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Old Thursday, October 11, 2007
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Post English Paper (PCS) Compulsory

Balochistan Public Service Commission
Samungli Road Quetta Cantt.

Marks:100 Saturday, February 24,2007(0230 PM) Time:3 Hours
.................................................. .................................................. ....

Q-1. Write an Essay on any One of the following topics: (30)

(i) Prosperity Gains friends and Adversity Tries them.
(ii) Life is Real, Life is the Earnest.
(iii) Democracy in Theory and Practice.
(iv) National Prejudices.

Q-2. Write a letter to the Education Secretary requesting him to instruct the Heads of Educational Institutions to inculcate in the minds of their students the sense that the National Flag must be respected. (10)

Q-3. Use the following idioms in yours sentences to bring out their meaning clearly: (10)

(i) An eye-wash (ii) To make ducks and drakes of (iii) To set at naught
(v) To come into line with (v) To mind one’s P’S and Q’S.

Q-4. Use the following pair of words in sentences to bring out their meaning clearly: (10)

(i) Expedient / Expeditious (ii) Veracity / Voracity (iii) Wreath / Wreathe
(iv) Hypercritical / Hypocritical (v) Deprecate / Depreciate.

Q-5. Write a paragraph on “A world Government is both desirable and necessary. Countries should simply become the states of one nation, the earth. In this way war could be eliminated and wealth could be equally distributed”. (10)

Q-6. Correct the following sentences: (10)

(i) I don’t enjoy to play card games.
(ii) After Graduating from College, my father wants me to join the business firm.
(iii) By obeying the speed limit, we can save energy, lives and it costs us les.
(iv) My friends as well as I am doing this work.
(v) Because my country is located in a subtropical area, so the weather is hot.

Q-7. Write a précis of the following passage and assign a suitable title: (20)

The psychological, even the intellectual, benefits of marriage seem to me to be enormous. If a man has lived for some years in the closest intimacy with a woman, he learns to look at life from her point of view as well as his own. A man who cannot do this is like a man blind in one eye. He doesn’t appreciate the solidity and depth of the world before him. The ideas I am putting before you hare are largely my wife’s or at any rate, family ideas, rather than unmarried man; and few women seem to me to be psychologically complete till they have become mothers. During the Middle Ages Europe was far too much influenced by celibate men. Today much too big a part in public life is played by celibate women, and too little by mothers. I find few ideas more genuinely disgusting than that held by many education authorities that a woman ceases to be suitable as a teacher when she becomes a mother, because I have so high as opinion of marriage at its best, I think that it should be possible to end it if it fails for any of a number of reasons, instead of, as now, for one only. This is called “undermining” the sanctity of marriage”.

Good Luck
No matter how fast i run or how far i go it wont escape me, pain, misery, emptiness.

Last edited by Xeric; Sunday, February 15, 2009 at 05:15 PM.
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Old Friday, December 28, 2007
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reman_bari1455 is on a distinguished road
Thumbs up BPSC English Paper 2003

Balochistan Public Service Commission
Samungli Road Quetta Cantt.



Marks:100............May 17, 2003.............Time:3 Hours


Q-1. Write an essay on any Two of the following: 30
  • (i) Sallent Features of the effective public service.
  • (ii) Aspects of development of sterling personality.
  • (iii) The best service is to serve the suffering mankind.
  • (iv) The best book I ever studied in my life.
  • (v) The worldwide wave of secularism has redered life dismal and bleak.

Q-2. Divine Celestial Light of a culture sets rules for the public Administration to make national life a heaven in this world. Discuss. 15

Q-3. Use the following idioms in your sentences to bring out their meaning clearly. 05
  • (i) to show the white feather
  • (ii) to be at draggers drawn
  • (iii) beneath one's dignity
  • (iv) to rest on one's laurals
  • (v) to break the ice

Q-4. Use the following pair of words so as to bring out their meaning clearly. 05
  • (i) In site / sight
  • (ii) graceful / Gracious
  • (iii) pair / couple
  • (iv) principle / principal

Q-5. Correct the following sentences.
  • (i) five and five makes ten
  • (ii) the two brother hate one another
  • (iii) one ought to do his duty to his country
  • (iv) health is more preferable than riches.
  • (v) the patient was too weak for walking.

