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Old Wednesday, July 15, 2009
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Default GRE Synonyms

ability capacity, faculty, talent, skill, competence, aptitude

abolish exterminate, extinguish, extirpate, eradicate, obliterate

abstinence self-denial, temperance, sobriety, continence

abstracted absorbed, distraught, absent-minded

abuse misuse, mistreat, ill-treat, maltreat

accidental fortuitous, contingent, incidental, adventitious

accompany conduct, escort, chaperone

acknowledge admit, own, avow, confess, concede

active energetic, dynamic, vigorous, lively

adapt accommodate, adjust, conform, fit, reconcile

admonish reprove, rebuke, reprimand, reproach

adulterate debase, doctor, load, sophisticate

advance forward, foster, further, promote [RETARD]

advantage edge, handicap, odds

adventurous adventuresome, audacious, daredevil, daring, venturesome

advice counsel, recommendation

advise counsel, recommend

affair business, concern, lookout

affect influence, impress, touch, move, strike

affectation pose, air, mannerism

afflict agonize, excruciate, rack, torment, torture

afraid apprehensive, fearful [UNAFRAID]

ageless eternal, timeless

agitate churn, convulse, rock, shake

agree conform, harmonize, accord, correspond, coincide [DISAGREE]

aim direct, level, point, train

airy diaphanous, ethereal, filmy, gauzy, gossamer, sheer, transparent, vaporous

alarm alert, tocsin, warning

allocate appropriate, designate, earmark

alone lonely, lonesome, solitary

also too, likewise, besides, moreover, furthermore

amateur dabbler, dilettante, tyro [PROFESSIONAL]

ambiguous equivocal, obscure, recondite, abstruse, vague, cryptic, enigmatic

ambush ambuscade, bushwhack, waylay

amenity comfort, convenience, facility

amiable affable, good-natured, obliging, agreeable, pleasant

amiss afield, astray, awry, wrong

amuse entertain, divert, regale

analyze anatomize, dissect, resolve

ancestor forebear, forefather, progenitor [DESCENDANT]

anger rage, fury, ire, wrath, resentment, indignation

angry furious, indignant, irate, ireful, mad, wrathful

announce advertise, broadcast, declar, proclaim, promulgate, publish

annoy irritate, bother, irk, vex, provoke, aggravate, peeve, rile

answer respond, reply, retort

anxiety worry, care, concern, solicitude

apology apologetic, apologia, defense, justification

apparent clear, clear-cut, distinct, evident, manifest, obvious, patent, plain

appear emerge, issue, loom, materialize, show

appendage appurtenance, adjunct, accessory, attachment

applaud cheer, root

appoint designate, name, nominate, tap

appreciate value, prize, esteem, treasure, cherish

apprehend comprehend, understand, grasp

apprehension foreboding, presentiment, misgiving

appropriate arrogate, commandeer, confiscate, preempt, usurp

approve endorse, sanction, certify, accredit, ratify

arbitrary capricious, whimsical

area region, belt, zone, district, locality

argue quarrel, wrangle, squabble, bicker

argument dispute, controversy

argumentative combative, contentious, disputatious, quarrelsome, scrappy

arrange marshal, order, organize, sort, systematize [DISARRANGE]

art craft, expertise, knack, know-how, technique

artifice trick, ruse, wile, feint, stratagem, maneuver, dodge

artificial synthetic, ersatz, simulated

ask question, inquire, query, interrogate, examine, quiz

assent agree, accede, acquiesce, consent, concur, subscribe

assert asseverate, declar, affirm, aver, avow

assign allot, apportion, allocate

assistant aide, coadjutant, helper, lieutenant, second

attack bombard, assail, storm, assault, beset

attribute ascribe, impute, credit, assign, refer

authentic bona fide, genuine, real, true, undoubted, unquestionable

authorize accredit, commission, empower, license

average medium, mediocre, fair, middling, indifferent, tolerable

aware cognizant, conscious, sensible, awake, alert, watchful, vigilant

awkward clumsy, maladroit, inept, gauche, ungainly

bad evil, wicked

balance equilibrium, equipoise, poise

band company, corps, party, troop, troupe

banish exile, expatriate, deport, transport, extradite

banter chaff, josh, kid, rag, razz, rib

bargain compact, contract, covenant, deal

barrage bombard, pepper, shower

base basis, foundation, ground, groundwork

batter maim, mangle, maul, mutilate

be breathe, exist, live, subsist

bear endure, stand, abide, suffer, tolerate

bearing manner, demeanor, mien, presence

beautiful lovely, pretty, handsome, comely, fair

beg crave, beseech, implore, entreat, importune

begin commence, start, initiate, inaugurate

beginning birth, dawn, genesis, nascence, rise

behavior conduct, deportment

belief credence, credit, faith

belligerent bellicose, pugnacious, contentious, quarrelsome

bend crook, curve, round

beneficial profitable, advantageous

benefit capitalize, profit

benevolent charitable, ellemosynary, philanthropic

besiege beleaguer, blockade, invest, siege

bet ante, pot, stake, wager

bias color, jaundice, prejudice, warp

binge fling, jag, orgy, spree

bite champ, gnaw

bitter acerbic, acrid

blackball blacklist, boycott, ostracize [ADMIT]

