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Muhammad Ali Chaudhry Wednesday, September 11, 2013 02:01 AM

[QUOTE=pureapak;647268]This is too much of character assassination of your former President who came in power by the parliament you elected. ([B]Regret your choice not him[/B])

It throws a reasonable thought in solemn wonder how literate people can adopt a biased outlook in the assessment of situations and related people.

Its not about Zardari , Nawaz or Musharaf. Its about the whole culture and ideology operating at the back of our rulers. Its therefore no wise to discuss persons discuss the common mindset that includes Power politics. Dynastic parties. culture of corruption and nepotism, self love, extremism, monopoly and what not ?
" [B]People get leaders of their match [/B] " perhaps this is the case with our society.
Its not zardari.. Peep inside your possible capacity and give an honest judgment to your role ? are you not zardari by yourself ?
My point is.. we need to mold the overall national character into a standardized shape.[/QUOTE]

Sir , really i cannot understand that these were emotional comments or serious replies , because there were more questions in it as compared to the main point .

[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Eligibility of Zardari as a President :[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] Now , lets come to the point . According to article 43 (1) , Asif Ali Zardari was never eligible for becoming a president . So , it was not mine or your fault that he became our National Head . Here is 43 (1) :

43. Conditions of President’s office.-(1) The President shall not hold any office of profit in the service of Pakistan or occupy any other position carrying the right to remuneration for the rendering of services.

[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Our Culture , Ideology and selection of Politicians (not leaders) :[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] This thing is good that People select their representatives but all of us know that it is a reality that more than 60 percent of the votes are being casted by illetrate people .Here people sell their votes for money like 100 ,500 etc . So , again it is not our fault . But , what we are doing right now is our responsibilty as a Pakistani , that is criticising our ex-president . It was our right to critcize his wrong acts and still it is If we will not do this , we can say that we are like our leaders .I remeber Winston's Churchill saying “The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.” If we talk moreabout our culture and ideologies then British India Company was true in assessing that People of Subcontinent were not ready to take Democracy as a form of government .

[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Was Asif Ali Zardari really a Democratic President :[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] Now , Asif Ali Zardari , as people are saying that , was a democratic President and Democracy flourished in his term . So , Demoracy is not just passing of bills , completing tenure by Politics . The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all. It arises out of the notion that those who are equal in any respect are equal in all respects; because men are equally free, they claim to be absolutely equal. In democracy the poor will have more power than rich . So , we are not being treated on equality principles , if my vote was ignored then i can project my views against system . Inshort , them democracy about which Asif Ali Zardari worked for , was not that majority of the people of Pakistan wanted . Basic needs , employment , improvement in economic sphere , and law and order situation (which was actually the slogan of Zardari when he was contesting for presidential elections ) , these are the things that common people wanted . Here Asif Ali Zardari's rule ( i say it as a rule not tenure ) , fit into this saying of Plato " Democracy passes into despotism" .

[SIZE="4"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Blue"]Asif Ali Zardari's achievemnt : A good politician ? :[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]By the way , President of Pakistan and his achievement was that he was a good political leader . This whole judgement sounds crap as President has nothing to do with politics according to our constitution .

[SIZE="4"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Blue"]Coclusion :[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] We need to mold overall national character into a standard shape beacuse it is enough now , we cannot remain silent or we cannot blame ourselves all the time that we elected them . If we elected them , then we still hae the authority to put them down . These point has got some attraction and are true . So , lets do it right now . And at the end it is an honest judgement " People of Pakistan are far much better than Zardari . Good and bad people are are the essence of every society . It is a universal law and it cannot be changed .

[COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]Infact it was not our choice but we have regretted alot , now , it is a time to speak truth , atleast to compensate everything that we have lost till now .[/B] [/COLOR]

Regards :) .

