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Old Friday, July 19, 2013
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Smile 19.7 2013 (Precis)

English: Precis Writing (passage given below)

We began our lives as a nation with hope and idealism. Pakistan and Pakistanis had those beliefs because of the foundation laid by our Quaid, Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Though ignored in our textbooks, in the speeches of parliamentarians and by our state institutions, the speech Mr Jinnah gave to the first constituent assembly of Pakistan on August 11, 1947, should have been enough guidance to our rulers and permanent establishment.
Here are those words: “We should begin to work in that spirit and in course of time all these angularities of the majority and minority communities, the Hindu community and the Muslim community, because even as regards Muslims you have Pathans, Punjabis, Shias, Sunnis and so on, and among the Hindus you have Brahmins, Vashnavas, Khatris, also Bengalis, Madrasis and so on, will vanish. You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place or worship in this state of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed, that has nothing to do with the business of the state.”
According to the Quaid, “…you will find that in course of time, Hindus would cease to be Hindus and Muslims would cease to be Muslims, not in the religious sense, because that is the personal faith of each individual, but in the political sense as citizens of the state.”
When Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and those who worked with him to create a homeland for the Muslims of India began their quest for Pakistan, did they have second thoughts about where they were heading? Or, is it just a tragic consequence that we lost our guide, our leader so soon and lost our way?
Having grown up in a family where Mr Jinnah was known personally, his vision was what propelled us towards this new, brighter future in a land unknown to us. The contrived and Islamist Quaid of Pakistan’s current textbooks never existed. It is nothing less than a tragedy that in post-Ziaul Haq Pakistan, youngsters appear to have been brainwashed with an image of the founding father that has nothing to do with reality.
Jinnah did not only have the ability to tolerate, but also to listen and absorb different views. Among Mr Jinnah’s closest friends, advisors and members of our first cabinet were Hindus, Parsis, Ahmadis, Sunnis, Shias and Christians. Pakistan’s first law minister was a Hindu — Jogendra Nath Mandal. And, it was not tokenism in any form.
Some Pakistanis push for the promotion of a ‘soft image’ for Pakistan through fashion shows and the extravagant entertainment of visiting dignitaries. The reality for vast segments of our population, especially those who are not Sunni Punjabi Muslim males is very different. The unwillingness to address the real concerns of our citizens and to mask it in a cloak of hyper-nationalism is extremely unsettling.
Pakistan’s less powerful communities like the large Shia population, is being steadily targeted. Whether it is Shia doctors and other professionals being killed one by one — while the rest collect their families and leave their homeland for safer grounds — or the poor and voiceless Christian communities, the Hindus of Sindh or our Ahmadi brothers and sisters, none should be forgotten.
The nation must wake up and wake up soon. We have to make choices. Today, our youth has seen more military dictatorships than democracy. The interrupted democracies of Pakistan and their subsequent demonisation by our establishment and our ‘free media’, are undermining the pluralist ideals of our founding fathers.
True democracy is not just about the right to vote. The freedom of the polity to be safe, to express itself freely and ultimately to be equal, if not in number, then as citizens, is the essence of the democratic ideal for which Pakistan was created.
Mob politics and the daily lives of our citizens suffering under the gun of militant groups cannot lead to a happy future for our country. We need to envision a future that is closer to the founders’ aspirations than what has been built by those who lost the way.

Assignment: Give title, underline difficult words if any and find their synonyms antonyms and try to use them in your sentences.
Sufficient for us is Allah , and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs.

Last edited by Z Bokhari; Friday, July 19, 2013 at 04:04 AM. Reason: Don't use red colour
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Old Friday, July 19, 2013
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Default Vocabulary

English grammar:

Abjure: means to swear off, and it applies to something you once believed. You can abjurea religious faith, you can abjure your love of another person, and you can abjure the practice of using excessive force in interrogation.
Abjure is a more dramatic way to declare your rejection of something you once felt or believed. When you see its Latin roots, it makes sense: from ab- (meaning "away") and jurare ("to swear"). When you abjure something, you swear it away and dissociate yourself with it. You might abjure the field of astrology after receiving a bad fortune, or you might abjure marriage after a bitter divorce.

Auspicious for a favorable situation or set of conditions. If you start a marathon by falling flat on your face, that's not an auspicious start.
If something seems likely to bring success — either because it creates favorable conditions or you just consider it a lucky sign — label it auspicious. The word is related to auspice, "a divine omen," an old word with a colorful history. In Latin, an auspexwas a person who observed the flight of birds to predict things about the future. Luckily, you no longer have to be a bird-watching fortune-teller to guess whether something is auspicious or not.

To belie means to contradict. If you are 93 but look like you are 53, then your young looksbelie your age.
We get belie from the Old English beleogan, which meant "to deceive by lying." It suggests characteristics or behavior that inadvertently or deliberately hide the truth. To remember it, just think "be lying." Snow White's decision to barge into the Seven Dwarfs' home without invitation belied her gentle nature.