blackout faint, swoon, syncope

blame fault, guilt

blameworthy blamable, blameful, censurable, culpable, guilty, reprehensible

blast blight, dash, nip, wreck

blaze flame, flare, flash, glare, incandescence, glow

blemish imperfection, fault, defect, flaw

blink nictitate, twinkle, wink

block hide, obscure, obstruct, screen, shroud

bloody gory, sanguinary, sanguineous

bloom blossom, efflorescence, florescence, flower, flush, prime

blunder bumble, flounder, lumber, lurch, stumble

boast brag, crow, vaunt

bodily corporal, corporeal, fleshly, physical, somatic

body corpse, carcass, cadaver

boil simmer, seethe, stew

bombast rant, fustian, claptrap, rodomontade

bonus bounty, subsidy, premium, prize, reward, gratuity

book bespeak, engage, reserve

boor barbarian, churl, lout, vulgarian, yahoo

border margin, edge, verge, brink, rim, brim

boredom ennui, tedium [AMUSEMENT]

boring monotonous, tedious, irksome, tiresome, handrum

botch blow, bungle, fumble, muff

boundary border, frontier, limit

bouquet nosegay, posy

branch arm, fork, offshoot

brave courageous, fearless, intrepid, bold, audacious, valient, valorous, doughty, mettlesome, plucky, dauntless, undaunted

brawl broil, donnybrook, fracas, fray, free-for-all, melee, row, ruction

breach infraction, violation, transgression, trespass, infringement

break crack, fracture, burst, split, splinter, shatter, shiver, smash

breeze cinch, pushover, snap, walkaway, walkover

bright brilliant, radiant, lustrous, lambent, lunimous, incandescent, effulgent

broach introduce, moot, raise

broad-minded broad, liberal, open-minded, tolerant

brood dwell, fret, mope, stew, worry

brush flick, glance, graze, shave, skim

brute animal, brutish, brutal, beastly, bestial

building structure, edifice, pile

bulge balloon, belly, jut, overhang, project, protrude

bulwark barricade, breastwork, earthwork, rampart, bation, parapet

burden affliction, cross, trial, tribulation

burdensome onerous, oppressive, arduous, demanding, rigorous, exacting

burn scorch, singe, sear, char, parch

business industry, commerce, trade, traffic

busy industrious, diligent, assiduous, sedulous
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Old Wednesday, July 15, 2009
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cadge beg, bum, mooch, panhandle

calculate compute, reckon, cipher, figure

call convene, convoke, muster, summon

calm tranquil, placid, serene, halcyon, peaceful

campaign crusade, drive, push

caprice whim, whimsy, vagary, freak

care charge, custody, keeping, supervision, trust

careful heedful, mindful, observant, watchful

careless heedless, thoughtless, inadvertent

caress cuddle, fondle, pet

caricature burlesque, parody, travesty, satire, lampoon

casuistry fallacy, sophistry, spuriousness, speciousness, sophism

catalyst ferment, leaven, leavening, yeast

catch enmesh, ensnare, entangle, entrap, snare, tangle, trap

cause reason, occasions, antecedent

celebrity hero, luminary, name, notable, personage

center focus, headquarters, heart, hub, seat

certain inescapable, inevitable, sure, unavoidable

certainty certitude, assurance, conviction

chafe abrade, excoriate, fret, gall

chance random, casual, haphazard, desultory

charge freight, imbue, impregnate, permeate, pervade, saturate, suffuse

charm beguile, bewitch, captivate, enchant, entrance, fascinate

choice altenative, option, preference, selection, election

choose select, elect, pick

chronic confirmed, habitual, inveterate

circle coterie, set, clique

circumference circuit, compass, perimeter, periphery

citizen national, subject

claim pretense, pretension, title

clean antiseptic, cleanly, immaculate, spotless

clear limpid, lucid, pellucid, transparent

clever ingenious, shrewd

cliche bromide, commonplace, platitude, truism

close immediate, near, nearby, nigh, proximate

clothe cloak, drape, mantle, robe

coagulate clot, congeal, curdle, jell, jelly, set

coarse gross, indelicate, vulgar, obscene, ribald

cold artic, chilly, cool, frigid, frosty, gelid, glacial, icy

collision concussion, crash, impact, jar, jolt, shock

comfort console, solace

comfortable cozy, snug, restful

comment observation, remark

commit consign, entrust, confide, relegate

complex complicated, intricate, involved, tangled, knotty

conceit amour-propre, egoism, egotism, narcissism, vanity [HUMILITY]

condemn damn, doom, sentence

confer consult, parley, treat

confidence assurance, aplomb, self-confidence, self-possession

confirm corroborate, substantiate, authenticate, validate, verify

conflict contest, combat, fight, affray

confuse addle, befuddle, discombobulate, fuddle, muddle, throw

conjecture surmise, guess, speculate, infer

consider deem, regard, account, reckon

conspiracy plot, machination, collusion, intrigue, cabal

contain hold, accommodate

contaminate befoul, foul, poison, pollute, taint

contemporary contemporaneous, simultaneous, synchronous, concurrent, coincident, concomitant

continual continuous, constant, ceaseless, incessant, perpetual, eternal, perennial, interminable

contract condense, compress, constrict, shrink

contrary balky, perverse, wayward, ornery

convert metamorphose, transfigure, transform, transmogrify, transmute

cool composed, collected, unruffled, nonchalant, impertubable, detached

correct rectify, remedy, redress, reform, revise, amend

corrupt debase, debauch, deprave, pervert, vitiate

count import, matter, signify, weigh

couple pair, brace, yoke

crisis crossroad, exigency, head, juncture, pass

critical captious, censorious, faultfinding [UNCRITICAL]

criticize blame, reprehend, censure, condemn, denounce

crowd crush, flock, horde, mob, press, throng

crude native, raw

cruel fierce, ferocious, barbarous, inhuman, savage, vicious

crush mash, pulp, smash, squash

cry weep, wail, keen, whimper, sob, blubber

cure heal, remedy

curious inquisitive, snoopy, nosy
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Old Saturday, July 18, 2009
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dark dim, murky, dusky, obscure, opaque, shady, shadowy