Invincible Wednesday, September 11, 2013 02:28 AM

[B][B][QUOTE=noOne;647122]we all remember IMF, NATO, Memo, etc but we dont remember that in his tenure nation suffered from floods; causing finacial damage equal to or more than the 8 oct, earthquake.. and if not all, mostly people were rehabilitated.. to cope with such a massive catastrophe in those conditions when most figures and institutions go against you is an appreciable job. [/QUOTE]

He was seen in front of the 10 downing street during the Floods. Millions of people have been suffering till date who lost their livelihoods and belongings in that Calamity, dude.

[QUOTE=noOne;647122] completing and giving Gawadar port to China is another.. i am sorry i dont see any of the political figures who could do that against the will of and obligations to USA..

Good initiative

[QUOTE=pureapak;647268]This is too much of character assassination of your former President who came in power by the parliament you elected. ([B]Regret your choice not him[/B])

It throws a reasonable thought in solemn wonder how literate people can adopt a biased outlook in the assessment of situations and related people.

Its not about Zardari , Nawaz or Musharaf. Its about the whole culture and ideology operating at the back of our rulers. Its therefore no wise to discuss persons discuss the common mindset that includes Power politics. Dynastic parties. culture of corruption and nepotism, self love, extremism, monopoly and what not ?
" [B]People get leaders of their match [/B] " perhaps this is the case with our society.
Its not zardari.. Peep inside your possible capacity and give an honest judgment to your role ? are you not zardari by yourself ?
My point is.. we need to mold the overall national character into a standardized shape.[/QUOTE]

No one is sullying Mr Zardari's Image. We are posing a simple question which requires answer without Ifs & Buts.

[SIZE="3"][COLOR="black"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Q: What has transpired in the country under his watch?[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE]


Bilal Hassan Wednesday, September 11, 2013 11:43 AM

[COLOR="blue"][SIZE="3"][B]Well it is the dilemma that we things from a biased perspective which is wrong. A prudent person analyzes things as they are and as they should be not as they are according to his point of view, let us analyze that issue neutrally.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="3"][B]Miss Sabahtbhutta said that Asif Zardari showed patience during his term and has shown farsightedness in that regard[/B][/SIZE].[/COLOR]

[COLOR="blue"][SIZE="3"][B]He had any other choice mam? Being a country where PM is the spearhead of everything, the role of president is of no importance, he is mere a figurehead of the state and performs ceremonial functions only, he could not play his game in open arena because the house he was living in was made of glass, and if he had thrown stones at others, he would have broken his own house. so his patience was more a compulsion then a policy.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]

[COLOR="blue"][SIZE="3"][B]Zardari sb as the chairman of the ruling party has been a great player, I must say that his role as a political leader could not come to limelight but he made it possible the first democratic transition of the history, and he has been taming the beast "The GHQ Lions" and whenever he saw the omens of something bad, he came to negotiations, like he did at Tahir ul Qadri's long March. His party's govt made a history of mismanagement and bad governance yet he managed to keep the Army in nonchalant state. His party did not leave any stone unturned to break and create the records of corruption and every event that had caused the military coup in the past, took place in his govt yet Army stayed calm. That's indeed a great achievement. This is not sarcasm, for the record ;)[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]

[COLOR="blue"][SIZE="3"][B]As the chairman of ruling party, he could have done something to stymie the Corruption that caused the ruins of PIA, Railways, Steel Mills and other National assets, but he did nothing for that and took his due share in the plunder. I agree with Invincible that he was able to do something about that but alas! he did not.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]

[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"][B]I must say that no politician in this country is candid to the masses and altruist, but Zardari sb did not do anything for his own people as well, he could not do anything for the amelioration in the condition of those poor Sindhis who revere him, I was seeing a person prostrating before the portrait of BB, very ridiculous yet it shows that how much people revere them, at least he should have done something about them.