Q-6. write a brief paragraph on any one of the following 15
  • (i) Bone of contention of kasmir issue.
  • (ii) Economy of Pakistan
  • (iii) Role of public administration.

Q-7. make a precis of the following passage and assign to it a suitable title.

Yousuf's goodness of heart made him a king among his fellow - prisoners. if any were ill , he tended them; if there was any thing to their mind he sympathised with them and consoled them. they had unbound faith in him, and they gladly took his teachin and profited by it. two of them took their dreams to him and he interpreted them correctly. one of them was resorted to the king's favour. when the king in his turn dreamed a dream, this man remembered yusus and obtain the interpretation of the kings dream through him. yusuf was released from prison, raised to high honour, and given full authority in the land. the old wazir, zulaikha's husband, was dead and yusuf was charged with the arrangements of meeting the great femine that was prognosticated. this part of the story is touched upon but lightly by the poet, as his theme is the love of zulaikha. she a widow, bereft of youth, honour, beauty,resources, health, even eye sight, yet cherishes memory of yusuf and waters it with her tears. he is now far above her in worldly station, as he always was above her in spritual worth. her humbled pride opens her spritual eyes. she cries to him in her agony, and he listens. he knows true form the false, and he is just. the woman, who he had repelled when she was in the bloom of health, youth and beauty, when she was rich, proud and high in rank - now that she is meek, lowly and sincere, finds favour in his sight. at his prayer his health, youth, and beauty are restored, and they are married in pure and true love. even so, their love was not perfect until they united their hearts in pure worship to God. the core of allegory is in its perfect definition of love -- the true and eternal as distinguished from the false and the emphemeral. life is subject to many changes and so is what is ordinarily called LOVE among men. false love is only a toy for self-indulgence. self, not the others, is the governing motive. just as, in human affairs, there is true and false love, so in our inne and higher life, there is a divine love that transcends all human love. this is the contrast between Ishq-e-Haqiqi and Ishq-e-Majazi.

Good Luck

Last edited by Xeric; Sunday, February 15, 2009 at 05:27 PM.
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Old Sunday, February 15, 2009
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Balochistan Public Service Commission
Samungli Road, Quetta Cantt.



Total Marks: 100........Saturday, January 24, 2009........Time Allowed: 03 Hours

Q-1. Write an Essay on any One of the following topics: (30)
  1. Frailty, thy Name is Woman.
  2. The Problems of World Peace
  3. Once a Liar, always a Liar
  4. The Civil Service of Pakistan.
  5. Eradication of Social Evils

Q-2. Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police drawing his attention to many cases of theft in your Mohalla. (15)

Q-3. Use the following idioms in sentences to bring out their meanings: (10)
  1. Few and far between
  2. By fits and starts
  3. Good for nothing
  4. Do away with
  5. To die in harness

Q-4. Correct the following sentences: (10)
  1. Father gave me many advices.
  2. Tell me who is he?
  3. If I were him, I should not do it.
  4. The pen is to write.
  5. Walk carefully lest you should not fall down.

Q-5. Insert appropriate prepositions in the following blanks: (5)
  1. His servant must comply ___ his masters wishes.
  2. Do not yield ___ temptation.
  3. You will soon get ___ your difficulty.
  4. He flew ___ a rage.
  5. I fell ___ with my old friend in Anarkali.

