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Old Saturday, February 25, 2012
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Post Precís & Composition Paper 2012




Time Allowed: 3 Hours
(Part I, MCQs) 30 Minutes - Maximum Marks: 20
(Part II) 2 Hours & 30 Minutes: Maximum Marks: 80

Note: (i) Candidate must write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. in the Question Paper.
(ii) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit.


(i) Part II is to be attempted on separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt all questions from Part II
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.

Q.2. Make a precise of the following passage and suggest a suitable heading. (20)

One of the most ominous and discreditable symptoms of the want of candour in present-day sociology is the deliberate neglect of the population question. It is or should be transparently clear that if the State is resolved, on humanitarian grounds, to inhibit the operation of natural selection, some rational regulation of population, both as regards quantity and quality, is
imperatively necessary. There is no self-acting adjustment, apart from starvation, of numbers to the means of subsistence. If all natural checks are removed, a population in advance of the optimum number will be produced, and maintained at the cost of a reduction in the standard of living. When this pressure begins to be felt, that section of the population which is capable of reflection, and which has a standard of living which may be lost, will voluntarily restrict its numbers, even to the point of failing to replace deaths by an equivalent number of new births; while the underworld, which always exists in every civilised society the failures and misfits and derelicts, moral and physical will exercise no restraint, and will be a constantly increasing drain upon the national resources. The population will thus be recruited, in a very undue proportion, by those strata of society which do not possess the qualities of useful citizens.

The importance of the problem would seem to be sufficiently obvious. But politicians know that the subject is unpopular. The unborn have no votes. Employers like a surplus of labour, which can be drawn upon when trade is good. Militarists want as much food for powder as they can get. Revolutionists instinctively oppose any real remedy for social evils; they know that every unwanted child is a potential insurgent. All three can appeal to a quasi-religious prejudice, resting apparently on the ancient theory of natural rights, which were supposed to include the right of unlimited procreation. This objection is now chiefly urged by celibate or childless priests; but it is held with such fanatical vehemence that the fear of losing the votes which they control is a welcome excuse for the baser sort of politician to shelve the subject as inopportune. The Socialist calculation is probably erroneous; for experience has shown that it is aspiration, not desperation, that makes revolutions.

Q.3. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Use your own language. (20)

Human beings are afraid of death just as children feel afraid of darkness. The fear of darkness of kids increased by the stories of the heard ghosts and thieves. In the same way, the fear of human being is increased by the stories which they heard about the agony of dying man. If a human being regards death as a kind of punishment for his sins he has committed and if he looks upon death as a means of making an entry into another world, he is certainly taking a religious and sacred view of death. But if a human being looks upon death as a law of nature and then feels afraid of it, his attitude is of cowardice. However, even in religious meditations about death there is sometimes a mixture of folly and superstition. Monks have written books in which they have described the painful experiences which they underwent by inflicting physical tortures upon themselves as a form of self purification. Thus, one may think that the pains of death must be indescribably agonizing. Such books and such thoughts increase a man's fear of death.

Seneca, the Roman Philosopher is of the view that the circumstances and ceremonies of death frighten people more than death itself would do. A dyeing man is heard uttering groans; his body is seen undergoing convulsions; his face appears to be absolutely bloodless and pale; at his death his friends begin to weep and his relations put on mourning clothes; various rituals are performed. All such facts make death appear more horrible than it would be otherwise.
  1. What is the difference between human beings' fear of death and children's fear of darkness?
  2. What is a religious and sacred view of death?
  3. What are the painful experiences described by the Monks in their books?
  4. What are the views of Seneca about death?
  5. What are the facts that make death appear more horrible than it would be otherwise?

Q.4 Write a comprehensive note (250 - 300) on any ONE of the following:
  1. Self done is Well done
  2. The Bough that bears most bend most
  3. Nearer the Church, farther from God
  4. Rich men have no fault
  5. Cut your coat according to your cloth

Q.5 Use ONLY FIVE of the following in sentences which illustrate their meaning. Extra attempt shall not be considered.

  1. Wool gathering
  2. Under the harrow
  3. Cold comfort
  4. A gold digger
  5. Walk with God
  6. On the thin ice
  7. A queer fish
  8. Unearthly hour

Q.6 (a) Correct ONLY FIVE of the following: Extra attempt shall not be considered.
  1. A ten feet long snake made people run here and there
  2. We are going to the concert, and so they are.
  3. Enclosed with this letter was a signed Affidavit and a carbon copy of his request to our main office.
  4. Fear from God.
  5. Pakistan has and will support the Kashmiris.
  6. He has come yesterday.
  7. Arshad's down fall was due to nothing else than pride.
  8. Do not avoid to consult a doctor.

(b) Change the narration from direct to indirect or indirect to direct speech (DO ONLY FIVE). Extra attempt shall not be considered.

  1. He said to us, "You cannot do this problem alone".
  2. The beggar asked the rich lady if she could not pity the sufferings of an old and miserable man and help him with a rupee or two.
  3. The Commander said to the soldiers, "March on".
  4. He entreated his master respectfully to pardon him as it was his first fault.
  5. "Do you really come from America? How do you feel in Pakistan?" Said I the stranger.
  6. The officer threatened the peon to come in time otherwise he would be turned out.
  7. People wished that the Quaid e Azam had been alive those days to their fate.
  8. They said, "Brave! Imran, what a shot".

