have accepted Islam". Hearing this Umar changed his direction and went straight to his sister's house. When Hadrat Umar knocked at the door, they were studying the Holy Qur'an from Hadrat Khabbab (Raziallah Anho). His sister Fatimah was frightened on hearing Umar’s voice and tried to hide the portion of the Holy Qur'an she was reciting. When Umar entered the house he enquired about their Islam and on finding that they had accepted Islam, he first fell upon his brother-in-law and beat him severely. When his sister intervened he smote her so violently on her face that it bled profusely. On this his sister burst out: "Do whatever you like, we are determined to die as Muslims". When Umar saw his sister bleeding, he cooled down and felt ashamed. He loved Fatimah very much but could not tolerate her conversion to Islam. However, deeply moved, Umar asked her to show the pages on which the Holy Qur'an was written. But she was, after all, Umar’s sister and told him straight, "You can not touch it unless you take a bath and make yourself clean" He washed his body and then read the leaves. That was the beginning of Surah Ta Ha (Chapter 20 of the Holy Qur'an). When he came to the verse:

"Lo! I even I, am Allah, there is no god save Me. So serve Me and establish Salat for My remembrance". (20:14)

Umar exclaimed, "Surely this is the Word of Allah. Take me to Muhammad (Sallallahu ’alaihi wa Sallam)".

On hearing this Hadrat Khabbab (Raziallah Anho), who had hidden himself in the house, came out from inside and said, "0 "Umar! Glad tidings for you. It seems that the prayer of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) which he said last night has been answered in your favour. He had prayer to Allah: "O Allah, strengthen Islam with either Umar b. Khattab or Umar b. Hisham whomsoever Thou pleaseth".

Umar then went to the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ’alaihi wa Sallam). On seeing him, the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wassallam) asked him, "Umar! what brings you here”? He said, "I am here to accept Islam". Hearing this the Muslims shouted with joy, "Allahu Akbar"(Allah is the Greatest) and the sound rent the air of Makkah. As a matter of fact, Umar’s conversion to Islam was a terrible blow to the morale of the disbelieves. 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud, a great Companion, says, "Umar's conversion to Islam was a great triumph, his emigration to Medina a tremendous reinforcement and his accession to Caliphate a great blessing for the Muslims". In some history books there are more details in this connection. I have followed the version of Shaikh Muhammad Zakariya (Damat Barakatuhu) given in his book " Hikayat-i-Sahabah".[/SIZE]

imbindas Wednesday, May 25, 2011 12:14 PM

Umar(RA)the great Life Before Islam
[SIZE="2"]Umar (Raziallah Anho) belonged to "'Adi" family of Quraish tribe. In the 8th generation, his lineage joins with the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wassallam). Abu Hafs was his patronymic name and "al-Faruq" his title given by the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wassallam). He was born in 583 A.C., about forty years before the great Hijrah. The early life of Hadrat Umar is not known in detail. In his youth he was a famous wrestler and orator, and a spirited person. He was one among the few people in Makkah who knew reading and writing before Islam. His main occupation was business.

When the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wassallam) got revelation and invited people to Islam, Umar became the sworn enemy of Islam and the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehe Wassallam) and did not hesitate to harm the Muslims and Islam at every opportunity.[/SIZE]

imbindas Wednesday, May 25, 2011 12:20 PM

Sahih Hadees about Umar(RA) the Great
[B]Volume 4, Book 56, Number 675:[/B]
[SIZE="2"]Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "Amongst the people preceding you there used to be 'Muhaddithun' (i.e. persons who can guess things that come true later on, as if those persons have been inspired by a divine power), and if there are any such persons amongst my followers, it is 'Umar bin Al-Khattab."[/SIZE]
Volume 5, Book 57, Number 14:[/B]
[SIZE="2"]Narrated 'Amr bin Al-As:
The Prophet deputed me to read the Army of Dhat-as-Salasil. I came to him and said, "Who is the most beloved person to you?" He said, " 'Aisha." I asked, "Among the men?" He said, "Her father." I said, "Who then?" He said, "Then 'Umar bin Al-Khattab." He then named other men.[/SIZE]
Volume 5, Book 57, Number 20:[/B]
[SIZE="2"]Narrated Muhammad bin Al-Hanafiya:
I asked my father ('Ali bin Abi Talib), "Who are the best people after Allah's Apostle ?" He said, "Abu Bakr." I asked, "Who then?" He said, "Then 'Umar. " I was afraid he would say "Uthman, so I said, "Then you?" He said, "I am only an ordinary person.[/SIZE]
SUBHANALLAH, this shows the greatness of Hazrat Ali RAA[/B]

[B]Volume 5, Book 57, Number 24:[/B]
[SIZE="2"]Narrated Anas bin Malik:
The Prophet once climbed the mountain of Uhud with Abu Bakr, 'Umar and 'Uthman. The mountain shook with them. The Prophet said (to the mountain), "Be firm, O Uhud! For on you there are no more than a Prophet, a Siddiq and two martyrs.[/SIZE]