Have you ever gotten the sense that politicians or corporate leaders will say anything to turn public opinion their way? This tricky kind of deceit and manipulation is called chicanery.
Besides chicanery, another funny-sounding word for trickery isshenanigans. Whereas the former is always used in the singular and involves deceptive language, the latter is usually used in the plural and refers to the actions of a person. Your crazy neighbor is up to his old shenanigans if he has begun doing weird stuff again, but if a politician's chicanery is exposed, he will lose public trust and not be returned to office in the next election cycle

Circumlocution is a long, complicated word which means a long, complicated way of expressing something. To cut to the chase,circumlocution means to beat around the bush.
Circumlocution comes from the Latin words circum, "circle," and loqui, "to speak." So circumlocution is speaking in circles, going round and round in a wordy way without ever getting to the heart of the matter. It's an evasive style of argument, best employed when you really don't want to say what's on your mind

Assignment: use these words in your sentences and find out their synonyms and antonyms.
Sufficient for us is Allah , and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs.

Last edited by Z Bokhari; Friday, July 19, 2013 at 04:03 AM. Reason: Avoid red colour.
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Old Saturday, July 20, 2013
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Default @ rush

Rush you did'nt post today's assignment.please post daily assignment because it is very beneficial for all other members who cannot join this group.
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Old Saturday, July 20, 2013
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Good to see your reply .. I thought nobody read it
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Old Saturday, July 20, 2013
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Default 20.7.2013

Pak Affairs:

Indian revolt 1857, Indian act of 1892, Urdu Hindi controversy, Partition of bengal, Lucknow Pact.

Assignment: Make notes in bullet form give headings and write important dates.
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Old Saturday, July 20, 2013
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Default 20.7.2013

English (Precis writing)

The honourable Chief Justice of Pakistan says he is losing patience with the Capital Development Authority (CDA). In a court-initiated (suo motu) action, he wants a quick rebuildingof the Jamia Hafsa madrassa, flattened by bulldozers in 2007, after it became the centre of an insurgency. A three-judge bench of the Supreme Court, headed by the CJ, is now dragging procrastinators over the coals by issuing notices to the CDA chairman, Islamabad’s chief commissioner and the interior secretary. The Court has also expressed its “displeasure” over the status of police cases against the Lal Masjid clerics and ordered the deputy attorney general to appear before it next week.
It is dangerous to comment on Pakistan’s highest level of judiciary. So let me solemnly declare that the highest wisdom must lie behind this extraordinary judicial activism. Nevertheless, I must confess my puzzlement because — as was seen by all — Lal Masjid and the adjoining Jamia Hafsa had engaged in a full-scale bloody insurrection against the Pakistani government, state, and public. Hundreds died. That those who led the insurrection should be gifted 20 kanals of the choicest land in sector H-11 of Islamabad is, I think, slightly odd.
Such thoughts crossed my mind last week when a flat tyre occasioned me to walk along the outer periphery of the freshly-painted and rebuilt Red Mosque. I momentarily stopped to read a large wind and rain-weathered monument which, placed on the government-owned land that Jamia Hafsa once stood upon, declares (in Urdu) that “The sacred Islamic worship place here was destroyed by a tyrannical ruler to prevent Sharia from becoming the law”.
The story of the insurrection and its tragic end is well-known. In early January 2007, the Lal Masjid had demanded the immediate rebuilding of eight illegally-constructed mosques that had been knocked down by the CDA. Days later, an immediate enforcement of the Sharia system in Islamabad was demanded. Thereafter, armed vigilante groups from this madrassa roamed the streets and bazaars. They kidnapped ordinary citizens and policemen, threatened shopkeepers, and repeated the demands of the Taliban and other tribal militants fighting the Pakistan Army.
At a meeting held in Lal Masjid on April 6, 2007, it was reported that 100 guest religious leaders from across the country pledged to die for the cause of Islam and Sharia. On April 12, in an FM broadcast, the clerics issued a threat to the government: “There will be suicide blasts in the nook and cranny of the country. We have weapons, grenades and we are expert in manufacturing bombs. We are not afraid of death….”
Lal Masjid was headed by two clerics, the brothers Maulana Abdul Aziz and Maulana Abdur Rashid Ghazi. They had attracted a core of militant organisations around them, including the pioneer of suicide bombings in the region, Jaish-e-Muhammad. Also on April 12 2007, Rashid Ghazi, a former student of my university, broadcast the following chilling message to our female students:
“The government should abolish co-education. Quaid-e-Azam University has become a brothel. Its female professors and students roam in objectionable dresses. They will have to hide themselves in hijab otherwise they will be punished according to Islam…. Our female students have not issued the threat of throwing acid on the uncovered faces of women. However, such a threat could be used for creating the fear of Islam among sinful women. There is no harm in it. There are far more horrible punishments in the Hereafter for such women.”
For months, unhindered by General Musharraf’s government, the Lal Masjid operated a parallel government that was barely a mile or two away from the presidency and parliament. Its minions ran an unlicenced FM radio station, occupied a government building, set up a parallel system of justice, made bonfires out of seized cassettes and CDs, received the Saudi Arabian ambassador on the mosque premises, and negotiated with the Chinese ambassador for the release of his country’s kidnapped nationals. But for the subsequent outrage expressed by Pakistan’s all-weather ally, the status quo would have continued indefinitely.
Nevertheless, our courts say that they cannot find any evidence of wrongdoing during the entire six-month long saga. They say there are no witnesses or acceptable evidence. Abdul Aziz and Umme Hassan (his wife, who heads Jamia Hafsa), therefore, stand exonerated. Also lacking, they say, is proof that the Lal Masjid accused possessed heavy weaponry.
But Islamabad’s residents know better. When the showdown came in July 2007, machine guns chattered away as mortars and rocket launchers exchanged their deadly fire. Copious TV coverage shows armed madrassa students putting on gas masks to avoid the dense smoke. The final push left 10 of Pakistan’s crack SSG commandos dead, together with scores of defenders. A tidal wave of suicide attacks — as promised by the clerics — promptly followed.
Some speculate that the land gifted to Aziz and Hassan is actually the price for keeping hornets inside their nest. This is not impossible because suicide bomb attacks inside Pakistan’s major cities have decreased dramatically in the last two years. The authorities claim credit, saying the reason is better intelligence about violent groups and better policing. But anyone driving through Islamabad knows how trivially easy it is to conceal weapons and explosives; the security measures are certainly a nuisance to citizens but hopelessly ineffective otherwise. So, could the H-11 land offer be part of a much wider peace deal with various militant groups?
The temptation to make deals has grown after the battle for Lal Masjid. It is clear who won and who lost. Even as they fought tooth and nail against the Pakistan Army, the madrassa clerics were never dismissed and continued to receive their full government salaries. On the other hand, General Musharraf — who acted only after things went out of control — now sulks in exile. All madrassa curriculum reform plans are dead; the government does not talk about them anymore — let the clerics teach what they want.
Appeasement is the hallmark of a weak state and dithering leadership. Once again, Pakistan is showing its helplessness in the face of those who carry guns and bombs. For a country alleged to have the world’s fastest growing nuclear arsenal, this is surely ironical.