Q-6. Use the following pair of words in sentences to bring out their meanings: (10)
  1. Censer, Censor
  2. Adapt, Adept
  3. Corporal, Corporeal
  4. Faint, Feint
  5. Ingenious, Ingenuous

Q-7. Make a précis of the following passage and assign a suitable title: (20)

The noblest of souls can find full satisfaction for his aspirations in the sustained effort to do his duty in the work that lies at hand to the utmost that is in him. It is the function of education in the highest sense to teach him that there are latent in him possibilities beyond what he has dreamed of and to develop capacities of which without contact with the highest learning, he had never become aware. And so the university becomes, at its best, the place where the higher ends of life are made possible of attainment, where the finite and the infinite are found to come together. The wider our out look, the more we have assimilated the spirit of the teachers of other nations and other ages than our own, the more will be the possibilities of action open to us, and the more real may become the choice of that high aim of man, the dedicated life. We learn so to avoid the unconscious devotion of our energies to that for which we are not fit, and peril of falling unconsciously into actual existence that best that lies latent in us. The wider out look, the deeper sympathy, the keener insight, which this kind of culture gives, do not paralyze a man. They may teach him his own limits and the more he has learnt his lesson the more will he realize these limits. But they do not dishearten him, for he has become familiar with the truth that the every essence of consciousness and of life is to be aware of limits and to strive to overcome them.

Good Luck
No matter how fast i run or how far i go it wont escape me, pain, misery, emptiness.
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Old Monday, July 19, 2010
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Balochistan Public Service Commission

Combined Competitive Examination for the posts of BCS (EB)

/Section Officers B-17 in the S&GAD Govt. of Balochistan


Time Allowed: 03 Hors. . . . July 08, 2010 . . . . Total Marks: 100


Q-1. Write an Essay (450 Words) on any One of the following topics: (30)

i. The power of public opinion
ii. Scientific research – its importance and utility
iii. Need for disarmament
iv. Education - its meaning and purpose

Q-2. Write a letter to your Local (or College) Library complaining of the lack of books and references on the subject that you need to study for the examination and asking whether the situation can be remedied in the near future. (15)

Q-3. Use the following idioms in sentences to bring out their meaning: (10)

i. to chew the cud
ii. to kick against the pricks
iii. to be off one’s head
iv. a feather in one’s cap
v. to pull a long face

Q-4. Correct the following sentences: (10)

i. My parents made me to promise to write them once a week.
ii. I don’t mind to have a roommate.
iii. I heard a car door to open and closing.
iv. The weather was such cold that I don’t like to leave my apartment.
v. If Ahmad worked hard, he could have passed.

Q-5. Insert appropriate preposition in the following blanks: (10)

i. He is notorious …… thieving.
ii. She is not match …… him
iii. A cruel king ruled …… the island.
iv. Children take …… their parents.
v. Strictly adhere …… the rules and regulations.

Q-6. Make a précis of the following passage and assign a suitable title: (25)

The psychology of emotion and instincts in as yet in its infancy, a beginning has been made by psycho-analysis but only a beginning. What we may accept psycho-analysis is the fact that people will, in action pursue various ends which they do not consciously desire, and will have an attendant set of quite irrational beliefs which enable them to pursue these ends without knowing that they are doing so. But orthodox psycho-analysis has unduly simplified our unconscious purposes which are numerous and different from one person to another. It is to be hoped that social and political phenomenon will soon come to be understood from this point of view, and will thus throw light on average human nature.

Moral self control and external prohibition of harmful acts are not adequate methods of dealing with our anarchic instincts. The reason they are inadequate is that these instincts are capable to as many disguises as the Devil in medieval legend, and some of these disguises deceive even the elect. The only adequate method is to discover what are the needs of our instinctive nature, and then to search for that least harmful way of satisfying them. Since spontaneity is what is most thwarted by machines. The only thing that can be provided is opportunity. The use made of opportunity must be left to the initiative of the individual. No doubt understanding of human nature must be basis of any real improvement in human life.

Good Luck
No matter how fast i run or how far i go it wont escape me, pain, misery, emptiness.
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Old Friday, March 30, 2012
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Balochistan Public Service Commission

Samungli Road, Quetta Cantt.



Total Marks: 100........March 26, 2012........Time Allowed: 03 Hours

Q.No.1. Write an essay of about 450-500 words on one of the following topics: (30 Marks)

(1) Beauty is only skin deep
(2) Life- a trial
(3) Labour conquers all things
(4) Flattery

Q.NO.2. Give one word substitution. (10 Marks)

(1) A solemn promise or under taking, especially of a religious nature.
(2) A person or thing that is thought to bring bad luck.
(3) One who mixes freely with people.
(4) Small animals which are troublesome or destructive.
(5) Of or for boys and girls.