daze bemuse, benumb, stun, stupefy

dead deceased, departed, extinct, lifeless, inanimate

decay rot, putrefy, spoil, crumble, molder, disintegrate, decompose

deceive betray, mislead, beguile, delude, dupe, hoodwink, bamboozle, double-cross

decide determine, settle, rule, conclude, resolve

decision conclusion, determination

decisive conclusive, crucial, definitive, determinative

decrease lessen, reduce, dwindle, abate, diminish, subside

decry disparage, depreciate, derogate, belittle, minimize, downgrade

deep abysmal, profound [SHALLOW]

defeat conquer, vanquish, beat, rout, subdue, subjugate, overcome

defend protect, guard, preserve, shield, safeguard

defer postpone, shelve, stay, suspend

defy beard, brave, challenge, dare, face, front

degrade abase, debase, demean, humble, humiliate

delay slow, retard, detain

delicate choice, dainty, elegant, exquisite, fine

delicious ambrosial, delectable, luscious, scrumptious, toothsome, yummy

demand claim, exact, require

demote break, bust, degrade, downgrade, reduce

deny contradict, contravene, disaffirm, gainsay, negate, negative, traverse

dependent conditional, contingent, relative, subject

deplete drain, exhaust, impoverish, enervate

depressed blue, dejected, dispirited, downcast, downhearted

describe narrate, recite, recount, rehearse, relate, report

desire covet, crave, want, wish

despair hopelessness, desperation, despondency, discouragement

despise contemn, disdain, scorn, scout

despondent despairing, forlorn, hopeless [HOPEFUL]

detailed circumstantial, minute, particular

development evolution, progress

deviation aberration, divergence

devote dedicate, consecrate, pledge

dexterous deft, adroit, handy, nimble

dialect vernacular, jargon, cant, argot, lingo, patois

dictate decree, impose, ordain, prescribe

dictatorial authoritarian, dogmatic, doctrinaire, imperious, overbearing

diction wording, vocabulary, phraseology, phrasing

differ disagree, vary

difference dissimilarity, unlikeness, divergence, variation, distinction, discrepancy

difficulty hardship, rigor, vicissitude

dip douse, duck, drunk, imerse, souse, submerge

dirty filthy, foul, nasty, squalid, grimy

disadvantage detriment, drawback, handicap [ADVANTAGE]

disappear evanesce, evaporate, fade, vanish

disaster calamity, catastrophe, cataclysm

discord strife, contention, dissention, conflict, clash, variance

discourage dishearten, dispirit [ENCOURAGE]

discover ascertain, determine, learn

discuss argue, debate, dispute, contend

disgrace dishonor, shame, infamy, ignomity, odium, obloquy, opprobrium, disrepute, discredit

disguise camouflage, cloak, dissemble, dissimulate, mask

disgust nauseate, repel, revolt, sicken

dishonest lying, untruthful, deceitful, mendacious

dismay appall, daunt, horrify, shake

dismiss boot, bounce, can, cashier, discharge, drop, fire, sack

display array, panoply, parade, pomp

disposition temperament, character, personality, nature

dissuade deter, discourage [PERSUADE]

distant far, far-off, faraway, remote, removed

distinct discrete, separate, several

distort twist, deform, contort, warp

distribute divide, dispense, dole, deal, ration

doctrine dogma, tenet

dominant predominant, preponderant, paramount, preeminent

doubtful dubious, questionable

dramatic histrionic, melodramatic, stagy, theatrical

dry dehydrate, desiccate, parch [MOISTEN]

dull colorless, drab, humdrum, lackluster, pedestrian, stodgy, uninspired

dumb inarticulate, mute, speechless
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Old Saturday, July 18, 2009
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eager avid, keen, agog

earn deserve, merit, rate, win

easy simple, facile, effortless, smooth, light

eat consume, devour, ingest

eccentricity idiosyncracy, quirk

echo reecho, reflect, resound, reverberate

ecstasy rapture, transport, exaltation

effect consequence, result, outcome, upshot, sequel

effective effectual, efficacious, efficient

effort exertion, endeavor, application, pains, trouble

eject expel, evict, dismiss, oust

elaborate complicated, intricate [SIMPLE]

elderly old, aged, venerable, superannuated

elegance grace, polish, urbanity

element component, constituent, factor, ingredient

elevation altitude, height

eliminate eradicate, liquidate, purge

embarrass abash, chagrin, discomfit, disconcert, faze, rattle

emphasis accent, stress

empty vacant, blank, void, vacuous, bare, barren

enclose cape, coop, fence, hem, pen, wall

encomium eulogy, panegyric, tribute, citation

encourage animate, cheer, embolden, hearten, inspirit

endanger hazard, imperil, jeopardize, risk

enforce implement, invoke

engagement appointment, assignation, date, rendezvous, tryst

enmity hostility, antagonism, animosity, rancor, antipathy, animus

enormous immense, huge, gigantic, colossal, mammoth, tremendous, stupendous, gargantuan, vast

enrapture entrance, ravish, thrill, transport

envy begrudge, covet

equanimity composure, sang-froid, serenity

equipment apparatus, gear, materiel, outfit, paraphernalia, rig, tackle

erase expunge, efface, delete, cancel

error mistake, oversight

escape avoid, shun, eschew, evade, elude

estimate appraise, assess, assay, evaluate, rate

estrange alienate, disaffect

etiquette propriety, protocol, decomrum

evoke educe, elicit

exaggerate inflate, magnify, overstate

example instance, case, illustration, sample, specimen

excel surpass, exceed, transcend, outdo, outstrip

excessive exorbitant, extravagant, immoderate, inordinate, extreme, unreasonable

existence actuality, being [NONEXISTENCE]