So appologies to his fans, I see no history he has made except that he kept the Army in calm despite limitless corrpution, mismanagement and bad governance and his party's govt did everything that caused the military coups in the past yet managed to evade the consequences the past governments had to see.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]

[COLOR="Green"][SIZE="3"][B]His real image would come to limelight now when he has stepped down from President house, as he himself said "Now I am free from every shackle, I will do the things I could not do"[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]

sabahatbhutta Thursday, September 12, 2013 08:47 AM

[QUOTE=Bilal Hassan;647413][COLOR="blue"][SIZE="3"][B]Well it is the dilemma that we things from a biased perspective which is wrong. A prudent person analyzes things as they are and as they should be not as they are according to his point of view, let us analyze that issue neutrally.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="3"][B]Miss Sabahtbhutta said that Asif Zardari showed patience during his term and has shown farsightedness in that regard[/B][/SIZE].[/COLOR]

[COLOR="blue"][SIZE="3"][B]He had any other choice mam? Being a country where PM is the spearhead of everything, the role of president is of no importance, he is mere a figurehead of the state and performs ceremonial functions only, he could not play his game in open arena because the house he was living in was made of glass, and if he had thrown stones at others, he would have broken his own house. so his patience was more a compulsion then a policy.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

[SIZE="3"]Yes Indeed, we need to analyse the issue neutrally.

And I think we are not forgetting that patience was not his compulsion but choice. Zardari sb made history by giving back his powers to the parliament. If he had not he would not have been a ceremonial head rather a powerful ruler. I don't think you are biased enough to deny this. :)[/SIZE]

[QUOTE=Bilal Hassan;647413][I][/I]

[COLOR="Green"][SIZE="3"][B]His real image would come to limelight now when he has stepped down from President house, as he himself said "Now I am free from every shackle, I will do the things I could not do"[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

[SIZE="3"]Yes looking forward to it. And he has also given us a hint of his future endeavours by stating that [B]He will cooperate with Main sb to complete his five years whatever come may.[/B][/SIZE]

Jolie Dame Thursday, September 12, 2013 09:20 AM


[B][COLOR="DarkGreen"][I]dear i think previous govt paved way for newly born govt, now nawz has to prove that he is also a patriot, but i don't think so he is, on the score of his performance of last three months, he has proved that he did not learn from history, and his politics of revenge is going on, give credit where credit is due ......[/I][/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]

Are you trying to say that Mr. Zardari is a patriot? This is quite satiric I am sorry to say. Would you please share the part played by PPP's government in "paving way" other than a semi peaceful transfer of government? What road has been paved for energy crisis and terrorism, the major of all issues to which every other problem is linked? I think I have missed something.

On one hand it is believed that previous to previous government messed up the situation, then PPP's role is almost skipped and people jump over to Nawaz Government for showing up something in 3 months. You guys should agree that Zardari's government also could not do anything for the major problems the country was clawed in, for whole five years.

Bilal Hassan Thursday, September 12, 2013 09:24 AM

[QUOTE=sabahatbhutta;647745][SIZE="3"]Yes Indeed, we need to analyse the issue neutrally.

And I think we are not forgetting that patience was not his compulsion but choice. Zardari sb made history by giving back his powers to the parliament. If he had not he would not have been a ceremonial head rather a powerful ruler. I don't think you are biased enough to deny this. :)[/SIZE][/QUOTE]

[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"][B]Agreeing to the point that he gave up his powers and chose to be a ceremonial head of state, his patience was certainly a compulsion not his choice or policy dear sister :). Let me tell you how, He could not have kept those powers in his own personality because he was alone and on the other hand was the elected parliament and he had no other choice but to give up his powers and after being a ceremonial head of the state, he was considered to be neutral and representative of all four provinces. [/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="3"][B]He could not have remained a powerful President dear, do not make a mistake by comparing Zardari with powerful president Musaharraf, because the latter had the support of mighty army on his back, tell me that after his retirement from army, how many days he survived as a president? All powerful presidents in the political history of Pakistan have been Army generals, be it Musharraf, Ayub Khan, Zia ul Haq or Yahya Khan.....Not a single powerful president has been a civilian. So Zardari sb could not remain a powerful president dear, he had to give up his powers and after that patience was his compulsion than a policy. Hope you got the Logic :)
[QUOTE=sabahatbhutta;647745][SIZE="3"]Yes looking forward to it. And he has also given us a hint of his future endeavours by stating that [B]He will cooperate with Main sb to complete his five years whatever come may.[/B][/SIZE][/QUOTE]
[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"][B]That would be a great thing then, but again it is his compulsion dear, Mian sb had given them no trouble so they have a moral and political obligation to return the favor. Whatever the reason, that would indeed be a great thing, I hope now we are on the way to be a democratic state, our values are strengthening and our politicians are also getting mature. Fingers crossed for good things to happen.