[B]Volume 5, Book 57, Number 26:[/B]
[SIZE="2"]Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:
While I was standing amongst the people who were invoking Allah for Umar bin Al-Khattab who was lying (dead) on his bed, a man behind me rested his elbows on my shoulder and said, "(O 'Umar!) May Allah bestow His Mercy on you. I always hoped that Allah will keep you with your two companions, for I often heard Allah's Apostle saying, "I, Abu Bakr and 'Umar were (somewhere). I, Abu Bakr and 'Umar did (something). I, Abu Bakr and 'Umar set out.' So I hoped that Allah will keep you with both of them." I turned back to see that the speaker was Ali bin Abi Talib.[/SIZE]
Volume 5, Book 57, Number 29:[/B]
[SIZE="2"]Narrated Abu Huraira:
While we were with Allah's Apostle he said, "While I was sleeping, I saw myself in Paradise, and suddenly I saw a woman performing ablution beside a palace. I asked, 'For whom is this palace?' They replied, 'It is for 'Umar.' Then I remembered 'Umar's Ghira (self-respect) and went away quickly." Umar wept and Said, O Allah's Apostle! How dare I think of my ghira (self-respect) being offended by you?[/SIZE]

[B]Volume 5, Book 57, Number 40:[/B]
[SIZE="2"]Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "While I was sleeping, the people were presented to me (in a dream). They were wearing shirts, some of which were merely covering their (chests). and some were a bit longer. 'Umar was presented before me and his shirt was so long that he was dragging it." They asked, "How have you interpreted it, O Allah's Apostle?" He said, "Religion."[/SIZE]

imbindas Thursday, May 26, 2011 05:44 PM

[SIZE="2"]The Caliph paid great attention to improving the state finances which was placed on a sound footing. He had established the Diwan (FINANCE DEPARMENT) to which was entrusted (handed over) the administration of revenues. The income of the common wealth was derived from three sources (1) Zakat levied (charged) on a gradual scale on all Muslims possessing means, (2) Kharaj (Land Tax) levied on zimis, (3) Jazia (Protection Tax) levied on non-Muslims. The last two payments for which the Muslims have been much condemned by the western historians were realized in the Roman and Persian Empires. The Muslims only followed the old precedents in this respect. The taxes realized from the non-Muslims were far less burdensome than those realized from the Muslims.

Islam laid greater emphasis on the equitable and fair distribution of wealth. Hoarding the wealth is against the teachings of Islam. The second Caliph thoroughly followed this golden principle of Islam. He founded Baitul Mal (PUBLIC TREASURY) whose main function was distribution rather than accumulation of wealth. The Caliph himself took very little from the Baitul Mal. His ancestral occupation was business. Naturally he had to be paid some honorarium for his exalted (approved) office. The matter was referred to the special committee in which the opinion of Hazrat Ali was accepted that the Caliph should get as much honorarium from the Baitul Mal as would suffice for the necessities of an ordinary citizen. The Caliph fixed the rates of land revenue according to the type of the land. While he charged four dirhams on one jarib of wheat, he charged two dirhams for the similar plot of barley. Nothing was charged for the pastures (fields) and uncultivated lands. In this way he systematized the fixation of revenues, which, before his time was charged haphazardly (unevenly). Different rules were framed for the revenues of Egypt, whose agricultural output depended on the flood of the Nile. According to reliable historical sources, the annual revenue of Iraq amounted to 860 million dirhams, an amount which never exceeded after the death of the great Caliph though he was very lenient in his realization. The main reason behind this easy realization of the state money was that his people had become very prosperous. [/SIZE]

imbindas Thursday, May 26, 2011 05:46 PM

[B]Juri Zaidan, the famous Christian historian of Egypt pays glowing tribute to the achievements of
Umar in the following terms:[/B]
“In his time various countries were conquered, spoils were multiplied, the treasures of the Persians and Roman Emperors were poured in streams before his troops and nevertheless he himself marked a degree of soberness and moderation which was never surpassed. He addressed the people dressed in a garment patched with leather. He was himself the first to practice what he preached. He kept a vigilant eye over his Governors and Generals and enquired strictly into their conduct. Even the Great Hazrat Khalid bin Walid (The Sword of Allah) was not spared. He was just to all mankind and was kindly even to the non-Muslims. Iron discipline was maintained everywhere during his reign.” [/SIZE]



imbindas Thursday, May 26, 2011 05:53 PM

conquests in His(RA) Life time
[B][SIZE="3"]In Farooq-e-Azam(RA) lifetime the following conquests were completed:[/SIZE][/B]

[B]Fall of Damasucus in 14/635

Fall of Fahl in 14/635

Fall of Hims in 14/635

Fall of Balbak and Basrah

Fall Ublah and the bridge of Abi Ubydiah in Najran in 14 /635

Fall of Yarmouk in 15/636

Fall of all of the Jordan except of Tabarias in 15 /635

The Battle of Yarmouk in 15 / 635

The Battle of Qadisyah in 15 /636,

In 16 /637

Battle of Jaljulah and Qansreen

Fall of Ahoz

Fall of Madain

Fall of Jerusalem in 16/637

Fall of Jazirah in 16/637

In 17/638

Fall of Hims again in 17/638

Fall of Hurmuz in 17/637

In 18/638

The City of Kufah is built in 18/639

The great Plague of Amwas, Abu Ubydaih bin al-Jarah dies and many Muslim soliders.