Q.NO.3. Use the following Idioms in your sentences to bring out their meanings clearly: (10 Marks)

(1) Blink the fact
(2) A bad egg
(3) The salt of the earth
(4) A Utopian scheme
(5) Take a fancy to

Q.No.4. Correct the following sentences: (10 Marks)

(1) If I had money yesterday, I would have helped him.
(2) He was so brave soldier that he would not give up.
(3) Abundant people watched the final match.
(4) He plays not only cricket, but also sings well.
(5) We will have done our work before our parents will have come.

Q.NO.5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions: ( 10 Marks)

(1) Everybody knows that he is vain ____ his wealth.
(2) Those twin brothers really take ______ each other.
(3) We hate him _____ his bad habits.
(4) The burglars deprived the home owners _____ every thing.
(5) The two friends were jesting ____ their rivals.

Q.NO.6. Make Precis of the following passage, assign it a suitable tittle and explain underline words: (30 Marks)

Pride and envy have done great damage to mankind, and in a variety of ways. Pride generates a sense to superiority, whether of sex, colour, race or religion. In no case does this pride have any rational basis. For example, except for having tougher muscles, the male does not have any inherent superiority over the female. Fantastic reasons were given in support of the view that the male is superior; that the male foetus acquires a soul in six weeks while the female does so only after six months. At the conscious level, most forms of superiority have now greatly declined. However, even in America, the sense of equality still works mostly only upwards, every one regards those above him to be his equals, but thinks that he is superior to those below him. In Russia a new privileged class has appeared the proletariat. Pride of creed makes one look upon all who profess a different faith as sinners, who are surely doomed for hell. Envy does much harm in personal life, but even in public and international life envy and selfishness are responsible for breeding an entirely false conception of self-interest. Russel explains this with the help of the story of an imaginary baker and as butcher who are under the misconception that monopoly of trade world make them immensely rich. Every nation today seems to pursuing an economic policy which is based on misconception that her economic interest is opposed to that of every other nation. This is the essence of the pernicious idea of economic nationalism.

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Old Thursday, June 21, 2012
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Default English Including Essay & Precis writing for the post of DFO

Samungli Road, Quetta Cantt.

Time 03 Hours , June 21, 2012 Marks:100
Q.No.1. Write an essay on one of the following topic:
(i) Failures are stepping stones to success.
(ii) Corruption
(iii) Need of rain forest
(iv) Cowardice
(v) Where there is a will, there is a way.
Q.No.2. Correct any Five of the following sentences:
(i) I neither like tea nor coffee.
(ii) He sometimes talks as if he is mad.
(iii) Do not pay him money to prevent him to smoke.
(iv) He not only plays football, but also cricket.
(v) If you told me earlier, I would have helped you.
(vi) We would die rather than retreat.
(vii) As soon as they will come, we will offer them lunch.
Q.No.3. Use any five of the following idioms in your sentences to bring out their meanings clearly:

(i) To split the hair
(ii) To end in smoke
(iii) To be beside oneself
(iv) To build a bridge over the sea
(v) To burn the candle at both ends
(vi) To keep one’s fingers crossed
(vii) To pay the debt of nature

Q.No.4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition (Do any five)
(i) We should be grateful………….those who help us.
(ii) All the questions should be answered…………ink.
(iii) After the rain stopped, everybody was soaked………….water.
(iv) He son will be the beneficiary………….his wealth.
(v) …………..his sincerity, nobody likes him.
(vi) Be cautious…………..your health.
(vii) The key………….this lock is missing.
Q.No.5. Use the following pairs of words in sentences of your own. (Do any five)

(i) Vain/Vein
(ii) Heaven/Haven
(iii) Pane/Pain
(iv) Heir/Air
(v) Sore/Soar
(vi) Main/Mane
(vii) Course/Coarse