P.S: I lament at some people who while analyzing Zardari, embroil NAwaz Sharif in the discussion. What is then logic behind comparing Zardari with Nawaz Sharif? I think people had given them vote, not a magic stick so that in three months we must expect miracles, being very neutral I must say one ought not vilify some other person while defending one.

Jolie Dame Thursday, September 12, 2013 09:54 AM


He was seen in front of the 10 downing street during the Floods. Millions of people have been suffering till date who lost their livelihoods and belongings in that Calamity, dude.

Good initiative

No one is sullying Mr Zardari's Image. We are posing a simple question which requires answer without Ifs & Buts.

[SIZE="3"][COLOR="black"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Q: What has transpired in the country under his watch?[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE]


My question is the same? Same huge accumulations of debts, corruption, national security issues, and not an inch change in energy related problems. People here are ignoring all this when talking about Mr. Zardari and on the same place they are scrutinizing Nawaz Government for the above problems. Mr. Zardari is being judged on other grounds and Nawaz on others, which is quite unfair.

sabahatbhutta Thursday, September 12, 2013 07:44 PM

[QUOTE=Bilal Hassan;647750][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"][B]Agreeing to the point that he gave up his powers and chose to be a ceremonial head of state, his patience was certainly a compulsion not his choice or policy dear sister :). Let me tell you how, He could not have kept those powers in his own personality because he was alone and on the other hand was the elected parliament and he had no other choice but to give up his powers and after being a ceremonial head of the state, he was considered to be neutral and representative of all four provinces. [/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="3"][B]He could not have remained a powerful President dear, do not make a mistake by comparing Zardari with powerful president Musaharraf, because the latter had the support of mighty army on his back, tell me that after his retirement from army, how many days he survived as a president? All powerful presidents in the political history of Pakistan have been Army generals, be it Musharraf, Ayub Khan, Zia ul Haq or Yahya Khan.....[COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="4"]Not a single powerful president has been a civilian. [/SIZE][/COLOR]So Zardari sb could not remain a powerful president dear, he had to give up his powers and after that patience was his compulsion than a policy. Hope you got the Logic :)

[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"][B]That would be a great thing then, but again it is his compulsion dear, Mian sb had given them no trouble so they have a moral and political obligation to return the favor. Whatever the reason, that would indeed be a great thing, I hope now we are on the way to be a democratic state, our values are strengthening and our politicians are also getting mature. Fingers crossed for good things to happen.

P.S: [COLOR="purple"][COLOR="purple"][SIZE="4"]I lament at some people who while analyzing Zardari, embroil NAwaz Sharif in the discussion. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/COLOR]What is then logic behind comparing Zardari with Nawaz Sharif? I think people had given them vote, not a magic stick so that in three months we must expect miracles, being very neutral I must say one ought not vilify some other person while defending one.

[SIZE="3"]Mr. Bhutto had been the Civilian president who was powerful at the same time. Although for shorter period but unfortunately he was hanged when he was a PM. Our history is full of such incidents in which a person when handed over his powers, got punished for it. It was indeed commendable on his part to show bravery. It was not a compulsion on him but he did, keeping in mind his responsibility, which is appreciable.