expect anticipate, hope, await

experience suffer, sustain, taste, undergo

explain elucidate, expound, explicate, interpret, construe

explicit categorical, definite, express, specific

expressive eloquent, meaningful, significant

extemporaneous extemporary, extempore, impromptu, offhand, unrehearsed, unpremeditated, ad-lib

extricate disengage, disentangle, untangle

extrinsic extraneous, foreign, alien

face countenance, kisser, mug, pan, physiognomy, puss, visage

fair just, equitable, impartial, unprejudiced, unbiased, objective, dispassionate

faithful loyal, true, constant, fast, steadfast, staunch

faithless unfaithful, false, disloyal, traitorous, treacherous, perfidious, recreant

familiar close, intimate, confidential, chummy

fanatic zealot, enthusiast

fantastic bizarre, grotesque, fanciful, exotic

fashion style, mode, vogue

fashionable chic, dashing, in, modish, posh, sharp, smart, stylish, swank, trendy

fast rapid, swift, fleet, speedy, quick, hasty, expeditious

fasten anchor, fix, moor, secure [UNFASTEN]

fat obese, corpulent, fleshy, portly, stout, pudgy, rotund, plump, chubby

fatal deadly, mortal, lethal

fate destiny, kismet, lot, portion

fault failing, weakness, frailty, foible, vice

favorable propitious, auspicious, benign, conducive

fawn apple-polish, bootlick, kowtow, slaver, toady, truckle

fear fright, dread, terror, horror, panic, alarm, dismay, consternation, trepidation

feat achievement, exploit, masterstroke

feeling emotion, passion, sentiment

feminine female, womanly, womanish, effeminate, ladylike

fertile fecund, fruitful, productive, prolific [INFERTILE]

fidelity allegiance, fealty, loyalty

field bailiwick, domain, province, realm, sphere, territory

figure design, device, motif, pattern

financial pecuniary, fiscal, monetary

firm hard, solid

fit suitable, meet, proper, appropriate, apt, fitting, happy, felicitous

flagrant glaring, gross, egregious, rank

flash gleam, glance, glint, sparkle, glitter, glisten, shimmer, glimmer, twinkle, scintillate

flexible elastic, resilient, springy, supple

flirt dally, play, toy, trifle

flock flight, herd, drove, pack, gang, gaggle, bevy, brood

flourish brandish, wave

flow current, flood, flux, rush, stream, tide

flutter flicker, flit, flitter, hover

follow succeed, ensue, result, supervene

foolish silly, fatuous, absurd, preposterous, ridiculous, ludicrous

forbid ban, enjoin, interdict, prohibit, proscribe

force compel, coerce, constrain, oblige, obligate

foreign alien, exotic, strange

foretell augur, divine, prophesy, vaticinate

forgetful unmindful, oblivious

forgive pardon, excuse, condone

form figure, shape, configuration, contour, profile

forte metier, specialty, thing

found create, establish, institute, organize

fragile breakable, frangible, delicate, brittle

fragrance aroma, bouquet, perfume, redolence, scent

frank candid, outspoken, straightforward, open

freedom liberty, license

frighten scare, alarm, terrify, terrorize, startle, panic

frown glower, lower, scowl

frustrate thwart, foil, balk

full complete, plenary, replete

function duty, office, role

furnish equip, outfit, appoint, accouter

futile barren, bootless, fruitless, unavailing, useless, vain
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Old Monday, July 20, 2009
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gather collect, assemble, congregate, accumulate, amass

gaudy flashy, garish, loud, meretricious, tawdry

gaze stare, gape, glare, peer, ogle

general common, generic, universal [PARTICULAR]

gesture gesticulation, sign, signal

ghastly grim, gruesome, grisly, macabre, lurid

giddy dizzy, vertiginous

glad happy, cheerful, lighthearted, joyful, joyous

glib slick, smooth-tongued

glum gloomy, morose, crabbed, dour, saturnine, sullen, surly, sulky

gossip blab, tattle

gracious cordial, genial, sociable [UNGRACIOUS]

grand magnificient, imposing, stately, majestic, august, grandiose

grant vouchsafe, concede, accord, award

graphic lifelike, realistic, vivid

grieve lament, mourn, sorrow

gruff brusque, blunt, bluff, curt, crusty

guide lead, pilot, sheperd, steer, usher

habit practice, custom, usage, use, wont, habitude

haggard wasted, worn, careworn

hamper fetter, handcuff, hobble, hog-tie, manacle, shackle, trammel

handle manipulate, wield, ply

happen befall, betide, chance, occur

happy fortunate, lucky, providential

harass harry, hound, badger, pester, plague, bait

hard difficult, arduous

harden acclimate, acclimatize, season, toughen

haste celerity, dispatch, expedition, hurry, speed [DELIBERATION]

hateful detestable, odious, obnoxious, offensive, repellent

healthy sound, wholesome, hale, robust, well, hardy, vigorous

heap bank, mound, pile, stack

heavy weighty, hefty, massive, ponderous, cumbersome

help aid, assist, succor

heritage inheritance, legacy, tradition

hesitate vacillate, waver, falter

hide conceal, secrete, cache, screen, bury, cloak

high tall, lofty, towering, elevated

hinder hamper, impede, obstruct, block, dam, bar

hole hollow, cavity, pocket

honesty honor, integrity, probity, rectitude

honor homage, reverence, veneration, deference

humane compassionate, humanitarian, merciful [INHUMANE]