Q.No.6. Write a letter to the Inspector General Police informing him about the lawless elements in your area.
Q.No.7. Make a précis of the following passage and assign it a suitable title:
A man who does not think ill of others or do wrong to others has a good conscience. He has no enemies to guard against. All love him and none hates him. He does not brood over plans of deceiving others or concealing his guilts committed in other spheres. He is, in short, free from fear of private enmity, legal action or social disgrace. He is happy though poor. He is respected though he may be illiterate. All these give him such a calm and serenity of mind which is a condition precedent to sound sleep. He needs no cozy bed or feather-made pillow. Even lying his head on a stone or having the bare earth as his bed, he can sleep more comfortably than the king can enjoy on his featheren bed. His clean conscience is his soft pillow and he needs none from outside.
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Old Saturday, March 12, 2016
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Originally Posted by Xeric View Post
Balochistan Public Service Commission
Samungli Road Quetta Cantt.

Marks:100 Saturday, February 24,2007(0230 PM) Time:3 Hours
.................................................. .................................................. ....

Q-1. Write an Essay on any One of the following topics: (30)

(i) Prosperity Gains friends and Adversity Tries them.
(ii) Life is Real, Life is the Earnest.
(iii) Democracy in Theory and Practice.
(iv) National Prejudices.

Q-2. Write a letter to the Education Secretary requesting him to instruct the Heads of Educational Institutions to inculcate in the minds of their students the sense that the National Flag must be respected. (10)

Q-3. Use the following idioms in yours sentences to bring out their meaning clearly: (10)

(i) An eye-wash (ii) To make ducks and drakes of (iii) To set at naught
(v) To come into line with (v) To mind one’s P’S and Q’S.

Q-4. Use the following pair of words in sentences to bring out their meaning clearly: (10)

(i) Expedient / Expeditious (ii) Veracity / Voracity (iii) Wreath / Wreathe
(iv) Hypercritical / Hypocritical (v) Deprecate / Depreciate.

Q-5. Write a paragraph on “A world Government is both desirable and necessary. Countries should simply become the states of one nation, the earth. In this way war could be eliminated and wealth could be equally distributed”. (10)

Q-6. Correct the following sentences: (10)

(i) I don’t enjoy to play card games.
(ii) After Graduating from College, my father wants me to join the business firm.
(iii) By obeying the speed limit, we can save energy, lives and it costs us les.
(iv) My friends as well as I am doing this work.
(v) Because my country is located in a subtropical area, so the weather is hot.

Q-7. Write a précis of the following passage and assign a suitable title: (20)

The psychological, even the intellectual, benefits of marriage seem to me to be enormous. If a man has lived for some years in the closest intimacy with a woman, he learns to look at life from her point of view as well as his own. A man who cannot do this is like a man blind in one eye. He doesn’t appreciate the solidity and depth of the world before him. The ideas I am putting before you hare are largely my wife’s or at any rate, family ideas, rather than unmarried man; and few women seem to me to be psychologically complete till they have become mothers. During the Middle Ages Europe was far too much influenced by celibate men. Today much too big a part in public life is played by celibate women, and too little by mothers. I find few ideas more genuinely disgusting than that held by many education authorities that a woman ceases to be suitable as a teacher when she becomes a mother, because I have so high as opinion of marriage at its best, I think that it should be possible to end it if it fails for any of a number of reasons, instead of, as now, for one only. This is called “undermining” the sanctity of marriage”.

Good Luck
Brother Xeric, can you please share a sample for letter writing?
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Old Tuesday, March 20, 2018
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Senior members are requested to correct me. I intend to attempt some sections of the paper.

Q-5. Insert appropriate preposition in the following blanks: (10)

i. He is notorious …for… thieving.
ii. She is not match …with… him
iii. A cruel king ruled …over… the island.
iv. Children take …after… their parents.
v. Strictly adhere …upon… the rules and regulations.
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Old Saturday, April 21, 2018
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hocanes is on a distinguished road

Thank you for sharing this. Please share the remaining papers as well
I Denounce A Victim & I Portray A Revolt, For I'm Alone My Nemesis & Camaraderie.
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