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ursula Monday, January 18, 2016 01:41 AM

Dear friend no need to worry about it.
I have prove my stance and thats it.Yes i know you dont like nawaz much like dictator as in mine case.I am just telling you the real face of these corrupt mafias.Hope u got it.
on tomorrow we will discuss no argue Es.

Strandedsoul Friday, January 22, 2016 01:19 PM

[QUOTE=kingfalcon;904513]I understand your feelings, most people here do.. But that is a very good thing to feel this pain, it is the pain that prompts you to take corrective measures.


Go and check how the Dutch Prime Minister travels to work on a Bicycle. Go and check how humble Justin Trudeau (PM of Canada) is, right after becoming Prime Minister, he travelled in a public subway and met people. The Mayor of London Ken Livingstone used to travel in metro, the current PM of UK also travels in it sometimes. Political candidates standing for elections roam around on streets and distribute their posters etc and try to convince people about their campaign throughout western europe, it is not uncommon.
By the way, US is not the sole representative of the democratic/developed world, they are not a good example either and they have certain security issues as well, but in any case, US president has a dedicated department for security and it travels with him wherever he goes.[/QUOTE]


For corrective measures AWAAM is concerned with MEASURES FOR GENERAL public , be it MEASURES BY GENERALS ...:dry:

Strandedsoul Friday, January 22, 2016 01:30 PM

[QUOTE=exclusively;657723]When prevailing government is fail to uphold the constitution.[/QUOTE]



dictator is to democrat as rival is to hypocrite .....


abbasijawi Saturday, January 23, 2016 03:38 PM

Common Pakistani doesn't know s*** about democracy, he doesn't care about democracy because he has never been educated about democratic values. Its the job Gov to provide them with education.I haven't seen a single lesson about democracy in our textbooks, gov should review the curriculum and it must include lesson about democratic values, then when the masses are informed what democracy really means then they will compel politicians to provide them REAL democracy. And, most importantly, there will be no military coups in our perilous country.

ursula Saturday, January 23, 2016 05:04 PM

[QUOTE=abbasijawi;906746]Common Pakistani doesn't know s*** about democracy, he doesn't care about democracy because he has never been educated about democratic values. Its the job Gov to provide them with education.I haven't seen a single lesson about democracy in our textbooks, gov should review the curriculum and it must include lesson about democratic values, then when the masses are informed what democracy really means then they will compel politicians to provide them REAL democracy. And, most importantly, there will be no military coups in our perilous country.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE]Common Pakistani doesn't know s*** about democracy, he doesn't care about democracy because he has never been educated about democratic values.[/QUOTE]
kiddo you're too young!
dictator is to democrat as rival is to hypocrite .....
For corrective measures AWAAM is concerned with MEASURES FOR GENERAL public , be it MEASURES BY GENERALS ...

100% agreed.sorry, i didn't understand whats your explicity in this regard.

Strandedsoul Sunday, January 24, 2016 12:52 AM

I meant dictator doesn't bother to appear in garb of democrat, so he's like a mukhalif (symbolically , not literally)
while democrats masquerade themselves wearing the robes of democracy nd are actually worst dictators.. so they're like munafiq ..:happy:

and they say mukhalif se bachat hojati hy , munafiq se ALLAH he bchaey ..:ph34r

Nazish Hina Sunday, January 24, 2016 12:56 AM

[QUOTE=Strandedsoul;906920]I meant dictator doesn't bother to appear in garb of democrat, so he's like a mukhalif (symbolically , not literally)
while democrats masquerade themselves wearing the robes of democracy nd are actually worst dictators.. so they're like munafiq ..:happy:

and they say mukhalif se bachat hojati hy , munafiq se ALLAH he bchaey ..:ph34r[/QUOTE]
What did I just read???
And who are they??
Sent from tapatalk

Strandedsoul Sunday, January 24, 2016 12:02 PM

[QUOTE=Nazish Hina;906921]What did I just read???
And who are they??
Sent from tapatalk[/QUOTE]
what happened nazish ????

Zubair Gilgiti Tuesday, February 09, 2016 03:31 PM

[QUOTE=mhmmdkashif;464175]There are other hindrances as well. Even if judiciary, military and other un-elected centers of power work within their limits, still present parliamentary republican form of government, as it exists in Pakistan, will not be able to deliver anything and they will crawl into others' (judiciary etc) space. It is not easy to separate state and politics in Pakistan because Pakistani is a deeply divided and backward society and each division is firmly entrenched in people's minds. You need a more controlled form of democracy that can separate state and politics, and for that you need new institutions which might sound monarchy like :dd.[/QUOTE]
Both democracy and dictatorship have pros and cones. We can not say one of them is better. Both may be suitable in their respective variables of the country provided that there will be a sincere and patriotic underlying intention. If the person who is running the government is a corrupt and insincere person then the country will go down irrespective of of democracy or dictatorship.

Strandedsoul Wednesday, February 10, 2016 01:57 PM

[QUOTE=Ali Mallah;463922]All four dictators pushed Pakistan towards the war or situation of war Ayoob Khan 1965, Yahya Khan 1971, Zia Afghan war, Mushraf war of terrorism which should have never happened with our country. Do you know how much loss economy of country faces in single day of war? Can you estimate? I think we can't quote such figure. This has been dilemma of our country that USA always supported our dictators because they put forward the agenda of america hence they were given huge financial support to make the people silent by having a bit facilities. Human rights, Media, Judiciary, Political System, Bureaucracy all were planted, then how one can think that dictatorship is better.[/QUOTE]
Any instance of USA supporting dictators?? Plz b substantial ..

04:19 AM (GMT +5)

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