idea thought, notion, concept, conception

ideal model, example, exemplar, standard, pattern

ignorant uneducated, untaught, unlearned, untutored, unlettered, illiterate

imagination fancy, fantasy

imitate copy, mimic, ape, parody, simulate

immaterial incorporeal, insubstantial, metaphysical, spiritual [MATERIAL]

impact repercussion impetuous heedless, hasty, headlong, precipitate, sudden

importance consequence, moment, significance, import, weight

impostor quack, faker, humbug, mountebank, charlatan

impression impress, imprint, print, stamp

improper unbecoming, unseemly, indelicate, indecent, indecorous

improve better, help, ameliorate

inactive idle, inert, passive, dormant, torpid, supine

incalculable countless, immeasurable, incomputable, infinite, innumerable, measureless

incisive trenchant, biting, cutting, crisp, clear-cut

incite instigate, foment, abet

incline bias, dispose, predispose [DISINCLINE]

include comprise, comprehend, embrace, involve

inconsistent incongruous, incompatible, discordant, uncongenial, discrepant

increase expand, enlarge, extend, augment, multiply

indicate argue, attest, bespeak, betoken, testify, witness

indifferent unconcerned, incurious, detached, uninterested

indirect circuitous, roundabout

indispensable essential, necessary, needful, requisite

infinite boundless, eternal, illimitable, sempiternal [FINITE]

inflexible inexorable, adamant, obdurate

injure harm, hurt, damage, impair, mar, spoil

injustice injury, wrong, grievance

innate inborn, inbred, congenital, hereditary

inquiry inquest, inquisition, investigation, probe, research

insanity lunacy, madness, mania, dementia

instinctive instinctual, intuitive, visceral

insubordinate rebellious, mutinous, factious, seditious

intelligent bright, brilliant, knowing, quick-witted, smart, intellectual

intense fierce, vehement, violent

intention intent, purpose, goal, end, aim, object, objective

interfere meddle, tamper

intimidate browbeat, bulldoze, cow, bully, bludgeon

introduce insert, interject, interlard, interpolate, interpose

intrude obtrude irrelevant extraneous, immaterial, impertinent [RELEVANT]

isolate insulate, seclude, segregate, sequester

item detail, particular
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jealous covetous, envious

jerk snap, twitch, wrench, yank

join combine, unite, link, connect, relate, associate

joke jest, witticism, quip, sally, crack, wisecrack, gag

jolly jovial, merry, blithe, jocund

judge arbitrator, arbiter, referee, umpire

justify warrant keep retain, withhold, reserve

kind kindly, kindhearted, benign, benevolent

knowledge information, learning, erudition, lore, scholarship

lack want, need

large big, great [SMALL]

last final, terminal, eventual, ultimate

latent dormant, quiescent

lawyer attorney, counselor, counsel, barrister, solicitor

lazy faineant, idle, indolent, slothful

lean spare, skinny, scrawny, lank, lanky, rawboned, gaunt

learned erudite, scholarly

lethargy lassitude, torpor, torpidity, stupor, languor

letter epistle, missive, note

level flat, even, plane, smooth, flush

liberal bounteous, bountiful, freehanded, generous, handsome, munificent, openhanded [STINGY]

lie equivocate, fib, palter, prevaricate

lift raise, rear, elevate, hoist, heave, boost

like love, enjoy, relish, fancy, dote

likeness similarity, similitude, resemblance, analogy, affinity

limit restrict, confine, circumscribe

limp flabby, flaccid, floppy [FIRM]

livelihood living, subsistence, sustenance, maintenance, support, keep

living alive, live, animate, animated, vital

logical analytic, ratiocinative, rational

loose lax, slack [TIGHT]

loud earsplitting, stentorian, strident [SOFT]

love affection, devotion, fondness, infatuation

lure entice, inveigle, decoy, tempt, seduce

lurk skulk, slink, sneak
Never give someone "all your love"--Save it for the Lord Above.
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Old Wednesday, July 22, 2009
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makeshift expedient, resort, stopgap

male masculine, manlike, manly, manful, virile, mannish

malign defame, traduce, vilify, asperse, slander, calumniate, libel

malleable ductile, plastic, pliable, pliant

manipulate exploit, maneuver

mark brand, label, tag, ticket

mature age, develope, ripen

meager spare, sparse, skimpy, scanty, scant

mean denote, import, signify

mean low, base, abject, ignoble, sordid

meaning acceptation, import, sense, significance, signification

meaningless senseless, mindless, irrational, pointless, purposeless

melt fuse, liquefy, thaw, deliquesce

memory remembrance, recollection, reminiscence

mercy leniency, lenity, clemency, charity

method system, routine, manner, mode, fashion, way

meticulous careful, painstaking, scrupulous, fastidious, punctilious

mind intellect, intelligence, brain, wit, reason

mirth merriment, jollity, hilarity, glee

miscellaneous heterogeneous, motley, mixed, varied, assorted

misfortune adversity, mishap, mischance

misleading deceptive, delusive, delusory

mix blend, mingle, coalesce, merge, amalgamate, fuse

mixture blend, admixture, compund, composite, amalgam

moderate qualify, temper [INTENSIFY]

moment instant, minute, second, jiffy, flash

monopolize absorb, consume, engross, preoccupy

mood humor, temper

moral ethical, virtuous, righteous

morale esprit, esprit de corps

moving stirring, poignant, touching, pathetic, affecting

multitude host, legion, army

muscular athletic, brawny, burly, sinewy

mysterious esoteric, arcane, occult, inscrutable

naive simple, ingenuous, unsophisticated, natural, unaffected, guileless, artless