Assignment: Title, Vocabulary their synonyms and antonyms.
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Old Saturday, July 20, 2013
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Default 20.7.2013

English Grammar:

The adjective diffident describes someone who is shy and lacking in self-confidence. If you are shy and have a diffident manner, you should probably not choose one of these professions: substitute teacher, stand-up comic, or lion-tamer.
Diffident can describe someone who is reserved and restrained. Some may mistake your diffident manner for coolness or aloofness. Although it may be in your nature to be diffident, you will find it impossible to remain so when you visit my family. They are a big, noisy, outgoing bunch and they will make you join in the fun until you let loose and open up. Don't say you weren't warned!

To expurgate is to censor. Usually, people talk about expurgating bad words from something written or on TV.

On TV, if you hear some words bleeped out, those words have been expurgated. In print, we can expurgate by using dashes ( — — ) or random characters like %&$#. Sometimes we can expurgate just by rewriting something so that the entire sentence with the naughty parts is gone, or by putting it into mild words. When it comes to things children read or watch, there's often the difficult question of what to expurgate and what to leave alone.

Someone who is facetious is only joking: "I was being facetious when I told my mother I want Brussels sprouts with every meal, but she took me seriously!"
Facetious is a useful word to describe something that's humorous, or meant to be humorous. If a joke falls flat, then you can back off from it by saying you're only being facetious. There are limits to this use of the word: if you stage an elaborate prank on your friend, making him run out into the street in his underwear because he thinks his house is on fire, calling the joke facetious will probably earn you a punch in the face.

Hegemony is political or cultural dominance or authority over others. The hegemony of the popular kids over the other students means that they determine what is and is not cool.
Hegemony comes from the Greek hegemon "leader." Wealthy lender nations hoping to determine political outcomes and trade decisions have established hegemony over the debtor nations they lend to. As well as the dominance of one group or nation over others, hegemony is also the term for the leading group or nation itself. During the American Revolution, colonists fought to throw off the British hegemony.

Hubris is an excess of confidence: a boxer who shouts "I'm the greatest!" even though he's about to get pummeled by a much stronger opponent is displaying a lot ofhubris.
Hubris is from Greek, where it meant "excessive pride, violating the bounds set for humans" and was always punished by the gods. We no longer have the Greek gods, so in English it just refers to over-the-top self-confidence. If you call yourself the best in something, you better have the goods to back it up, since too much hubris can lead to embarrassment and humiliation. It's an age-old human failing: pride goeth before the fall.

Assignment: Make sentences find there synonyms and antonyms.
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Old Saturday, July 20, 2013
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Default 20.7.2013


All the important differences ...

For eg: Compound and mixture, Bit and Byte, DNA and RNA (etc)
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Old Saturday, July 20, 2013
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Default 20.7.2013

Current Affairs

study the detail about

1:Industrial revolution.

2:American Revolution.

3:French Revolution.
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Old Saturday, July 20, 2013
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salam I also want to join you. But plz guide me in this matter as I am a novice user of computer as well. how can I join you.
Plz guide me.
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