In 19/640

Fall of Qaisariah in 19/640

Battle of Sohab in 19 /640

Fall of Takrit in 19/640

An Army is sent Aremina in 19/640

In 20 /641

Fall of Egypt in 20 /641

Fall of North Africa

Fall of Alexandria in 21/642

Fall of Nahwind in 21/641

Fall of Khorasan in 21/641

Fall of Antioch and Qalqalyia Pecefuly.

Fall of Adharbaijan in 22 /642

Fall of Masbithan in 22/642

Fall of Hamathan in 22 /642

Fall of Tabaristan in 22 /643

Fall of Armenia in 22 /643

Fall of Jarjan in 22/643

Fall of Koos and Raiy in 22/643

Fall of Tripoli (North Africa) in 22/643

Fall of Fars in 23/644

Fall of Kirman in 23/644

Fall of Sajastan in 23/644

Fall of Makran in 23/644

Fall of Khurasan (including Khawarazm, Farghanah, Takharistan) in 23/644[/B]

imbindas Thursday, May 26, 2011 06:29 PM

[B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Magenta"]The martyrdom of Umar (RA)

Umar (RA) used to always make Du’a to Allah that ‘Oh Allah please grant me martyrdom in the blessed city of Madina.’ His daughter would always enquire that my father, how can you be granted martyrdom in the city of the Muslims when there are no disbelievers around and there is no war taking place. Yet Umar (RA) had faith in Allah and continued his Du’a.

During his last days a Jewish slave came to Umar (RA) to ask him to intercede on his behalf to his master in relation to his payments. Umar (RA) told him to fear Allah and be happy with what he has, but in his head he had the intention of going and speaking to the master and interceding on his behalf. However, the slave was upset at Umar’s (RA) response.

One day during Fajr time this Jewish slave came into the Masjid with a double edged dagger that had been dipped in poison and as Hazrat Umar (RA) started to lead the Salah, the slave came and stabbed him in the back and in the stomach at which Hazrat Umar (RA) collapsed. The prayer was completed by another Sahaba and then a little while after Umar (RA) passed away.

This is how his Du’a was accepted by Allah. Who would have thought that the leader of the Muslims can be martyred by a Jew in the Masjid of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

It is said that the clothes Umar (RA) was wearing at the time of his death had over 10 patches on it. Imagine how the Kings of the world would dress and look at the way in which Hazrat Umar (RA) who was the leader of a vast emerging Muslim empire used to dress![/SIZE]

imbindas Thursday, May 26, 2011 06:32 PM

Hazrat Umar (RA) cried
[B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Magenta"]Hazrat Umar (RA) cried[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]

[SIZE="2"]One day Umar ibn al-Khattab came into the house of the Prophet (sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam) to find him lying on a simple mattress which left its marks on his body. There was very little else to be found in the room other than a few meagre articles. Seeing this stark austerity, Hazrat Umar started to sob.

'Why are you crying, O Umar', said the Prophet.

'I thought of Caesar and Chosroes sitting on thrones of gold, wearing silk. And you are the messenger of God, yet here you are sitting on this simple mattress.'

'O Umar', said the Prophet, 'are you not satisfied that they have this world and we have the next?'

Sadly, it is the SUNNAH of simplicity in living and the SUNNAH of being detached from objects of worldly pomp and show and the SUNNAH of giving preference to the Hereafter over the world that Muslims are neglecting so badly in today's world.[/SIZE]

imbindas Thursday, May 26, 2011 06:34 PM

[B]It is narrated from Hazrat Jabir that the Holy Prophet said:[/B]

[SIZE="2"]“Allah chose my Companions over everything else in existence except for the Prophets and the Messengers. He subhaanahu wa ta’ala chose four of them for me: Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthman, ‘Ali. He made them my best Companions, and all of my Companions are good.” [Al-Bazzar and Ad-Daylami]

The Holy Prophet also said:

“Whoever loves ‘Umar has loved me. Whoever hates ‘Umar hates me.” [At-Tabarani]

Hazrat Ibn Abbas narrates that the Holy Prophet said:

“There is no angel in the heaven that does not respect ‘Umar and no shaytan on the earth but that he is afraid of ‘Umar .”[/SIZE]

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