name designation, denomination, title, appellation, cognomen

native indigenous, endemic, autochthonous, aboriginal

nautical marine, maritime, naval

neat tidy, trim, shipshape, spick-and-span, spruce, trig

need necessity, exigency, requisite

negligent derelict, lax, neglectful, remiss, slack

neutralize negate, nullify, counteract

new fresh, novel, newfangled, original

news advice, intelligence, tidings, word

nimble agile, quick, brisk, facile, spry

noise din, racket, uproar, pandemonium, hullabaloo, hubbub, clamor, babel

normal regular, natural, typical

noted celebrated, eminent, famed, famous, illustrious, notable, preeminent, renowned

noticeable observable, marked, conspicuous, prominent, outstanding, salient, remarkable, signal, arresting, striking

nuance gradation, shade

nurture cultivate, foster, nurse

obedient biddable, compliant, acquiescent, submissive, docile, amenable, tractable

object protest, kick, demur, remonstrate, expostulate

obligation responsibility, duty

oblige accommodate, favor [DISOBLIGE]

observe keep, celebrate, commemorate, solemnize

obstacle obstruction, bar, barrier, block, hindrance, impediment, snag

obstinate stubborn, headstrong, stiff-necked, bullheaded, pigheaded, mulish, dogged, pertinacious

occurrence happening, event, incident, episode, circumstance

offend insult, affront, outrage

offense crime, sin, error

offensive disgusting, loathsome, nasty, repellent, repulsive, revolting, vile

offer proffer, tender, present

old ancient, archaic, antediluvian, obsolete, antique, antiquated

opinion view, sentiment, feeling, belief, conviction, persuasion

opponent adversary, antagonist

opportune seasonable, timely, well-timed [INOPPORTUNE]

opportunity occasion, opening, chance, break

oppose fight, combat, resist, withstand, contest

opposite contrary, antithetical, contradictory

orderly methodical, systematic

origin inception, source, root

ornate florid, flamboyant, baroque, rococo

outline contour, profile, silhouette

outlive outlast, survive

outrageous flagrant, atrocious, monstrous

overthrow overturn, subvert, topple, upset
Never give someone "all your love"--Save it for the Lord Above.
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Default Looking for synonyms???

Dears here are some synonyms and antonyms which will help you prepare for your GRE etc test... keep waiting for more and see this at the moment..
practice makes u perfect. plz read the word, use it in sentence and the next day check it out if u have not forgotten it...


Cosmic libertine..

Synonyms and Antonyms

The Synonyms and Antonyms form an integral part of the English Language. Acquaintance with the vocabulary of the English language is a necessity for effective expression either in written or in an oral from. Synonyms are nothing but the similar meanings of a particular word or its semantic relation. A Synonym is a word or a phrase that means the same as another word or a phrase in the same language. Antonyms are the negative connotation of a particular word. An Antonym is a word or phrase that is opposite in meaning to a particular word or a phrase in the same language.

So enjoy this list and then get around for preparing your own list of Synonyms and Antonyms. There is no better way of boosting your words power. We have tried our best to make this site as informative as possible. It will certainly help in broadening the horizons of knowledge of the visitors.

1. Relinquish

2. Resign

3. Forgo

4. Discontinue

5. Waive

6. Abdicate

7. Leave

8. Quit

9. Evacuate

10. Discard

11. Desert

1. Pursue

2. Chase

3. Hunt

4. Prosecute

5. Follow

6. Undertake


1. humiliate

2. humble

3. debase

4. degrade

5. reduce

6. depress

7. mortify

8. denigrate

9. embarrass

10. disconcert

11. astound

12. confound


1. immodesty

2. self-esteem

3. self-love

4. self-praise

5. complacency

6. smugness

7. dignified

8. upgrade

9. exalt


1. decrease

2. lessen

3. moderate

4. diminish

5. subside

6. ally

7. slacken

8. subdue

9. alleviate

10. dwindle

11. ease

12. grow less

13. reduce


1. Increase

2. Augment

3. extreme

4. enlarge

5. extend

6. dilate

7. sprout

8. expand

9. swell

10. grow

11. advance

12. develop

13. rise

14. ascend

15. enhance

16. deepen

17. heighten

18. intensify

19. magnify

20. aggravate

21. spread

22. disperse

23. exaggerate



1. deviation

2. variation

3. distortion

4. disorientation

5. error

Antonyms :