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Old Saturday, February 25, 2012
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Objective Questions

Q1(a) - Synonyms

(1) Breach
a. Secret b. Reinforcement c. Difficulty d. Opening

(2) Gelid
a. Hot b. Soft c. Icy cold d. Hard

(3) Opulent
a. Corrupt b. Poor c. Proud d. Luxuriant

(4) Verisimilitude
a. Large number b. Variety c. Shades of colurs d. Being true

(5) Iota
a. Agreement b. Coin c. Column d. Small amount

Q1(b) - Antonyms

(6) Despise
a. Abhor b. Disdain c. Demolish d. Admire

(7) Lackey
a. Strange b. Poor c. Master d. Ignorant

(8) Egress
a. Decline b. Entrance c. Rude d. Angry

(9) Amalgamate
a. Punish b. Study c. Separate d. Reduce

(10) Insipid
a. Silly b. Tasty c. Active d. Thin

Q1(c) Complete the sentences

(11) Knowledge is like a deep well fed by _________ springs, and your mind is a little bucket that you drop in it.
a. External b. Perennial c. Immortal d. Lovely

(12) The unruly behaviour of children _________ their parents
a. Aggrieved b. Impeached c. Incensed d. Tempered

(13) He suggests that the meeting _______ postponed
a. Is b. Be c. Must d. Would be

(14) The landscape was truly_____, so arid that even the Hardest Plant could not survive
a. Lurid b. Parched c. Verdant d. Variegated

(15) His statement was so________ that everyone was left in doubt
a. Equitable b. Innocuous c. Dogmatic d. Equivocal

(16) I certainly do not______ your driving your car over the speed limit
a. Approve in b. Approve with c. Approve of d. Approve for

(17) The Eagle swooped and ______ a sleeping lizard
a. Carried down b. Carried up c. Carried off d. Carried in

(18) A young officer was _______ the task of taking prisoners to the rear
a. Charged by b. Charged in c. Charged for d. Charged with

(19) It seemed he was going to _____ him but he controlled himself
a. Lash out at *b. Lash out in *c. Lash out to *d. Lash out on

(20) I am not going to _____ this book at any cost
a. Part from b. Part up c. Part for d. Part with

Source: Original paper which invigilators forgot to collect back.

1. d
2. c
3. d
4. d
5. d
6. d
7. c
8. b
9. c
10. c
11. b
12. c
13. b
14. b
15. d
16. c
17. c
18. d
19. a
20. d
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Old Saturday, February 25, 2012
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Wali Ahad will become famous soon enoughWali Ahad will become famous soon enough

the objective part was quite an unpleasant surprise...choice hoti tu full marks aatay now i will only get 15 or 16 seriously who comes up with words like "egress" and "versimilitude"..last part was easy though; knowledge comes from perennial springs, right?...and that eagle, carried off or carried up the er small thing...i felt it in my bones to tick "carried off" but alas, the stupid git that i am, i reasoned itni dair se koi "a" option encircle nai ki

corrections n direct, indirect were easy...but can anyone plz convert this
they said, "Bravo, Imran! what a shot".....i tried n tried but remained stuck at "they exclaimed with admiration #facepalm#
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Old Saturday, February 25, 2012
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Originally Posted by Wali Ahad View Post
hehe..the objective part was quite an unpleasant surprise...choice hoti tu full marks aatay now i will only get 15 or 16 seriously who comes up with words like "egress" and "versimilitude"..last part was easy though; knowledge comes from perennial springs, right?...and that eagle, carried off or carried up the er small thing...i felt it in my bones to tick "carried off" but alas, the stupid git that i am, i reasoned itni dair se koi "a" option encircle nai ki

corrections n direct, indirect were easy...but can anyone plz convert this
they said, "Bravo, Imran! what a shot".....i tried n tried but remained stuck at "they exclaimed with admiration #facepalm#
They exclaimed with admiration to Imran that it was a great/very good shot.
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Old Saturday, February 25, 2012
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Wali Ahad will become famous soon enoughWali Ahad will become famous soon enough

oh acha!! i wasnt adding "good" coz i thought we were not supposed to add words...but that makes sense, shot good na hota tu admiration kaisi..thanks
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Old Saturday, February 25, 2012
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AMSS is on a distinguished road

what is the difference b/w children and human fear.
Ans. Human fear is actual based on ultimate truth and children is based on catharsis and they did not realize reality.
Ye ans thek he? ? ? ?
2nd title was "the causes of over population syndrome"
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Old Saturday, February 25, 2012
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xaara~hussain is a glorious beacon of lightxaara~hussain is a glorious beacon of lightxaara~hussain is a glorious beacon of lightxaara~hussain is a glorious beacon of lightxaara~hussain is a glorious beacon of light

Originally Posted by AMSS View Post
what is the difference b/w children and human fear.
Ans. Human fear is actual based on ultimate truth and children is based on catharsis and they did not realize reality.
Ye ans thek he? ? ? ?
2nd title was "the causes of over population syndrome"
Koi difference nahi.yahi to answer tha
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Old Saturday, February 25, 2012
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AMSS is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by xaara~hussain View Post
Koi difference nahi.yahi to answer tha
Why? Wa pe extract karo to yae ans nikalta. Robber ke stories vs agony of death. Simile the na to compare hta .diff to hta he. My son is as beautiful as mřřn to dif to hoga na
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Old Saturday, February 25, 2012
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Originally Posted by AMSS View Post
what is the difference b/w children and human fear."
I wrote.
Human being's fear is related to Supernatural World and children are having the fear of Natural World
Something like that
The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.
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Old Saturday, February 25, 2012
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Originally Posted by xaara~hussain View Post
They exclaimed with admiration to Imran that it was a great/very good shot.
can't it be....they applauded imran for his short ??????????????
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