I agree comparison of two politicians with distant traits is unfair. Both possess significant and distinct places.[/SIZE]

Bilal Hassan Friday, September 13, 2013 06:25 PM

[QUOTE=sabahatbhutta;647957][SIZE="3"]Mr. Bhutto had been the Civilian president who was powerful at the same time. Although for shorter period but unfortunately he was hanged when he was a PM. Our history is full of such incidents in which a person when handed over his powers, got punished for it. It was indeed commendable on his part to show bravery. It was not a compulsion on him but he did, keeping in mind his responsibility, which is appreciable.

I agree comparison of two politicians with distant traits is unfair. Both possess significant and distinct places.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]
[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"][B]Mr Bhutto, a rare exception, but you forgot one thing, he was a civilian president but under a constitution which was framed by an Army President i-e Ayub Khan, and he could not continue being a strong civilian president because he was a civilian, and he had to go back to being a prime minister. Dear this is very evident that in this country a president cannot remain a powerful entity unless he is a serving army man.

Zardari sb could not keep his powers with himself and had no choice but give up them to the parliament as a civilian president he could not remain powerful in a parliamentary democracy.

He was the representative of all four provinces so he had no choice but being neutral, he could not play his role being a partisan, so his silence was a compulsion than a choice.

I won't credit him for a democratic shift as well, this democratic transition must be credited to the PML (N) which played its role as oppostion in strengthening democracy, and equally great role is played by the Army, which tolerated everything that caused the coups before.

So no really a great achievement or history was made by MR Zardari, yes perhaps they made a history of bad governance, mismanagement and corruption as well as nepotism.

P.S: I do not take into account the inflation or any other thing in their bad performance because mostly that was out of their control, the inflation is determined by a proper market mechanism, so I am not considering any economic or development parameter in that regard. BUT they are responsible for corruption, they could have stymied that menace, they could have done something about the Railways, PIA and steel mills but they let the situation exacerbate, at least they must have shown some willingness in that regard. I conclude here with these remarks. Apologies to the PPP fans or any other well wisher of Ex President Zardari.

Stay Blessed.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]

sabahatbhutta Friday, September 13, 2013 06:56 PM

[QUOTE=Bilal Hassan;648293][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"][B]Mr Bhutto, a rare exception, but you forgot one thing, he was a civilian president but under a constitution which was framed by an Army President i-e Ayub Khan, and he could not continue being a strong civilian president because he was a civilian, and he had to go back to being a prime minister. Dear this is very evident that in this country a president cannot remain a powerful entity unless he is a serving army man.

Zardari sb could not keep his powers with himself and had no choice but give up them to the parliament as a civilian president he could not remain powerful in a parliamentary democracy.

He was the representative of all four provinces so he had no choice but being neutral, he could not play his role being a partisan, so his silence was a compulsion than a choice.

I won't credit him for a democratic shift as well, this democratic transition must be credited to the PML (N) which played its role as oppostion in strengthening democracy, and equally great role is played by the Army, which tolerated everything that caused the coups before.

So no really a great achievement or history was made by MR Zardari, yes perhaps they made a history of bad governance, mismanagement and corruption as well as nepotism.

P.S: I do not take into account the inflation or any other thing in their bad performance because mostly that was out of their control, the inflation is determined by a proper market mechanism, so I am not considering any economic or development parameter in that regard. BUT they are responsible for corruption, they could have stymied that menace, they could have done something about the Railways, PIA and steel mills but they let the situation exacerbate, at least they must have shown some willingness in that regard. I conclude here with these remarks. Apologies to the PPP fans or any other well wisher of Ex President Zardari.

Stay Blessed.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

[SIZE="3"]yes I can understand why you are persistently denying the facts. :)
Here we are talking about the performance of the first ever democratic president who has completed his tenure democratically and respectably. You are dragging the debate to governance issue which is beyond the mandate of President according to the Constitution of Pakistan. So, I end this debate here. :) [/SIZE]

08:12 PM (GMT +5)

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