1. Truth

2. sanity


1. aid

2. assist

3. support

4. encourage

5. incite

6. instigate


1. hinder

2. prevent

3. obstruct

4. interrupt

5. intercept

6. restrict

7. restraint

8. inhibit

9. block

10. close

11. affect

12. prohibit



1. Hate

2. dislike

3. detest

4. loathe

5. despise

6. abominate


1. Love

2. fondness

3. liking

4. inclination

5. desire

6. admiration

7. affection

8. attachment

9. yearning

10. passion

11. devotion

12. infatuation

13. advocating

14. idolatry


1. everlasting

2. constant

3. continuing

4. durable

5. enduring

6. eternal

7. immortal

8. permanent

9. persistent

10. steadfast

11. unending


1. brief

2. fleeting

3. momentary

4. short-lived

5. temporary

6. transitory

7. ephemeral


1. power

2. skill

3. competence

4. competency

5. capacity

6. efficiency

7. capability

8. aptitude

9. faculty

10. talent

1. unskillful ness

2. impotence

3. incompetence

4. weakness

5. incapability


1. degraded

2. contemptible

3. miserable

4. wretched

5. base

6. mean

7. worthless

8. groveling

9. repulsive

1. insolence

2. arrogance

3. haughtiness

4. presumption

5. pomposity

6. snobbery

7. domineering

8. defiance



1. Forswear

2. renounce

3. relinquish

4. abandon

5. recant

6. repudiate

7. renunciation

1. desire

2. like

3. worship

4. long for

5. wish

6. earn


1. annul

2. cancel

3. nullify

4. abrogate

5. exterminate

1. approve

2. retain

3. continue

4. fabricate

5. build

6. erect

7. establish

8. achieve

9. complete


1. hate

2. abhor

3. detest

4. dislike

5. loathe

6. recoil from

7. shudder at


1. admire

2. adore

3. cherish

4. dot on

5. esteem

6. love

7. revere

8. idolize

9. worship



1. hide

2. slip away

3. conceal oneself

4. leave

5. steal away

6. decamp

7. retire

8. depart

9. retreat

10. take oneself off

11. disappear

12. run away

13. withdraw

14. flee

15. run off


1. hold one’s ground

2. reappear

3. arrive

4. remain

5. be present

6. present one self

7. come into view

8. put in appearance

9. stay

10. emerge


1. Forgive

2. Acquit

3. Clear

4. Deliver

5. Discharge

6. exempt

7. pardon

8. release

9. remit

10. shrive

11. vindicate

12. set

13. free


1. Blame

2. Censure

3. Charge

4. Convict

5. Denounce

6. Excoriate

7. Reprehend

8. Sentence

9. Upbraid



1. Forbear

2. Refrain

3. Desist

4. Withhold

5. resist

1. Pursue

2. Adopt

3. Persist

4. Offer



1. Foolish

2. Stupid

3. Ridiculous

4. Irrational

5. Senseless

6. Silly


1. Logical

2. Sound

3. Rational

4. Sensible

5. Consistent

6. Reasonable



1. Plenty

2. Affluence

3. Ampleness

4. Bounty

5. Copiousness

6. Plentitude

7. Profusion

8. exuberance


1. Dearth

2. Deficiency

3. Lock

4. Need

5. Paucity

6. Scarcity

7. Sparseness



1. Insulting

2. Calumniating

3. Castigating

4. Contumelious

5. Disparaging

6. Libelous

7. Maligning

8. Offensive

9. Scolding

10. Reviling

11. Slanderous


1. Approving

2. Complimentary

3. Eulogistic

4. Laudatory

5. Praising

6. Panegyric


Synonyms :

1. Believe

2. Take

3. Assent

4. Agree

5. Honor

6. Admit

7. Confirm

1. Disbelieve

2. Refuse

3. Reject

4. Disagree

5. Non-consent



1. Unintentional

2. Adventitious

3. Casual

4. Chance

5. Contingent

6. Fortuitous

7. Haphazard

8. Incidental

9. Random

10. Uncertain


1. Intended

2. Intentional

3. Planned

4. Prepared

5. Foreseen

6. Expected



1. Achieve

2. Attain

3. Complete

4. Conclude

5. Effectuate

6. Finish

7. Perform

8. Fulfill


1. Fail

2. Fall

3. Short

4. Forsake

5. Give up


1. Allege

2. Arraign

3. Attribute

4. Blame

5. Censure

6. Cite

7. Denounce

8. Impute

9. Indict

1. Absolve

2. Defend

3. Exonerate

4. Vindicate


1. Usual

2. Common

3. Conventional

4. Customary

5. Expected

6. Habitual

7. Normal

8. Ordinary

9. Regular

10. Routine

11. Adopted

12. Familiar

1. Abnormal

2. Infrequent

3. Occasional

4. Odd

5. Peculiar

6. Rare

7. Strange

8. Unusual


1. Admit

2. Own

3. Profess

7. Avow

1. Contradict

2. Foreswear

3. Deny

4. Disown

5. Disclaim



1. High point

2. Apex

3. Climax

4. Crest

5. Crown

6. Culmination

7. Optimum

8. Peak

9. Pinnacle

10. Top

11. Vertex

12. Zenith

1. Bottom

2. Depths

3. Low point

4. Minimum

5. Nadir

6. Zero



1. Achieve

2. Amass

3. Attain

4. Buy

5. Collect

6. Earn

7. Gain

8. Gather
9. Get

10. Obtain

11. Procure

12. Realize

13. Receive

14. Score


1. Be deprived of

2. Forfeit

3. Forgo

4. Give up

5. Lose

6. Relinquish

7. Renounce

8. Surrender

9. Waive


1. Acerbic

2. Astringent

3. Biting

4. Caustic

5. Censorious

6. Churlish

7. Cutting

8. Irascible

9. Mordacious

10. Peevish

11. Petulant

12. Pungent

13. Rancorous

14. Sarcastic

15. Severe

16. Sharp

17. Spiteful

18. Tart

19. Trenchant

20. Vitriolic

1. Affable

2. Benign

3. Forgiving

4. Good-tempered

5. Kind



1. Serious

2. Critical

3. Crucial

4. Grave

5. Decisive

6. Important

7. Severe

8. Urgent

9. Vital
Antonyms :

1. Dense

2. Dim

3. Dim-witted

4. Dull

5. Obtuse

6. Slow

7. Stupid

8. Unintelligent


Synonyms :

1. Firm

2. Fixed

3. Immovable

4. Inexorable

5. Inflexible

6. Insistent

7. Intransigent

8. Obdurate

9. Relentless

10. Resolute

11. Rigid

12. Stiff

13. Stubborn

14. Unbending

15. Uncompromising

16. Unshakable

17. Obstinate

Antonyms :
1. Compliant

2. Compromising

3. Easy-going

4. Flexible

5. Lax

6. Pliant

7. Receptive

8. Responsive

9. Susceptible


1. Set in order

2. Arrange

3. Set right

4. Regulate

5. Accommodate

6. Settle

7. Set

8. Compose


1. Displace

2. Disarrange

3. Dislocate

4. Disconnect

5. Derange

6. Disjoint



1. Own

2. Avow

3. Grant

4. Concede

5. Give

6. Yield


1. Disown

2. Disavow

3. Deny

4. Dispute

5. Disclaim



1. Admire

2. Bow to

3. Cherish

4. Dote on

5. Esteem

6. Exalt

7. Glorify

8. Honor

9. Idolize

10. Revere

11. Venerate

12. Worship


1. Abhor

2. Abominate

3. Despise

4. Detest

5. Execrate

6. Hate

7. Loather


1. Affliction

2. Misery

3. Poverty

4. Misfortune


5. Prosperity

6. Lick

7. Fortune

8. Happiness

16. Progress



1. Amiable

2. Amicable

3. Benevolent

4. Benign

5. Congenial

6. Cordially

7. Courteous

8. Genial

9. Gracious

10. Mild

11. Pleasant

12. Sociable


1. Brusque

2. Cold

3. Discourteous

4. Distant

5. Haughty

6. Ride

7. Surly

8. Unfriendly

9. Ungracious

10. Unpleasant



1. Ease

2. Lighten

3. Abate

4. Relieve

5. Palliate

6. Soothe

7. Get rid of

8. Assuage


1. Aggravate

2. Enhance

3. Worsen

4. Heighten



1. Adherence

2. Constance

3. Devotion

4. Duty

5. Faithfulness

6. Fealty

7. Fidelity

8. Homage

9. Obedience

10. Obligation

11. Consistency


1. Disloyalty

2. Faithfulness

3. Falseness

4. Inconstancy

5. Infidelity

6. Perfidy

7. Treachery

8. Treason
I possess what even God would never possess despite all His Might and Creativity; a heart full of pain, love, sympathy and sins...
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pacify mollify, conciliate, appease, placate

pain ache, pang, smart, stitch, throe, twinge

palliate extenuate, gloss, gloze, whitewash

pamper indulge, humor, spoil, coddle, mellycoddle, babe

paragon nonsuch, nonpareil

partner colleague, ally, confederate

passion fervor, fire, zeal, ardor

pathetic pitiful, pitiable, piteous, lamentable

patience long-suffering, resignation, forbearance

pause intermission, recess, respite, suspension

pedantic academic, bookish, donnish, scholastic

penitence compunction, contrition, remorse, repentance

pensive contemplative, reflective, meditative, thoughtful

perceptible palpable, appreciable, noticeable, discernible

perfect consummate, faultless, flawless, impeccable [IMPERFECT]

perform execute, accomplish, achieve, effect, fulfill, discharge

period epoch, era, age, term

periodic sporadic, intermittent, occasional, fitful

permission authorization, consent, leave, license [PROHIBITION]

perseverance persistence, tenacity, pertinacity

persuade induce, prevail, convince

phase aspect, facet, angle, side

physique build, constitution
plain modest, simple, unostentatious, unpretentious [ORNATE]

plan blueprint, design, project, scheme, strategy

plausible believable, colorable, credible

playful mischievous, impish, waggish, frolicsome

please delight, gladden, gratify, tickle [DISPLEASE]

pleasure enjoyment, delight, delectation, joy

plentiful abundant, ample, copious, plenteous [SCANT]

poet bard, versifier, rhymer, rhymester, poetaster

poisonous mephitic, pestilent, pestilential, toxic, venomous, virulent

polite mannerly, civil, courteous, genteel

ponder meditate, deliberate, ruminate, mull, muse

poor indigent, needy, impecunious, penniless, impoverished, poverty-stricken, destitute
possible workable, practicable, feasible, viable

posture attitude, carriage, pose, stance

practice drill, exercise, rehearse

praise acclaim, commend, extol, laud

predicament plight, quandary, jam, fix, pickle

predict call, forecast, foretell, prognosticate

predilection bias, leaning, partiality, penchant, prejudice, proclivity, propensity

preliminary introductory, prefatory, preparatory

presume presuppose, postulate, posit, assume

pretend assume, affect, simulate, feign, fake, counterfeit

prevailing prevalent, current, rife

prevent preclude, avert, obviate, forestall

price charge, cost, expense

produce bear, yield

profane blasphemous, sacrilegious

proficient adept, skilled, skillful, expert

profuse exuberant, lavish, lush, luxuriant, prodigal, riotous [SPARE]

promise covenant, engage, pledge, plight, swear, vow

prone supine, prostrate, recumbent

proportion harmony, symmetry, balance

propose pose, propound, submit

proud arrogant, haughty, disdainful, supercilious
provoke incite, excite, stimulate, arouse, rouse, stir

prudence discretion, foresight, forethought, circumspection

pull drag, draw, haul, tow, tug [PUSH]

pulsate pulse, beat, palpitate, throb

punish correct, chastise, discipline, castigate, penalize

pure absolute, sheer, simple, unadulterated

push propel, shove, thrust [PULL]

puzzle perplex, mystify, bewilder, confound

quality property, attribute, character, trait

qualm scruple, compunction, misgiving

quibble carp, cavil, niggle, nitpick, pettifog
Never give someone "all your love"--Save it for the Lord Above.
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